RemovedJan 23
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In retrospect, I also think McCain and Romney were in on Obama’s stealing the elections!!! It was obvious when President Trump was elected who the traitors and rhinos were!

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HAPPY DANCE TIME! I will never forget what Tyrant Trudeau did to his people:



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Jan 23Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I hope for the “died suddenly” headlines for Mr Trudeau and other Young WEF Leaders who brought Nuremberg laws into the 21st century.

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…and ignored them. But at least a lot of people are now aware of them, not having been taught history in what passes for education in the West these days.

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I highly doubt that they got the clot shots, just saline for the globalism puppets.

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Good news but it took two long years to get that decision.

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Yes, and they are appealing so it will continue to drag on. The damage has been done and most Canadians I talk to are still brainwashed. We need to celebrate the small victories but we are still losing the war. When the next plandemic or emergency is launched, it will be more of the same insanity, unfortunately, as I don't see many eyes opening.

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Anyone put on trial apart from the truckers' leaders, who have been imprisoned for a long time? It looks like the usurper politicians in Canada enjoy the same indemnity as their US counterparts.

The decision is made well after the damage was done, and there is no guarantee the same "emergency measures" will not be invoked again.

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Jan 23Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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Bingo! In fact, I believe worse atrocities are ahead, unless the tyrants are dealt with.

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Of course, worse is coming. "Disease X" is already being planned...

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I understand, but I believe worse than disease x is coming in the way of disease, wars(rumors of wars) famine, tyranny, evil. I believe in God, and the Bible tells us this.

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It's been pretty clear what's coming at least for two years:


Understandably, mass poisoning with food or chemtrails and turning up the cell towers or HAARP are not literally in the Bible, but the idea is there.

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Props to Judge Mosely for changing his mind when faced with information that challenged his opinion! A very rare bird these days!

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Jan 23Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Let’s not forget those that froze the truckers’ bank accounts and diverted donations.

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Thieves, all of them, and especially the banks who complied so zealously. But then, that’s just SOP for them.

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Pull the money out of the banks, make them go bye bye.

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Agreed; one leg of the three legged stool: big government, big business, and big religion.

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Jan 23Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is amazing ruling, in my mind, not because the law is unclear, it is not. There was no valid reason for this "emergency"and it did violate the Charter Rights of Canadians. What amazes me is the courage shown by this judge. In truth he is ruling against the forces of the WEF who run Trudeau and Freeland openly. He has stood in the breech between extraordinarily evil forces and the people. We have desperately needed judges like this and I am grateful for his courage.

The vicious nature of taking literally the bank account of a single mother who gave $20.00 dollars to support the convoy shows the extreme violence of the govt. against the people. Then we come to the mounted police mowing peaceful protesters down, and I will never forget watching the praying protesters being brutally beaten by what looked like foreign mercenaries. This was a govt. making war on their own citizens---brutal, vicious and happy to drip in the blood of the people.

This ruling is, IMO, showing a way forward to contest the PHEIC declared by Tedros and the covid "emergency" declared by so many nations and minions. It also touches on the mutual agreement to harm the people by both public/private entities, ie: fascism.

The banks can be sued for simply following orders. They were happy to serve or perhaps, the World Bank and other Federal type institutions, gave the order to Trudeau and it was he who was happy to serve.

All these lies could only be "successful" by use of force. Force of arms. Forces of banking laws. Does this not sound familiar after listening to the idiots at Davos?

This is why we must legally contest the claimed right of private entities and the governments they are now running, to rule over us. They will do anything as long as they believe there will be no consequences. Well, a group of brave Canadians just delivered those consequences.

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We were there too, saved by frozen toes that forced us inside, only to witness the brutality 20m away on YT live. Unforgettable. Afterward I used the word Evil. Never had before.

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I watched from the US.

I'm so glad you were on the ground to stand as witness. I'm also glad that you all got out of harms way in time. It was evil.

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This may/likely be part of the script.

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Time for another freedom convoy.

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Amen! Best, and most appropriate solution and comment so far!

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Honk Honk. Long and Long

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Jan 23Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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A correct judgment…if we can keep it, to paraphrase a great American.

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Justice delayed is justice denied. So what "punishment" does Justin get for this, and who repays the offended for their losses?

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24


Justin repays them with the half billion he made from his Lipid nanoparticle coating investments to enhance penetration and increase deaths in recipients!

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Sounds great, but I'm not holding my breath!

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It’s time for another trucker convoy across Canada with all farmers joining the fight!

Let’s do this again Canada and join our farmer brothers and sisters in Europe with world wide protest against all government’s overreaches and right killing policies.

We need to stand together worldwide in protest and take these unelected fascist elites and their corrupt paid off down and out of power by not letting up on the protests.

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The National Post were right when they reported a long time ago that the Liberal government was run by a bunch of incompetent amateurs. Being in a position of the highest expected trust in the country their incompetence does not exonerate Trudeau , Freeland and the Liberal cabinet for their culpability in their draconian actions against disaffected Canadians.

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So, it looks like Chrystia Freeland is the criminal perpetrator and Justin Trudeau is just a puppet.

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Yes, she’s his WEF handler.

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It's wonderful news but the government would do it all over again the next opportunity that arises.

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