This is how they will control the food.

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For ‘effs sake!

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ahhhhh. will mockery be sufficient to stuff the cocks crowing their lies?

yes! yes! the darkness does not survive the light of humour.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes!

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So funny...and a good reminder to all of the "pandemic" restrictions.

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Eggs have disappeared off some supermarket's shelves in Australia. Coming soon: Bill Gates's McEggs, grown in a lab in Minnesota. Can't be too careful when it comes to Bird Flu. Who needs chickens when you have Bill Gates?

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Geert says the next one is going to jump from humans to animals. That'll be the big one.

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Maybe it has already and we're a variant or two away. Geert's already relocated to a low-population region of Belgium where there's lower vaccination and more natural immunity.

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Hilarious! Who “pens” these ideas 😂

Time to play chicken with these health (?) people. This is more than one bad egg at work.

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Nice cracks…

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there's more than one way to scramble an egg

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Careful Australia, remember the chicken says Moo or your "government" will pinkeye the whole country.. keep mocking them! God Bless

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JB, historically, our Aussie pronouns are “mock” and “mockery”. Life’s too short to take yourself seriously, especially when “serious” seems to be the name of the game. Lighten the load, it feels liberating if only in our minds and isn’t that the key that “they” want to turn - our minds. God bless you too.

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I am sure that this soon will be real - nothing is too silly for them to try.

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It might APPEAR to be real, but it won't be real.

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Here's a job for Julian, should he regain his strength and energy and want a new windmill. Bird flu - how can I count the lies?

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Chicken flu!!! Oh my!!! 😱😱😱🙄🙄🙄

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

We better give 27 million Australians 10 bird flu jabs each - just in case. Can't be too careful with viruses. Sarc. 😀

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Lets start with the drongoes in Government first!

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The Bird Flu Vaccines - aren't coming; they’re here

Here's what's coming through that needle


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