DNA from WHAT species?

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Ecoli was the bacteria used

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OMG. How did the FDA allow this to happen? This huge amount of DNA could change human DNA and create what? Frankensteins? Is the human body resilient enough to overcome this conglomerate of poison?

The FDA board members are supposedly top tier doctors and scientists that are there to protect the citizenry from adverse events from the pharmaceutical drugs and food companies. They either are bought by big pharma, or blackmailed and compromised or completely stupid.

Everyone in on this scandal should face the people in a public court. Not the DOJ which is corrupt. Penalties must be severe to stop this ever happening again. Are there enough awakened people?

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How ?? IT’s Bioweapon to depopulate and control who ever is left

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I think it will have to be an armed uprising if that’s possible. We will have the army and police on our side. Everyone is seeing the effects of the bioweapon

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I don’t know the answer B C … I work in a medical office now … the cancer and autoimmune diseases, heart issues and infertility are real. I hope they know it’s a Bioweapon.

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My good friend just got turbo cancer after his third shot. He’s on his deathbed after only two months

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I’m sorry 😞

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Thanks. This is a hard time.

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"The presence of SV40 enhancer genes increases the risk of DNA integration"

"Vials With More DNA Fragments Related to More Adverse Events"

And this is a surprise?

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Only to hundreds of millions of people that took it, but had no idea whatsoever what was actually in it.

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Respectfully, no. This affects absolutely everyone on this planet. Unless you've been living in some sort of bubble.

The shedding is real. It's occurring. So those that chose not to have the shot, still get inoculated via shedding.😐😐

#theytoldyoufromthestart #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Perhaps it is well past time to accept the fact that we know virtually nothing about the products big pharma makes and markets to us. And neither does your doctor. To the degree you trust their drugs, vaccines and mRNA substances, it's directly in proportion to how long you want to live. More is definitely not better. None offers the best chance for survival, except maybe in an medical emergency.

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Big Pharma is the modern version of a witch doctor-shaman dancing around a fire in a feathered headdress beating a drum.

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I’m amazed ClotShot recipients are maintaining their composure as more evidence they’ve been conned comes to light. Then again, they say it’s best to respond rather than to react. The fact everything points to a very bad end ahead for them contrasts with their seeming maturity and poise.

Their self-restraint is admirable. Yet sooner or later I think they’re inevitably going to succumb to their humanity, flip out and publicly melt down in very surprising ways.

Well, that is unless they’ve somehow been psychologically neutered by the witches brew they invited into their vascular systems, that is.

What exactly happens in the mind of the poisoned? Their freeze response seems to be the only thing many of them have at the moment. Where’s the natural sense of rage and anguish in those wrongfully attacked?

What’s happened to their psyches?

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You think they read substack or epoch times?

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It’s not self restraint, it’s denial. They are denying this poses any health risk, including Health Canada, EMA and FDA.

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Actually the cancer risk from SV40 in the cited study was inconclusive. Emphasis mine

"Studies of groups of people who received polio vaccine during 1955–1963 provide evidence of no increased cancer risk. HOWEVER, because these epidemiologic studies are SUFFICIENTLY FLAWED, the Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review Committee concluded that THE EVIDENCE WAS INADEQUATE to conclude whether or not the contaminated polio vaccine caused cancer. In light of the biological evidence supporting the theory that SV40-contamination of polio vaccines could contribute to human cancers, the committee recommends continued public health attention in the form of policy analysis, communication, and targeted biological research."

Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer


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SV is not in the vaccines, only the promoter/ enhancer, which DrDean has researched and concluded that enhances / promotes transfer to the nucleus. This is the potential danger.

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Hmmmm, sounds much more benign (pardon the pun), when the Dr puts it that way, doesn't it?🤔

How about I say the same thing, a little more bluntly?🤨

It increases your chances of developing an aggressive cancer by 48-52%.😐😐


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Many of us were trusting people, who routinely lie to us on a daily basis. Should we have expected a different outcome than this? Get your affairs in order and strengthen your faith, harder times are coming. Do not make the mistake of living only in the present without thinking ahead.

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