I feel anger for this cenorship. However, it must be understood by the Great Guys to have a few backups. God Bless Mr. McKernan and may we have more brave souls like him.

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NSA has "back ups", but "Who?" controls NSA ??? CiA ??? FIB ??? DoJustus, Pantygone/DARPA,

NIH/CDC ??? DHS ??? Sheesh, sooo many Ferals.

Welcome to the USSA a Feral NWO DC Coup gov. with many Sheepled voters & extra ballots.

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I am sorry I dont believe he didn't have a Backup that's just me.

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Maybe paid to delete it

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A possibility, isn’t it?!

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Likely bribed, I would think.

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Stack of cash or a stack of bullets.

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Anybody that sharp has to have back ups. I guess that's the narrative that we are supposed to accept.

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This publicized destruction of relevant and apparently very incriminating data was a big miscalculation by New Zealand authorities. It will bring wider international attention to their covid crimes. And help to collapse their false narrative more quickly.

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From your words to God's ears.Hope this brings them all down.

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He hasn't heard of an external hard drive and copy / paste?

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Too late, the cat is out of the hat. I hope the available copied info will be able to be spread far and wide!!!

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Or was he paid off to delete the backup? I saw a 60 minute presentation of the data, too bad everyone doesn’t get a chance to see it.

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Whatever was in that data must be P-R-E-T-T-Y special!

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Spike-encoded e.coli grown DNA plasmids found in jab vials > up to 30% "contamination", and 200-400 billion fragments.

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Censoring the data in this way must mean it is material the authorities do not want revealed.

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Particularly since the NZ authorities cannot claim privacy concerns as the data is anonymized.

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Don't the PEOPLE of New Zealand OWN all the data their government has compiled with their tax dollars? Shouldn't they have access to it? Particularly since it directly impacts New Zealanders' desire to preserve their health and safety as opposed to their government's efforts to conceal their intentions to kill them and hide the evidence?

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Dude - a 1 TB ruggedized high speed backup drive is like $60. If the information really did involve $200k of intellectual property not backing it up is reckless

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It is interesting to note how quickly the enemy's rigged international puppet politicians, police states, media, governments, and legal systems adapted to this whistleblower, who is risking his life to try to save humanity. Contrast that to how slowly and pathetically these same organizations react when meaningful lawsuits are launched, politicians are contacted to do the right things, etc. It is clear that the root cause enemy of humanity has powerful control over most or all governments and organizations world wide. Solving this nightmare will not be easy, for the peaceful political and legal actions are facing a rigged system run by rigged enemy puppets.

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I ALWAYS keep my files on a backup stick and NEVER use clouds or whatever. I started on Mainframes in the 1960s and learned hard lessons. I now have 24 Gig of research safe and sound.

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Way to go! And make sure you print everything out in case something happens to the stick.

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LOL - such good advice David thank you. When I worked for Xerox in the 1970s they did a great presentation on the launch of Ethernet in 1978 and claimed that paper would be obsolete in offices within 5 years. LOL

Yeah, yeah - the claims of the Techies about the future have always been over hyped, and AI is the current scenario, but in the end it's always about real assets. I try to remain grounded and seek a quiet and comfortable niche where the Tech Dogs don't go!

Welcome to UBUNTU: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w



See you on the other side of the world (Global South)?

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Yes, Real Assets are the name of the game, as opposed to the world of "virtual" reality. This means physical books and records. Anything online can edited or deleted. As it stands now, anyone wishing to steal my information i.e., physical library-files, must get past my dog and my gun to do so.

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My goal is to move off-grid asap but it will require a transition from fiat to reality. I plan to achieve my transition in South Africa because Michael Tellinger is leading the way: https://www.amazon.co.uk/UBUNTU-Contributionism-Blueprint-Human-Prosperity/dp/1920153128

Could you imagine a micro-economy without money? It happened centuries ago - Check out: Thomas Turners diary 1754! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Diary-Thomas-Turner-1754-1765/dp/0952451603

We have been captured by the banksters and their consumerist/landfill economy - but it is ending - however I can't say when - 2024 will be 'interesting' as my Chinese readers say!



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With data this sensitive and this controversial, you would think it would be backed up on a source outside the country. And of course, these clowns want us to trust them with our lives, data and private info when it can be erased in a nano-second. This is going to happen regularly in the coming digital hell known as CBDCs as your account will vanish in thin air and you will unable to prove it existed.

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The powers that be are running . scared when this type of . censorship is imposed. We are not safe. World governments are working in concert to suppress the truth.Hopefully McKernan can retrieve his proprietary data. The truuth will out, keep the faith that humanity will prevail.

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Is this biblical dear Lioness? Revelation quotes somewhere of the best system running for 3.5 years with confusion and lies, then 3.5 years of completely ignoring public outcry or dissent?

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