The Nazis in DC exceeded the holocaust. The revenge that the Lord will bring in his time will be the likes these minions have never seen! I give God the Glory. I tell Satan. You may steal our bodies but you will NEVER steal the soul of Gods Children! PS Deep State: No riches or power in hell!

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I LOVE👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️

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A brilliant statement ❤️🙏❤️

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I wouldn’t expect anything different knowing pharma captured the regulatory agencies long ago. Pharma adopted tobacco’s game plan of plausible deniability. They can tell you possible side effects and when you have them they deny they were from the drug since you can’t prove it even though they admitted the drug could cause that side effect. Gaslighting, lying, covering up and attacking anyone trying to get to the truth. I trust nothing they say about anything.

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My jabbed uncle died in hospital, w clots in lungs and heart attack .. death certificate states COVID ( shocker)

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Sorry about your uncle🙏. So cruel and I’m sure they killed him.

Get your uncles records, ALL records. You may not can do anything now but you need them to put in a safekeeping place. Once you start reading them you will be blown away with deficiencies that just do not make sense. I encourage everyone to get copies of their loved ones records because if you don’t you’ll have nothing. You’ll be able to take action but if you have the goods it’ll be easier.

They listed “Covid pneumonia” on my mom’s death certificate too but the body release report stated her lungs were “clear of infiltrate….”These idiots could not even get their lies straight. Medical records do not lie unless they are being doctored, but trust me….they have so many deaths they would have to lie about so many and they just can’t do that. My mother fell and did not go in with covid. They are liars and the records prove they are liars. They murdered her!

Even though I could not take legal civil action in the state of Louisiana because their idiot Governor Edwards signed an executive order protecting any and all health care providers, doctors, nurses, anyone in the medical field, there is no statute of limitations for murder. Governor Edwards sealed the deal to protect these murderers but now since all this is being exposed, they know their days are numbered.

Better safe than sorry. They can legally keep them for ten years then they destroy.

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How do I know what records are missing? Someone told me that probably 1000 pages were missing from my dad’s murder at the same VA hospital in Maine. Not jabbed, covid negative, murdered in 12 days; Dec 2021.

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Probably? I would review them first. You would need a nurse to review your records or some medical expert to come to that conclusion. Then they would be able to verify that and then you could move forward to get them. That does not surprise me given what’s going on. That’s why I got my mothers early.

I read my moms records but I’m still going to need a nurse review in order to get a qualified report done.

Is there someone in your circle of family or friends that could review your records to make that determination and findings of death?

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A nurse practitioner would be able to see if a GAP is in your records. That would be the only way to tell.

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Thank you !! I got his records early. I also recorded their lies and excuses in person and via phone. It was so hard to read I just couldn’t. I will seek a review .. thank you

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We all know that the so-called "vaccines" are the cause of the multiple deaths occurring after the injections. All deaths should be recorded and supervised by a single instance of justice body and a criminal procedure should be initiated with a team of lawyers who are not corrupt until the end, whatever the cost.

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The CDC, FDA and AMA have all been lies for several decades. Living well and healthy is the exact opposite of whatever propaganda these agencies spill out of their wretched guts.

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I want them to admit they maimed and killed moms and their babies

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still are....the shots given before pregnancy are effecting women who later decide to have a baby, not sure that toxic jab will ever exit the human body, saw 2 normal healthy babies crash yesterday and go to the NICU

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No exit IMO … brain bleed in a mom few days ago . Just not ending.

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I heard from several sources that if a pregnant woman gets a shot their baby stops developing in the womb. That makes many stillbirths. The doctors now instead of giving a child a needle they would get one of Bill Gates band aids. Infamous that is what it is. Rumor has it that Gates never had his own children vaccinated.

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Screw the CDC, WHO and pretty much everyone accept a handful. They don't care who died, what age, how many, the ones still dying, etc....Our world needs a shaking!

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There are NO effective vaccine for ANY respiratory pathogen PERIOD! All the CDCs and Faucis and fake pseudoscientists and big Pharma racketeering cannot change this truth.

It was all a giant SCAM. And not the only one. Stop believing these LIARS.

Apologies for the rant. But this COVID CON is something I feel deeply about. It was an evil thing to do to humanity. To put it mildly.

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