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Jan 22, 2024
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It's an international consortium including WHO and the World Bank.


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Jan 22, 2024
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Wonder what would happen to their money, if they're investments were all burned out like Maui?

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Remember when people said that Covid was over and stop dwelling on the mandates? Remember amnesty? Fuck them

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Calls for Leniency and Amnesty were part of the plan.

Any alt media or 'health freedom' spox promoting this view should be deeply deeply distrusted.

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"Leniency" and "Amnesty"? Sure! They can be executed by "The Guillotine", instead of being "Burned at the Stake"... Either way, their executions must be public, and televised: Nothing less is adequate.

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Televised for free. But first, all of their assets are to be siezed and redistributed so their families can't hold onto the blood money.

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In the words of The Grannies of Monty Python: "Oh Dear. Hadn't thought of that!"😘

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How about feeding them to the lions and televise it around the world ? There are lions and zoos around the world

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Don't tempt me.

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Wouldn't that be lion abuse and cruelty?!

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While I may imagine, but do not advocate, such measures, I do recall once finding a doctor by the name of Guillotine appearing in a history of public health.

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May have been the guy who invented it: Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. If the lid ever blows off the pressure cooker the way it should, things may get a good deal uglier than public executions. 🤔😱

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I'm pretty sure the "public health doctor" was the inventor.

But with this global program of incessant aerial spraying, there may be little for them to control.

When Nigeria revolted against the CBDC -- for example -- those who burned down the new banks were the seventy percent of the population who were too poor to have bank accounts; the rich and the middle class were helpless.

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Fuck them, in the style of Vlade Tepes.

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ALL of them!

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You want to ‘force behavior’, Fink? I hope someone forces YOU to read the US Constitution!

You are not King of the World. You are not an elected official. You are not the boss of me. You have no RIGHT to force your preferences on ANY of the FREE people of this country! YOU do not own my life - I do!

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He's got more money than he knows what to do with. You and I -- don't.

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Yeah, and once they get an insane amount of money, their greedy lust turns to having POWER.

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It takes no money to say no, Capt.

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There is that, Dr. Roger.. and that's what I did, November 14, 2021: Walked away from my job rather than submit.

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I just did what I thought was right, as I came to see the right, and eventually got fired.

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Bingo. Move to the head of the class. 🎯

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True, but a lot of money can't keep you alive, should society deem you're no longer deserving of it.

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Fuck em and their demon dollars 💵

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Maybe it’s gonna take the elites being injected with hot lead before they get it

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They get it. They know what they're doing.

It's a typical psyop twist of disempowerment.

I'm not hesitant. It's a simple firm NO.

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Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights

Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights

Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight. - Robert Nesta Marley

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About to deliver a new “Convid” Looking now towards Mandatory Vax - No surprises here. DO NOT COMPLY! This is an example of where a COLLECTIVE NO! Works! Too many frightened and coerced people l fear .. WE HAVE TO FIGHT THIS!

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Larry can eat shite

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Such is the desperation of the elitists that Force is their strategy. Good luck with that. Causing a war will not get folks to comply.

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My response to Larry and all the other big pharma owned so called medical journals?

🖕🏻and strong letter to follow.

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Blackrock, of all things, go figure. It ASTOUNDS me that these people actually believe they are right, about EVERYTHING, especially vaccines, and because they are so obviously, unquestioningly, correct, THEY have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to ENFORCE their beliefs on others.

Clearly this is the face of tyranny. They stoop to the position of okaying censorship and removing freedom of speech, for "our own good".

And why are they so intent on "correcting" the public perception of vaccines in general, and covid vaccines in particular? Well, we think we know why.

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I don't think they think they are right. They know what they're doing.

This isn't a health initiative.

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Let's put it out there for what it is the Fink's at Blackrock seek to achieve....GENOCIDE!

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I remember when I was a kid, we used the term rat fink, and it didn't refer to the good guys, lol.

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A little short sighted, IMHO, if they kill or sterilize all of their customers, or even a significant number, their market dries up.

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I know really! I've been thinking this too on and off.

I was wondering if there is something else going on that we're not clued into at all. With bunkers being built, what are they truly meant to survive?

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Re: "Customers": The entire corporate world has been running off of laundering illegal drug money for decades, so THEY don't need customers. And, making ppl sick/disabled IS making customers for the for-profit US medical-industrial complex, which profits from the healthy only insofar as it can scare ppl into getting jabs which will, sooner or later, make them sick. As for the sterilized...maybe they've got fancy in vitro assistance planned....

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Bingo! 🎯

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Money money money....... money

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And exactly again.

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That's a part of it, but it's more than just this I think.

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Yes, money is primarily a control mechanism. It's a mechanism they may think they won't need for much longer.

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BlackRock don’t the Muslims worship a black rock ?

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Do not believe that these people are telling you what they believe is a matter of health. No, rather they are telling you to die and get out of their way.

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Middle finger 🖕 to the eugenists

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most, including the elderly, have beat covid... It's obvious that this is more depop strategy

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Well it's obvious that it's nefarious. Depop strategy is certainly possible. But there could very well be other nefarious goals as well or even instead.

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interested about what other goals are. Control, poverty and the like?

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Yes. You name it. They're for hell on earth in all its forms.

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These people think like Bill Gates, and he wants a few billion fewer people in his world.

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"mandatory vaccination for healthcare professionals" is not only tyrannical, it is also a very good way of driving dissidents out of the medical profession entirely.

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And getting rid of them, so they can be replaced with AI 'docs'. After all, what good are they? They just follow their 'protocols' in the same way as an AI doc would follow its programming.

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Probably not nearly as well as an AI doc to be honest. The AI doc would be a lot cheaper (for someone - quite possibly not the patient) and get all the paperwork done much faster too.

Of course neither provides much in the way of a valuable service so the efficiency is irrelevant.

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It also works to kill off rhe medical community so there is nothing available but a collapsing system controled by ai, and you can't get an appt for a year or more out.

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They are never going to stop! This is truly frightening And the number of people who still are clueless about what has been going on all over the world the last 4 years are bound to go along with this all over again!!!

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Fear is what they are trying to create don’t let them with you..Justifiable anger is the correct response to these satanic parasites

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Please don't live in fear. Live informed. Empower yourself and fight back! We are many, they are few!

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Def not living in fear I’m ready to fight til the end!!

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He's right. We have to tie him down like a hog and inject him with as much of the most potent mRNA Bio-Weapon as possible! Until his eyes bulge out of his head, and he strokes out! And I want to be there to watch

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I think his eyes would bulge with it just getting close to him. None of these clowns took that crap, so you know they would be freaking out as they're about to be injected. But I think 1 or 2 a day would be good. And document the delivery and health decline every morning on the "news."

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Yes; kind of like something that would see in the Saw Movies!! I'm in! We need to throw Fauci, Biden, Hollywood, Bill and Hillary, Gates and the rest into the mix! I have a great idea; make a reality TV show out of it!

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