No one ever is talking about solutions. All of these channels on youtube are full of it. We have to create a parallel society with our own Commerce, our own banking system, our own form of currency, our own form of distribution of food and other products. And that won't happen because nobody wants to work together.

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Tom Renz is my hero!🇺🇸💪

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I've come to the conclusion the only way we are going to stop this nonsense it through lawsuits. It doesn't matter if they knew or not that the protocol was deadly. That is what they are PAID to know and it boils down to negligence. They can blame Fauci all day long but THEY are responsible too. And by lawsuits I mean filing lawsuits against the hospitals, medical practices involved (most doctors are owned by a conglomerates but not all) and each and every individual involved in the administration of deadly poisons that killed these people. You file lawsuits against them personally as well as professionally. You start filing lawsuits against these murderous individuals they won't be able to get insurance and will go bankrupt.

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Ok, let me give you a little insight.

The doctors Who give the injection such as primary care doctors, or pharmacist Kama or anyone else? Is not going to be held liable because they are just following what the science tells them. And the science is promulgated as truth by the government and scientist. So? What you are basically stating is that a doctor who practices medicine should have more knowledge than someone behind the microscope and in the laboratory who went to their. Own four plus year college to study what they are studying. This is ridiculous and absurd.

Furthermore, Your entire argument falls flat when the same people giving injection have gotten the same injection themselves.

Yes, all doctors are evil and they got the same injection that they know is killing other people. This is preposterous.

The people who should be locked up are people like fauci and upper level people going down to the CEO level Of hospitals Because they were probably complicit. Anyone else below them is just a stuooge being used. And that includes primary doctors.

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I'm specifically referring to Remdesivir and yes they are liable because there is plenty of evidence that it causes kidney and liver failure. I know of NO doctor stupid enough to give themselves an injection of Remdesivir. Hell they wouldn't be alive to even practice any longer.

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Worst thing is not allowing steroids on the hospital protocols for the first few months of the pandemic . Once steroids were adopted in June 2020 for hypoxic patients less of them died . Also the doses used were anemic... higher doses used in COPD exacerbation but covid with massive inflammation only 6mg dexamethasone on protocols .

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Death by a thousand cuts…

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A little of topic but a dystopian antidote nevertheless...There is a medicine that cures cancer it is called fenbendazole. Off patent, inexpensive, no side effects, available OTC, taken by mouth. It has CURED four people close to me since 2021 (breast, colon, melanoma and SCLC). Read the detailed Case Reports and science behind fenbendazole’s truly amazing effects https://fenbendazole.substack.com Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions...just paying it forward.

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Dr. Ardis is continuing to state that the "spike" is a combination of snake venoms that cause the same symptoms as respiratory illnesses, and that the vaccines are being programmed to create more of it. https://rumble.com/v2nh8xc-premiere-watch-the-water-2-closing-chapter.html

He claims that something as simple as nicotine gum can bind to these venoms and keep them from infecting cells.

He also says 4 different things can dissolve the venoms:

- Glutathione

- NAC (N-Acetyl-Cystine)

- Vitamin C

- EDTA (a heavy metal detox mixture)

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I'm just for a moment imagining that I am new to non MSM.

Wow! How to make any sense of any of this lioness stack and comments like yours.

Do you see that those just waking up have an impossible amount of ground to cover.

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That's a good point that I hadn't considered. It must sound like lunacy to many. But it makes the most sense, when the last three years have been filled with lies. And hopefully truth will resonate within the minds of any who come across it, and that they'll have the courage to speak up themselves.

Our lives and our freedoms (around the world) depend on it!

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And still the killing continues

As I’ve previously posted. UK new protocol is ANY presentation of respiratory conditions are now assumed to be Covid with or without a positive fraudulent PCR test result.

Then comes remdesivar

Then comes liverpool care pathways for ‘end of life’ caused by hospital protocols.

I believe that’s a catch 22.

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Last year, having seen some of this madness when a loved one was admitted it would be great if something positive came out of this chaos. But if not I won't be surprised.

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At the start of the Scamdemic, I decided if I got sick I would just stay home, treat as best I could and avoid doctors and hospitals completely, hope for the best. Even watching MSM reports it seemed clear there was a connection between ventilators and the high death rates they were reporting.

I know of one person (child of a friend of a friend) who tested positive but wasn’t that sick, was told he needed to be hospitalized. The young man complied and never left the place. They must have been hunting for more victims that day. Horrifying and infuriating

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Scary part was my family said if I was sick they would call an ambulance.

Just as well I had enough spirit to not get sick.

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You can still refuse to be transported in the ambulance. You may still get a bill from the ambulance company, but you can simply forward that to the person who called for it.

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Never get too sick to say "No!".

And hope that it still means what it says. Lol

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Yep. Look up Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. Read the inscription on the stones. Remember the cabal must tell us what they are doing before they do it. It’s up to us to STOP THEM Thank you LOJ and Tom Renz!! Thank you for helping save America.

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This is a great revelation.

But we've gotten our hopes up before. Think of all those times criminal collusion and blatant fraud was shown. Then nothing.

If there was a stopping condition for this democide it would have been stopped long ago.

Their Agenda is a runaway train, heading downhill, building speed. They have no choice but to double-down, over and over again. The magnitude of their crimes force this behaviour since the people who have killed millions are cowards and they will do anything to avoid a reckoning.


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Precisely.. There is no good way this is going to end. They will create whatever they need to cause a distraction, and they do. But like you said, it is a runaway train building speed.

All of this news in the headlines is for the most part irrelevant. The fifteen minute cities, transhumanism, agenda twenty one, agenda twenty thirty, And whatever else is going to enslave us is never spoken about by any politician. And those who think trump is going to save us are blind to all of it.

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My 'hopes' are on the solar micronova in 10-20 years. Triggered by forces far beyond our control.

A global EMP that will fry every integrated circuit. And take down the digital prison for good. The 4th IR will be but a memory. Then we can see what appetite these psychopaths have for combat rather than the detached murder through 12 layers of cutouts that they have been applying for centuries. Without their combat droids or the US Military (same thing, really) it will be a short battle.

The solar event is coming regardless, so we might as well see the silver lining of this 12000 year interval recurring event. What a time to be alive! To see something so rare, maybe.

The Black Hat Agenda is too far advanced. Not to sound defeatist. We'll win eventually. But it won't look like what we hope it to be. They have all the Organs, under their control. Everywhere. The Monster has been busy for generations shaping this cull, setting the conditions. We aren't voting out way out of this, as you say the important things are never up for debate or choice.

My real hope is that we do better, next time. This cycle, we really gave in to vices, and fell far from the path. I think extreme wealth inequality is an inflection point. Over recent millennia, and carried through to today. Perhaps it is hardwired in, this drive to destruction for our species? Someone recently postulated that psychopaths must have some evolutionary benefit or they'd have selected out. No doubt that was the case, but we've had an exponential increase in the span of influence with modern systems of business and governance. Now global. A psychopath running a village of 300 is one thing, but to have them as heads of state with nuclear capabilities? Or head of the WHO... Alas, it seems to be rampant now, just look at the Fortune 500 CEOs. It is over-represented in politics also, along with a lot of other Dark Triad personality traits. They self-select also.

I've tried to see the potential for a soft landing, but as for the global economic situation, none are visible to me. I would love to be wrong, since the human toll will be immense. On current trajectory it will be that anyway, their books, interviews, and stone monoliths tell us as much.

It feels like the endgame. Maybe because The Monster knows about the micronova, too. They are on a clock, also. Explains their haste, their disregard for consequences, the naked criminality.

Still, it would be nice to get some runs on the board, before.


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My friend Barbara's brother was killed by a ventilator. The lungs are already compromised, and you're going to force air into them? And many of them had no credentials,

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I used Atavin to calm them then slept once things were okay again.

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1 lone pharmacist with ethical and moral conscience is better than none. To he🏒🏒 with the rest of them...

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I already know! 3 family members dead because of this.

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I am so sorry for your loss!

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Need to hear the video.

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Attorney Tom Renz is a very reputable attorney. Having said that, all this drama by all these podcasters making money off this Crime Against Humanity are really turning people off, speaking for myself, of course. I’m not including Attorney Renz in that statement. He needs an outlet to get his message out, unfortunately the legacy media is not doing its job. Maybe he should try Twitter. Elon Musk MIGHT help.

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Elon is part of the big club, come on now.. You think this guy flies rockets up into space and competes with NASA isn't in bed with them? He is one of the front runners of transhumanism.

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Elon Musk... and his WEF new hire???🤨.... anyone trusting Musk needs to open their intuition & eyes....

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I agree but for some reason, at least for now, he SEEMS committed to free speech.

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Yup.... my instincts on this dude is: run....always has been.... plays both sides ....

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The job of the "legacy" news media is not to inform us. The job of the legacy news media is to lie to us, manipulate us, keep us all good little consumers, and to protect the "establishment".

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I know that. But that doesn’t excuse the drama & crowd of grifters making money off this horrendous crime

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So glad you see this, Leslie. There are ALWAYS grifters (Mikovits being one) that attach themselves to things like this. I say this as a victim of a previous large-scale deception (I was terribly traumatized at the time, and vulnerable).

I am skeptical of the media hounds who make their living on finding more scary stuff every day, and then book an appearance on Stew Peters' show.

I think Renz is the real deal, but I'll stick with the REAL critical care/epidemiological experts such as Alexander, McCullough, Kory, et al, for medical opinions.

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Linden, I think Renz is the real deal and I agree with everything you said. It’s unbelievable how many grifters have come out of the woodwork. If you listen to them you will be paralyzed with fear.

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It helps that I have a hard sciences background, so I know what to look for as far as clinical proof. How to dissect things with the Scientific Method ... That was the first thing to alert me that something was wrong. That was one of several things that tipped me off to Mikovits' issues.

Then. I started to see that with the exception of Clay Clark's "shows" (which were more like a circus) she (and certain others) were never on a serious panel, or invited to appear with the real scientists like Kory. Marik, McCullough, etc.

I always reserve judgment until some time has passed for evaluation. I feel sorry for those who have no science background, and therefore can fall prey to just about anybody.

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Right. Why not put it up front? Holding it back is like, "News at 11:00" hype. Makes me not trust it. The controlled media does this - announces headline click bait and then the subsequent data falls short.

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