Is anyone seeing any evidence of an increased incidence of leukemia associated with the vaccine?

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Yes. My grandfather now has bone cancer and my friends mother had three strokes, leukaemia and requires constant care. My son died after a seizure the heart attack at 23. My sister has vaginal cancer. My daughters mother in law has immune thrombocytopenia

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My neighbor was diagnosed shortly after he took the second shot. He knew exactly what caused it and could trace his symptoms back to the day after the joa. He passed one week later.

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The link to the paper is not working but looking at the latest journal issue, it is full of bad press for the jab. https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR But Robin Whittle posted below that it is one with not the greatest standards of review etc. However looking at the many papers, the authors are generally reputable and their works worth a look. However by now we know their claims of problems are becoming commonplace. One was a survey saying around 24% knew someone that had a negative reaction to the vaccine, probably discouraging them to not take the vaccine. Another one said it appears 5 jabs is deadly among medicare patients.

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I'm ready to donate my pureblood to the Red Cross for $10,000 / pint.

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I agree with you to 100%!!!

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Anyone still believe this was ever about a virus?

This shot for the Covid flu is no vaccine people. There isn’t one.

What you are getting with the needles and the nasal swabs IS the virus itself. The micro encapsulation actually contains and then releases the virus once entering the bloodstream. If you have been tested or inoculated, YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED.

Now, what the virus actually does. It’s RNA mods are basically designed to interfere with DNA strand and manipulate your immune system. Over the course of 36-60 MONTHS your immune system will MISFIRE and small things like simple colds will KILL you.

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In the meantime, I got educated in the same schools as all of you. Why is it I remember that I have an immune system to deal with viruses and bacteria? Why is it I remember that you DO NOT vaccinate during a viral outbreak, lest you create VARIANTS? All of this was taught in HS Biology, and yet you all bowed down to your master. Sad. (ps, I'm unvaccinated and survived COVID, just like the other 99,9% of people who got it)

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Definitely… I told my daughter recently, I am an anti-tester and an anti-Vaxxer…

I’m also in the natural immunity camp… All of the things you spoke about we learned in nursing school… and don’t even get me started on these little old masks… just… ugh… 🙄🙄🙄

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Oh, the masks loaded with titanium dioxide? Those masks? Yeah, not for me.

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I'm unvaccinated, and I'm seriously thinking of banking a supply of my own blood in case I ever need a transfusion. I don't actually know if this is possible here in my locale, but I'm going to look into it because I don't want to be transfused with blood from somebody who has been vaxxed.

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I too pointed out this problem on a forum a year ago, and boy the moderators (VEDA forum, CDC sponsored, prob still functioning) didn't want that mentioned. Folks were discussing how donating blood was helping them with symptoms of injected illness, and i said WTF to that. Nurses told them the blood was 'cleaned' hahahahahahah. Stupid f-ers. I totally support your personal blood bank mission, but I can see how very tricky this would be in any typ medical setting. May we stay safe and not need it!

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The blood was cleaned? 🤦🏽‍♀️ By what mechanism? 😑😑😑

Man I would like to know where she got her nursing degree… 🙄🙄🙄

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This type of research should be standard. Those who truly represent scientific, verifiable research, would have performed these before and after tests looking at both short and long term effects. If the nih had done their job, the mRNA shots would have been stopped immediately. Money and control have an overpowering influence though ...

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This research may well be valid and important but it is published in a journal which can reasonably be assumed to be predatory (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03759-y) - one which does not have proper standards of peer-review. These journals also typically are promoted via spam. If "International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research" was a legitimate medical journal, it would be listed here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/?filter=t3&titles=current&search=journals

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There is no such things as "legitimate medical journal" the entire system is corrupt. I posted this article because of Dr. Yeadon' endorsement, I trust him more than any Big Pharma controlled medical journal.

Scientific Corruption Exposed, 'Peer Review Ring' Busted


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The solution for corruption is to clean out the corruption, not to destroy that which was corrupted. Medical journals have value and should not be disregarded, nor blamed for the cultural failures that caused their corruption. Successful societies rely on accurate information. Most researchers, and most research consumers, are not as dishonest as the few who produce and publish corrupt research.

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I agree! We have been raised in the healthcare field like trained seals barking “peer reviewed literature” in a circus of corruption. When the Lancet published the fake Hydroxychloroquine study it was game over for me!

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Thanks for the link to https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/07/scientific_corruption_exposed_peer_review_ring_busted.html . I hadn't realised that such outright fraud had infested a mainstream journal, but I have seen a bogus pattern of citing in totally fake preprints by people who had no qualifications and who did not actually do the research they claimed to have done: https://researchveracity.info .

I wasn't suggesting that peer-reviewed journals always do a good job. I recently read an article in Nutrients with lots of typos and a third or more of the links to references pointing to the wrong items.

There is a massive problem with corrupt and inept bias in academic publishing - and an advantage of the predatory journals is that they don't care what is published - they just want the fee, USD$300 in this case.

I mentioned this only because it won't do much good to quote this research to mainstream medical people since they will take one look at the title of the journal and suspect it is predatory. This suspicion would be strengthened by looking at the low-rent website aesthetics and then a quick look in the PubMed journal list, where it is not listed.

There are hundreds or thousands of predatory journals with long titles like this starting with "International Journal of . . . ". Their websites usually link to the company which publishes the so-called journal, but there is no such link in this case: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/about . The website uses open-source Open Journal Systems software, as do some of the predatory journal sites.

I take back what I wrote above about reasonably assuming this journal to be predatory.

It seems that this journal has been founded not to profit from publication fees, but to provide an alternative to mainstream journals who would generally not publish articles which are contrary to the prevailing norms of the field

At first glance I think it looks like other predatory journals, but the About page: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/about is far more detailed, thoughtful and subject-matter specific than what I think is the norm for such journals. The background to its founding is described here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/academic-journals-publishing-vaccine-research/ .

Founder John W. Oller Jr. has a decades of peer-reviewed articles, but not in medicine or biology - his articles mainly concern linguistics: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=Zg7E6E4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao .

Senior editor Christopher A. Shaw has apparently retracted some articles regarding aluminium in vaccines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Shaw_(neuroscientist) and has written at least one article with John W. Oller: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333889146_From_Superficial_Damage_to_Invasion_of_the_Nucleosome_Ranking_of_Morbidities_by_the_Biosemiotic_Depth_Hypothesis but the abstract looks like 100% BS to me, and the journal it is published in, the "International Journal of Sciences" https://www.ijsciences.com which is not the only journal with this name. Here is another one: https://www.ijsciences.org . These both look like predatory journals to me, but I haven't tried to research them further.

I am tempted to think that "International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research" is a serious attempt at publishing important work which the mainstream publishers shun. But after looking at the article just mentioned, which seems to me to be totally off with the fairies, I am not confident that these two people have whatever it takes to build a genuinely rigorous, quality, publishing tradition.

My point about this article, and any article in this journal, not being much use if one is trying to convince mainstream people, remains. Nonetheless, the research may well be important.

I have no academic qualifications. I have collected the most pertinent research regarding vitamin D and the immune system at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

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I sent this article to a couple of brainwashed friends and they laughed at it, although some of their arguments for why it was not valid did not make sense. You are right that it is not going to convince those on the jab bandwagon.

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Most journals today are captured by big pharma dollars. To attempt to say one is better b/c of peer-review is hogwash. Happens that some of the incriminating data is finally coming through here and there; you just have to look out for it (and no, it doesn’t all have to be peer-reviewed; sometimes our peers and blinded by $ & power also)...

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Thank you! 


"In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injections recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow, especially at the level of the capillaries.  As far as we know, such self-aggregation phenomena have only been documented after the COVID-19 mRNA injections were first authorized, then, mandated in some countries.....Further studies are needed to determine the precise nature and purposes of the foreign particles found in the blood drops of about 94% of the mRNA recipients we have studied.  Where do they come from and why are they in these injections?"

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The evidence is overwhelming as is the ignorance of the people who still believe in them. The cure is much worse than the disease.

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Aug 15, 2022
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The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children – Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio


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Yes but it appears only the sewers are testing positive 😉

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