The Great Rehypothecation

Are derivatives *intended* to drive the world to bankruptcy and totalitarianism?


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And then there is this…. https://twitter.com/unioctopus/status/1404369264488988674

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So vile to even say such things. What awful evil people have been around -evil and depravity so deep it has gone unnoticed by the population because of the very thought that such ugly, evil, vile people exists is shocking - they've been around for generations, all this time, plotting -

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Thank you...watching now!!!

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But his predictions turned out 100% true in our days. If only people listen to him….

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He was in all likelihood part of the same circles of these evil psychopaths. I don't believe that statement was a warning but more their plans-regardless

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Probably. The more I think about it, the more I agree. He was a spiritidt, occultist probably satanist. Who knows?

How did he know it 100 years ago? Probably Hell told him.

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Because they are plotting our demise -the architects behind everything

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Dr. Zinaida Good says that the vaccine is safe and effective and after getting the shot she feels very protected. She enrolled her 7 month old son and an older one, maybe 4? I’d love to know how both sons are doing today. Hopefully they are fine, but if not will she tie it to the jabs? Probably not.

I had some weird issues about 24 years ago when I was having problems with weakness in my legs. Got a work up for MS and found a demyelination ‘thing' in my brain stem that fortunately cleared on its own. Thinking back I had a tetanus shot and 6 other injections after being stuck with a dirty needle and I wonder now if I dodged a big bullet instead of getting full blown CFS/ME. I had gotten over a 2 year relapse in mono. Anywhoo I’m thinking that yes indeed I dodged a bullet. But it took me many years to even tie it to all those shots.

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So sad!!! 😔And it makes me mad!!!!😡

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Feb 24Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you.

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Feb 24Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you for posting this...

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Read Dr. Mary's Monkey..Turtles All the Way Down..view the Truth About Vaccines documentaries..read Rising From the Dead..Plague...Plague of Corruption..this is a short list

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Can’t you tell us why we need to watch it and what’s its about? I have a hard time with knowing who’s spamming comments or if it’s legitimate when there’s no description for links. In fact I won’t click on one unless.

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?? Seriously, it is exhausting to keep up with everything and share-Use your discernment.

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It's bullshit

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Well you had time to write this comment so I think you can explain why I should follow your link. I’ll just keep ignoring it.

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Forget about "pathogens".

You are being poisoned by graphene oxide and EMF.

Sabrina is absolutely correct about the uselessly dangerous Alt Media distractors - most of whom are actually Masonic agents masquerading as 'heroes':

"This is why I don't watch the political show. This is why I don't get involved with any of your games, ops, narratives etc..We would like actual triage and mitigation.

From the nano-routing on the inside, there is no way to get away from anything with detox. It is cumulative: you are targeted by the system itself. So everyone lying about Med Veds and just waiting around, the longer we wait around, the more people we lose."

I have no idea if everyone has been affected by the 'nano-routing' but what is inescapable is graphene oxide - which is not only found in all the vaccines and many anaesthetics, it is being used in geo engineering and weather modification and is killing plant and animal life. It has also been found across the globe in the food supply.

Graphene is one of, if not the most, poisonous substances on the planet...and it is this chemical that is responsible for all the vxx deaths.

Graphene oxide is also highly conductive.

This group of Spanish scientists were the first to identify this substance in the vxx - all of them:

La Quinta Columna

Substack: Cov - Id Project

They also speak about the False Dissidents in alt media...

See also: GeoEngineering Watch - Dane Wigington


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"They are turning humans into 5G-6G-7G antennas and servers/routers with each jab.

This is the 2030Agenda ultimate goal: to be able to track & trace down to the cellular level and transmit data through our DNA in real time to control nano-robotics inside of us... I.E:

A.I. Personal "Healthcare"/ "Precision Healthcare" done in your smart home with Biosensors all around you and inside of you!

So hey WAKE UP!"

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I haven't had a vxx in decades nor do I own any Smart devices, meters or appliances. Unfortunately none of this matters:

Graphene Oxide is literally falling from the heavens..

GO is also capable of tagging and tracing you. See the link above.

GO is extremely conductive. Hard to say how it will react with 5/6G.

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Yes, there were a few, very few. The same as today, a few, very few. I don't need no doctor to tell me what to do health wise since all they can prescribe are tests, procedures and drugs. That is like running in the opposite direction if you want to be healthy.

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I mentioned a heart irregularity to my nurse friend and she asked me if I'd gotten an EKG. I said why? What can they do to help besides put me on meds? Or offer a life saving vaccine? 🤣Not falling for it anymore!

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The Day Tapes

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I grew up watching Phil Donahue...I miss him...maybe that's why I am capable of critical thinking and don't have trust of the medical establishment and never took the shots....

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From an ITU doctor I will never forget or forgive I will not rest until people understand what the criminals and psychopaths have done and are brought to justice


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Vacs need to stop!

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