God have Mercy 🥺

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Oct 19, 2023
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This has already been going on with all pork products in US (except organic) for 5 years. Last year most large scale beef operations admitted to injecting their stock......

Eat organic (raised/ grown in us only) or local

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You will eat ze bugs but ve vill eat ze Wagu beef.

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They will push us to the point where J6 will seem like a picnic. Well, upon further reflection, J6 was a picnic, but you get the point.

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Chateâu Beyond, mmmm 🤢

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I saw Ze Bug Muffins in my local health food store. They were on the clearance rack for 50% off.

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You couldn't pay me multiple thousands to eat one !

I'll call it a day if they force me to....after all, we have MAID (medical assistance in dying) up here in Kanada, making expiring oneself very convenient. Just another plan they put in place for us.

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Please don't use Slay Media as they are hacks. They are "controlled opposition."

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Just ewwwww 🤢🤢🤢🤮

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But, 50% off is deal, if you are looking for cheap pet lizard food.

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Maybe we need to start boycotting Tyson Foods right now!

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Absolutely! Why wait.

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It's not just chicken, though, because they operate "major food brands, including Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farm, Ball Park, Wright Brand, Aidells, and State Fair." (According to wiki.)

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Insects (especially their shell) contain a nasty poison.

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Yes chitin.

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Thank you for specifying. It should be spelled SHITIN.

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Joziek, I wonder if insect shells act like powdered glass in our gut also...?? just my paranoid imagination??

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I can't imagine americans eating bugs while watching cowboy movies...nope.


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and there went my lunch.

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Yeah, saw this on zero hedge. It's disgusting. If there weren't plans to push this down our throats (pun haha) they wouldn't be investing in such a horrible processing plant. Let's not even address how bugs are not good for the human diet overall, because I suppose that's the reason for this push. Make more people sick and dying. Despicable evil thugs they are ... all of them.

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They picked one of the most toxic food plants with Tyson….never bought their meats and won’t buy their bugs!!! I hope they go bankrupt, but they will have the WEF backing.

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We need a rebellion!!

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