… and the Bioweapon is still being given around the world. 🤬

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I hear ads for it when I overhear radio that other people still listen to. They must like to be lied to. But I could spit chips when I hear they are still advertising for people to go get the fangs.

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Oct 19Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

It’s pure satanic to hear the advertisements for the death jabs and all the “new” pharmaceuticals to treat ALL the side affects of fake Covid but really for the jabs. It’s chilling, living in a time when half the people know TPTB are trying to kill us and the other half of the population simply know nothing☹️.

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You are so right in your comment, particularly

“the other half of the population simply know nothing.”

And may I add. Nor do they want to know.

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Don't you think it's a mind control thing? Everything is supposed to have an "avatar" which exists in the database of a super computer. When they want you to avoid seeing something, they just program the avatar for it. That's why all the cognitive dissonance.

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Chilling is the perfect description. It feels like I'm in a movie something like the Stepford Wives. Imagine if all these sleepers knew what they were actually doing to themselves. However we need to make more of a fuss when we are around people who think like this. I always say that covid was never isolated and they just ignore me and spread out. Same with when they mention climate change I say, "we can't talk about climate change without talking about geoengineering" and again, no feedback but everyone just makes themselves scarce.

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Go to any pharmacy and u can hear it in person

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Yes it's on TV and pop ups and ads on everything.

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Didn’t you hear about the the new variant bs24-7! New updated jab available at CVS! Signs everywhere! Convid jab in one arm, flu poison in the other! Just 2 more weeks to flatten the sheep’s pulse!

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The damage is already done.

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One and done! That garbage can’t be detoxed!

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IV EDTA, vitamin C, and Methylene blue DO help.

Zinc, NAC, nattokinase, Vitamin D do help.

Ivermectin, far-infrared heat do help.

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Sheep don’t care though!

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Most people I know that took it don’t give af about detox! That’s why I don’t share info with family and friends that took it! Why bother!

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Because the rest of us will have to help those who will be scared and frightened. Because those I LOVE all took their jabs.

They will ask for help and the medical system that betrayed them, cannot.

Find compassion that you would want if you were them.

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I know. Bosses son got wrecked from Pfizer. Throat paralysis, bladder failure, and transverse myelitis! Latest stay in the hospital 3 months. Can’t feel his legs. Medical bills in the millions! I told him do not let your ex wife get it for their son! He finally caved after arguing! Couple months after the jab everything went downhill! 3 years of hell and it’s not done! I told everyone you can’t reverse the decision detox and get un jabbed with this technology!

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Grounding. Get him grounding sheets. Look up effects of grounding, earthing on pubmed.org methinks.

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How awful and demonic results, so evil...thanks for sharing

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Grounding. Natural grounding. Shorts power to the bots. Turns them off, cuts the power.

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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So well put! The thing is who is the fool really? Them telling outright lies because they are being paid to, or those who go to the doctor. I cannot believe the number of people I know who know what the medical industry is doing, yet still go to hospital for the first little thing.

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They corralled the doctors into just being technicians. At that point it just becomes a matter showing up for work and paying the bills. So I don't blame the doctors.

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Abomination of Desolation

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More than ever, the decision to avoid ALL vaccines and mRNA poisons should be a no-brainer. If your trust factor related to big pharma drugs isn't close to zero, you are screwed.

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Sadly, there are humans who invest $$ in the pharma companies,,,,

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Swell. One more time: When do the arrests begin? When will the politicians, drug lords and doctors responsible for this, the most heinous and appalling crime in human history, be held to account?

And publicly executed?

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I know the feeling but we can't think like that anymore because it is that thinking that got us here. We accept killing our own kind too readily. In fact we must not accept it AT ALL for any reason. I know this will be controversial but go at me and let's talk about this as it takes more than a soundbite. Wanting to kill them, keeps us in the caveman vibration which is like keeping us in the dark ages, when at this time something else is going on too - people are waking up from the lies. That is going to have a profound effect on our vibration which is everything. Anyway even if the criminal syndicate were eradicated, it wouldn't change much, it would just take a little longer and we'd be right back in this position again. We can make it so they never get a leg in ever again. When they play chess with us, we need to play quantum chess with them. And we are so much more intelligent than them. Go on flaunt it. Covid was an IQ test!

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Some have already been executed. Here is one example...


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It would be very good if this is true.

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Right after we clean up the JFK assassination first.

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Why don't they ask the males taking the vaccine if it is worth the risk? Why do we allow these organizations of dummies and mercenaries to decide whether it is worth the risk? It's our fault if we keep on taking these organizations on as tough they have the best at heart. They are all part of the criminal syndicate that follows Agenda 21 in "culling" the population. Why do we not hold their feet to the fire by making them back everything they say, such as it's worth the risk for men to take the bioweapon - oops I mean vaccine.

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BE AWARE the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe are you aware the who want to have it finalised by march next year at the latest they meet next month to get the ball rolling for there insidious plan theres plenty of material on bitchute that confirms it.....however theres still time to throw a spanner in the works..go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated plan to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...that said dont waste your time resharing on the usual suspects platforms /channels gestapo book/you tube /twitter who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 271000 signatures

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For FDA to not do a recall of these harmful Covid ‘vaccines,’ is alarming and shows how corrupt and incompetent they are.

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Murderna website 2020 said it was the software of life! An operating system! They injected humans with technology! I shared this info with friends and they still took it. Nephew, friends, and coworkers took their technology even though I warned them! Nephew was sick af after his 2nd dose! I love you. You are my sisters son. Dude you just poisoned yourself!

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Wake up or die. Tyranny catch-22. Find about it in my podcast here:


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Another day another bombshell, from Slay News. I think their manual of style could use an update.

And another group of experts contradicting other experts. When will we ever learn? Modern science, from its inception, has been meant to deceive and destroy us, not to save us. We have only one Savior.

But thanks for passing these blurbs along. They do serve to "expose the darkness", particularly the prophesied deception, and to provide a possible peek at what is actually going on, for those that can see it.

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At this point I am starting to believe every single injectable will harm you or kill you suddenly or in the future.

They are trying to kill us all.

Never forget that the majority of us, in their minds, are nothing more than useless eaters.

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Be careful of the FOOD you consume as well...

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Excellent point to also keep in mind.

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John, I have been running my microscope non stop for six months, trying to mitigate this. What I can tell you from my observations is that you find self assembling shit in every oral over-the-counter thing I tested. Everything in your fridge. Fish in lake. Road kill squirrel. Tap water. Every person I tested was a nanobot disaster. I wish I were lying. I wish I were crazy. I wish it's a nightmare and I'll wake up. I'm not gonna get any of my wishes.

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Operation warp speed spreading poison to every corner of the world continues brought to you by the self proclaimed father of the vaccine Donald Trump.

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Yep you got that right. Trump the father of the vaccine. He's so proud of it.

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That's ok then.

For a second there I thought you said " Moderna vacinne FOR dangerous men"

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1. Remind elders the shots are not “free”.

2. Loved one smelled like a corpse post shot- what’s that all about ?

3. Please no shingles /RSV/flu

4 . Childhood shots - why 70 plus shots?

Just stop.

5. Southern state schools now requiring menigitis shots -

6. Forget it God fearing people

No more shots ….

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"2. Loved one smelled like a corpse post shot- what’s that all about ?"

How about that, right? It's because the nanobots consume the blood. You're always shedding burnt blood. Show up on the d-dimer test. Does loved one play game apps on cell phone, or use cell phone a lot?

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