“Counter disinformation” aka control the opposition.

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control everything to their liking - screw freedom

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All of this is happening without the consent of the people.

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Exactly, as far as I am aware there was no public consultation in Canada about digital id.

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Your owners do not need your consent. No slave owner need the consent of those he owns

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Billions of people need to wake up to what's happening...

How many have set themselves up as 'slave owners'?

Seems to me there's been a lot of illegal things happening, e.g. promoting a so-called 'deadly virus' to rob and control the people.

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It's the same everywhere, Australia already has a government digital ID. Most people don't realise it because it's 'optional'. I had to forego some business subsidies last month because the only way to apply for them was through the digital ID.

I'll bet that it will eventually become necessary in order to access online services from the government which will effectively make it compulsory. Although I'm sure the government will weasel it's way around the issue, pretending that it's optional the way they did with the vaccines. And the media will have a field day waving around conspiracy theorists who don't want chips in their foreheads.

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This is all happening without consultation with the people, without consent.

The specific people who are implementing these systems to control the people must be held to account.

There’s reportedly 26 million people in this country, and they need to wake up to what is going on.

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I’ve also been thinking about the implications of compulsory voting recently.

We are being compelled to vote for our own demise, being corralled into voting for major parties, because people know smaller parties have little or no chance of getting up.

And now it’s obvious the major parties have been colonised by the World Economic Forum as indicated in my other comment on this thread. So many institutions have been taken over. Look what’s happening with the medical ‘profession’, how they collaborated with mandated vaccinations, absolutely shocking, they have trashed voluntary informed consent. They knowingly injected people they knew were under duress to submit to the injections to keep their jobs and participate in civil society.

As for the political parties, see how much they make out of elections…

2022 federal election: election funding payments finalised - Australian Electoral Commission: https://www.aec.gov.au/media/2022/12-21.htm

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Yes, Steve. "Optional" is code for "you will soon have no choice."

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Get you to rely on the government is the game. The they can do anything they want with you!

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Well I'll be opting out, thank you very much, but fk Trudeau.

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This is the only way this douchebag will win elections.... he knows this..... he is hated and not respected anywhere he goes.... Mr Minority is only here because of his WEF brother, Singh....... https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/done-like-dinner-trudeau-humiliated?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=316166&post_id=138895697&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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Now we have true = false, up = down, and so on, but also free speech = disinformation and censorship is good. It's not too hard to imagine what is coming. And yes, this really is happening. Globally.

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Digital ID to buy Apeel apples!!!

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There is no trust. This is truly an abuse of the authority of office. You know your government is corrupted when answer to relevant questions are labeled as misinformation. Your government is captured and apart of an agenda when you have no say. Instead, restrict policies are trust upon you. As far as I see it, the people did not elect the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

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" As far as I see it, the people did not elect the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

Problem being is that these 'elected leaders' have sold their souls to these goons, probably due to the fact that a lot of them have been propped up, financially, by these very same goons throughout their public careers. Think WEF 'Young Global Leaders'., Soros, etc, etc.

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I see exactly what you are saying. Governments eagerly follow these policies to get their incentives. My question is how to stop course? I fear that the corruption runs deep. Many politicians can not be trusted.

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'Our' governments have been colonised by the World Economic Forum.

It's the same in Australia.

Clare O'Neil of the Labor Party is the Australian Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security and she is a WEF Young Global Leader. She's also on the National Security Committee, which considers "the highest priority, highest risk and most strategic national security matters of the day".

Interesting now that Clare O'Neil seems to have disappeared from the WEF YGL website...

Did she disclose her association with the World Economic Forum when she stood for election in the seat of Hotham? Did she share the World Economic Forum's plans for a 'Great Reset', launched in June 2020, with the constituents of Hotham when she ran for election there in 2022?

Elections are being held in Australia and elsewhere without electors being properly informed, because a biased propaganda media is controlling the narrative on behalf of vested interests.

This means electors are not making an informed decision about their vote.

In my opinion elections held in recent years are clearly not legitimate because electors are being misinformed, they are not giving authentic informed consent when they vote.

And we have a disastrous problem in that major political parties appear to have been taken over by WEF ideals.

In Australia, Labor and Liberal, it's the same thing they're imposing the WEF agenda.

See here Scott Morrison of the Liberal Party, when he was Australian Prime Minister in 2022, giving a special address to the World Economic Forum, part of the Davos Agenda 2022:


Former Health Minister Greg Hunt, who was Health Minister during the Covid debacle, was Director of Global Strategy for the World Economic Forum in 2000-2001, just before he entered the Australian parliament in 2001.

What was that Klaus Schwab said about 'we penetrate ze cabinets'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpMMrzenoBU

Looks like that's what they've done - WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE!

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More astute analysis than what I said.

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“To be able to participate in society” These people believe they are Gods. Caesar, not satisfied with just having that which was Caesar’s, believed he should have it all because he was God. That did not go well for him.

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"Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time". (Revelation 12:12). Christ reigns in heaven, but in His sovereign will, the saints on earth will suffer at the hands of the evil rulers who have given their allegiance to the beast. Do not comply.

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Trudeau is a son of perdition.

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The only thing that Canadians need protected from is the government, starting with the liar-in-chief and his Ukrainian sidekick.

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"The partnership will pave the way for their eventual mutual recognition. “Both sides could cooperate in international standard setting to support the development of human-centric digital identity and digital credentials,” according to the agreement." — So A.I. is the next boogey man justifying everyone and everything being assigned a digital identity, and subsequent tracking and control ... which will be facilitated by A.I.? Sounds more like just another excuse for would-be, jack-boot, god-kings to bootstrap their way above the rest of us.

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What a frightening article.

I admit I do not trust the EU or Canada regarding “digital credentials”, whatever those are.

My career has been in software, I suspect that what I think of in terms of “digital credentials” is not what Trudeau et al think it is.

Governments want to be perceived as “with it”, while they do not understand the technology or its possibilities. So they will settle for some smoke and mirrors, and miss the actuality. Understanding “interoperability” is not a trivial matter. What tech-savvy person is going to believe the government?

And why trust the WEF? They clearly have their own agenda.

Is censorship to be a central player in this new technology? If so, might it be the primary reason?

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That's what the entire open immigration policy and the ongoing Gazan carnage is all about: https://drmathewmaavak.substack.com/p/gaza-is-burning-in-lockstep-with

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Interesting news of this released on a Frdiay..good strategic move. Watch the sh*t hit the fan next week in parliament ? etc WE CAN COMPLY WITH THIS CRAP, THIS MAN IS A TYRANT!

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Everything is transient. we always talk that a country does one or another, that a state does one or another, in fact, the "states" are in agreement with some measures imposed by corporations and obscure organizations. everything for the achievement of another level of globalization. it would seem that the states are still the owners of the rules that regulate social life, the observance of which is guaranteed by the public power. but what does globalization do? globalization makes the disappearance of states inevitable. I know that no one likes to discuss this, but the disappearance is precisely due to the appearance of this new hierarchy that is in line with the absolute primacy of corporations. therefore, the nation-state should end.

why do I think that everything is transient, it's because they want a civilization, a global society based on the same rules and imposed values, but it will be impossible to obtain. because the individual, the man himself, will not agree to give up his elements of identity nor his freedom.

it is possible that there must be suffering in order to realize that in fact there was no need for suffering.

Do not despair, despair is from the devil.

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We don’t need your sticking protection!

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