A very pivotal moment for me was a scene in the movie Vaxxed II where parents who had one vaxxed kid and one unvaxxed all said how their unvaxxed kid never gets sick.

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Yes, this is true in our family. Like night and day. And not just colds, flus, etc, but overall health, vitality, and robustness. Folks, DON’T vaxx your kids ever! With ANY vaxx! You’ll regret it later.

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Or your pets! My grandcat got a routine shot in the neck, and a year later had a cancer tumor right in that spot. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but just why anymore? Plus, in 2019, I got the pneumonia and flu shot same day, and have been cursed with tinnutis ever since. Coincidence? I think not!

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I never got any shots but have been suffering with tinnitus 24/7 for well over a year.

Driving me nuts.

Shedding is real, as per Dr. Pierre Kory et al.


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I’m sure you got your childhood schedule of vaccines. They count!

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Nope. Nor did my child.

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I got COVID pretty bad and got tinnitus and chest pain. I haven’t had any shots but around that time I started a relationship with someone who’d gotten Pfizer shots about 1.5 years earlier. Anyway, The Wellness Company has an anti-spike supplement that I took and which I think was helpful. Worth a try.

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Thanks for the info Jason. ❤️

My (recently double jabbed) son moved in with me temporarily in late '21 through February '22.

My triple jabbed 92 year old mum lives on the main floor. My immediate and extended family members and all her friends (all multiply injected) drop by frequently as she has very rarely left the property since March 2020 except for medical appointments.

I try to avoid interacting however I am mum's primary "support" so...


Chronic tinnitus.

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In my case it was even more dramatic. One (of many) reasons I divorced my ex was bc she refused to vax our kids. Long after our divorce she dragged me to the movie I referenced, and that scene made me realize my unvaxxed kids (knock on wood) never get sick. It was an epiphany I simply hadn’t noticed prior. Then I started rapidly reading up on vaccine dangers and started taking those “conspiracy theorists” seriously. Now I’m totally onboard with avoiding virtually all shots unless there’s an immediate and justifiable reason otherwise. And yes, I’ve apologized and thanked my ex for protecting our kids back in the days where I stupidly trusted that the CDC was looking out for their health. I’m glad she was willing to risk ridicule, broken relationships, etc. to protect our kids when everyone else, including me, was asleep at the wheel.

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Good for you, Jason. It takes courage to admit error and radically change your world view. And kudos to your ex wife for holding strong on this one!

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The great thing about admitting that you are wrong ... is that you end up always being right.

I really do not understand the refusal of most people to change their minds.

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How about kids who live in Amish communities?

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Which explains the fact that the countries ranking highest in the jab also rank the highest in new Covid infections.

It’s never been about health, and the manmade virus & clotshot are doing exactly what they were engineered to do.

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An effective slow kill device that will provide an excuse to develop more poison to “treat” the chronic illness.

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Good job it was only the boosters that kill

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That's not what the evidence shows.

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It was sarc Kathleen

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Sorry, Joe. I didn't pick up on that. I clearly see what you mean now. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Well good, because I know a lot of folks who died after the first 2 :-(

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Thank you Lioness for posting this. Something most of us paying attention are aware of, but confirmation again of the horror and debilitation impact of this destruct-o jab is important over and over to maybe wake up someone who wasn't before. Though it saddens me to think of what these people all over the world have done to themselves in the name of so-calleld science and health. More proof too that governments all over are truly our enemy.

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They weren’t mandated to help you!

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Doctor Steven Pelech Kenexus laboratory has tested his healthy subjects against SARS CoV 2 virus with the intricate antibody test and they are immune, they had been exposed to the virus, he tested them years later and they are still immune, he says Immunological Memory has been proven in other diseases to be very long lasting if not life long and there is no reason why a healthy person shouldn’t retain the memory B and T Cells for SARS CoV 2 as well. Antibodies are not immunity so they can wane and the person is protected




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And, the virus (if it exists) has multiple antigenic sites on it besides the spike protein, which will confer immunity to many variants of Coof.

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His test shows that he didn’t just do the S and N protein he’d did hundreds, all of them at the beginning far as I remember then whittled it down to the most immunogenic, something like that. Everybody had a different response to the same virus.

He has a book coming out also.

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Per my "early spread" hypothesis, tens of millions of global citizens already had natural immunity by the time of the lockdowns of mid-March 2020.

Antibodies may fade in some people (to undetectable levels) in two or three months, but this doesn't necessarily mean these people don't have immunity.

The T and B cells are still doing their thing. I think I had Covid in January 2020. I had all the symptoms. In mid-May 2020, I got an antibody test that was "negative." But despite this result, I'm still inclined to think I had Covid (just like my two kids who were sick at the same time). One reason I think this is none of us ever got Covid after January 2020.

Do you have any links from Dr. Kenexus I could read?

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He covers that in his videos etc I think he even says from his testing he thinks this virus or something similar was about in 2018, half the people that have had covid don’t make antibodies to the N protein they make them to other proteins. B and T cells, cellular immunity is what’s important which you make, antibodies go away in time if no exposure but the cells retain the MEMORY of the virus for future protection. Same with your dog after a pup has lost MDA and has seroconverted its immune and a titer can be a negative after that but the dog has immunological memory. You can raise the titer by exposure to the virus or exposure to the shedding from the over vaccinated dogs urine and poop.

Look him up he’s done lots of videos all over the place different websites and if you search you can find PDF’s of his work and sometimes he posts them on the videos. Also he’s published a book which is out soon.

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Thank you very much. He sounds like the antibody source I've been looking for.

I've always thought the limited number of antibody studies that were done in the first months of official Covid weren't capturing all the people who had been previously infected.

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I’ve seen his email address on two of the PDF’s and his lab is called Kenexus

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He says you can double the CDC numbers they have for natural immunity.

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Thanks for all the links and info. I'll follow up on this. The PCR tests - which almost everyone here questions - get all the attention. I've always wondered why the antibody tests didn't get more attention.

The ones that show "early cases" are dismissed as "false negative." Some might be ... but not all of them IMO.

Also, are all the negative results accurate? Couldn't it be possible there are really more "false negative" antibody results than "false positive" results?

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Best, simplest and most comprehensive explanation I’ve seen! Thanks. After wading through horrid technical explanations by Geert VDM and William Chesnut, I appreciate the simplicity of this.

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This was already known in September 2021. UK Column News had an article about this! https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/stabilising-the-code

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These 'fact' are a mere 'STORY' to the inoculated...

Associates who have taken every possible step according to CDC...( every shot, including monkey shite)

ANY stupid sniffle they get, my associates run to the PCR SWABS...

Shove them into the nose repeatedly UNTIL the swab registers "Positive" for the Vid.

Visit their primary, get their Paxlovid... feel better in a few days...

Any additional or remaining symptoms: (continued runny nose, sinus infection, general malaise..)

Are identified by primary physician as nothing more than "residual" after effects from COVID...

These sniffles and muscle weakness etc. will subside.

Wow. Just WOW... every sniffle, sneeze, cough is now


The cycle for medical abuse is complete as these persons rely ( like religion) repeatedly on this circular mouse- wheel.

One associate said

"I have taken EVERY shot and booster... and STILL got COVID twice, its soo dangerous....

I can't figure out WHY I still get sick?"


Satan is very pleased.

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"I have taken EVERY shot and booster... and STILL got COVID twice, its soo dangerous...."

Can't fix stoopid. 😷🙄🤧

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As many have said, the eugenicists developed the PERFECT KILL shot. With the onset of serious illness and death occurring years post-jab, they believe no one will correlate the two events. Luckily, the many autopsies, and now the immunological studies will be able to prove that the shots will end up killing tens of millions, if not more.

In an ideal world, EVERY single person who mandated these death jabs would stand trial before an international people's tribunal.

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I believe your death estimate is very low. It’s not “tens of millions” that will die caused by the shots but probably Billions.

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Feb 26, 2024
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You might be right

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Everyone will die... those that survive the Rat Juice shots ... will starve when civilization collapses

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I work in a supermarket.

That shit's mine come the collapse.

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Lest We Forget:

Here’s Pfizer’s OWN safety data that Pfizer DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... It's better than the morning after pill, as the miscarriage rate is over 90%! & as far as children go, ALL had adverse events following being injected.... then go to The Appendix...

In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in Canada.

as a result... at 1% reporting (https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf Page 6, paragraph 3), here's data for the US: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data - Open VAERS data.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8 - one of the "experts"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9PqIZ31M - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine

At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ0_VAEniVM - there was “NO compulsory” vaccinations, NZ

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706676593261785178 - Musk’s OWN on X, re: “highly effective”

https://rumble.com/v3mcvyu-no-one-is-safe-covid-19-montage-by-matt-orfalea.html - “no one is safe”

https://www.dossier.today/p/time-for-your-eighth-dose-pfizer - time for 8th dose

PS. In case you’re unable to see the Safety Data, Google: “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021” and you WILL find it that way…

PS: https://rumble.com/v3yr1sd-m.o.a.r-mother-of-all-revelations-the-new-zealand-whistleblower.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzbz_gL6qEo&t=40s - Dr. Hodges’ from Nov 2020









6)https://rumble.com/v1gyb69-shadow-government-architecture-the-vaccine-perspective-nia-research-team.html - shadow gov’t architecture, vax perspective

7)https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/millions-injured-or-dead-including - 17 MILLION dead!


https://rumble.com/v41qk14-recorded-livestream-with-dr.-david-martin-facts-matter-conference-copenhagen.html … and: https://rumble.com/v45r0bt-the-true-efficacy-of-covid-19-vaccines.html

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Recommending these shots for children has to be the most evil feature of this evil contrived pandemic program.

Per an ignored UK study I wrote about on my Substack, the Infection Fatality Rate from Covid for a healthy chid is approximately 1-in-2 million.

One has to go out to four decimal points to get a mortality risk that is not 0.000 percent.

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Bombshell after bombshell ... and no real change. It's not our fault ... I'm just making an observation.

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