The New World Order doesn’t! The tell lie vision says so! :)

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The globalist plan is "only" following its openly-announced timetable...


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The globalists have said over and over for fifty years or more what they intend to do.

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How dumb are these countries for implementing this? Only things I see happening from this are severe government overreach and limiting of rights/freedoms

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Gee... Do ya think?!? 😳

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Capt. obvious

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That made me laugh. We are standing at the edge of the abyss.

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We sure are.

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many are implementing this, likely YOUR country too!

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Canada under Justine Castreau is a lost cause.

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Well, Comrad, I am of the opinion that nearly 99% of our (s)elected leaders are bought and sold. Only a few consider the Oath that they swear/recite upon occupying their new spangly office means anything at all.

Their obligation starts and stops with citizens of this land, not some faceless, namless parasite in some far off and distant country! I am done.

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it is not a matter of being dumb or not. Clearly - at least here in Canada, to quote a retard our "cabinet has been infiltrated" by WEF puppets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its not about being dumb. That is very divisive and sort of ignorant as a conclusion if I may be so bold as to be honest (gasp)....

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Wow, why don't they just tattoo their numbers on their arms. (A throwback to the Holocaust.) Old habits die hard, don't they?

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"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. "

– The Revelation to John, 13:16

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Wonder if he was seeing cell phones and QR codes...

We hold our phones in our hands..or up to our heads?...

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implanting a chip is easier than a tattoo and more reliable for the reptilians to keep track of the livestock.

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Yup. This time it will be a digital tattoo....

Like our homes became the camps..and the jabs the gas chambers.

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This might be a good time for unvaccinated Europeans to vote with their feet.

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And go where exactly, Chris? (Admittedly I live in British Columbia, not Europe, but the issues are identical across The West, if not The World...) I don't have a magic wardrobe to step into Narnia. I don't have a communicator to beam up to The Starship Enterprise, nor do I know of a Weeping Angel to tap me on the shoulder and zap me 50 years into the past...

"The Chekist" describes what will shortly be the reality of our situation. I recommend watching it in 5 minute doses with a half-hour break in-between... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_RSDqBn0bA&t=615s

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Okay, I watched 10 minutes but I am now going to have to take a longer break!!

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If it will make you feel any better I haven't been able to finish it. This is what The Globalists have in store for us. But to make the average brain-dead imbecile see it? Even after the 4 years of the Fraudemic; the Illegal Migrant crisis, the rape crisis, the transgender abomination, the homeless crisis, the opioid epidemic, the war in Ukraine, the bogus elections and midterms, the slaughter in Occupied Palestine?

Might as well pull your dick out of your pants, and piss in your own face.

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I never was able to finish it either. Those 100-200 million slaughtered people and the gulags, starvation and misery didn't happen and it was the Nazis and besides real communism has never been tried.

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In the words of the Poofy Judges of Monty Python: "Oh ah, silly me!"

Of course they didn't, and of course it was the Nazis and of course real communism has never been tried, obviously all the versions got it totally wrong, why else did they all result in human bodies stacked like cordwood halfway to the sun... That certain privileged group will never take responsibility for their atrocious behaviour, it's always someone else's fault, and above all: "It's okay when WE do it!" 🙄💩

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Wow. Alcoholism-fueled nightmare far surpassing anything Poe would have ever dreamed up.

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Judging from the monumental ugliness, the total shithead stupidity I experienced over the past 4 years in British Columbia? I'd say this is a "done deal", and, frankly, "serves humanity right." 🤔

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These pos can flock off and stick their digital sh*t where it is dark and stinks.

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But why? WHY?? Why do they want us vaxxed up? We now know that the vaxxes do NOT improve our health. Quite the opposite. So why are they arm-twisting us to get super-vaxxed? It is evil. They apparently want us dead. Therefore, this is a hill to die on. Do not comply!

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Id love to be suprised, but the "deathstar" is still all on track (pardon the pun). It goes back further than 2018. Thats just when they published the documentation. The plan to transfer power to Public Health started in the 60s. The DigID bit was laid out prior to the vaccination programme changes in the 80s, and it was full executed after 2001 (remember the very famous launch event?🤔🤨), when the results of the increased "immunisation schedules" started becoming apparent, and people began asking awkward questions. 2012 is when the government's were "advised" that there needed to be better tracking and vigelence on people and heath, because "biosecurity", "war on terror", and "climate change", blah, blah. They accomplished alot of perceived ground work in those 11-12yrs. By 2016, developed governments everywhere where publically introducing their Biosecurity Acts, emergency powers and sweeping public health changes.😐

It might be coming at the public for the first time in the last 4yrs, but they are getting the closing ActIII. The next Act, the gloves comes off, because the trap already closed. The only way out now is mass public defiance, and quickly.

But we can't still even TALK about it, let alone fight it.🤷‍♀️

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If you look at the publications and utterances going back to the first intl 9rganization and all their successors and duplicates(club of Rome, bildenbergers, etcetera etc through un wef et . ) they are quite clear on Most people need to be killed.

The elimination of the bulk of the human race by whatever means is stark and un missable.

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Not sure why all the wasting of money for people who are dying...after this fall and 3 more shots...

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Why wasn't there pushback from citizens in the five countries. The great reset is underway, welcome to Tedros and company, your new owners, body and soul. The compliant have sold their kids into slavery.

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be sure to go to citizengo.org scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petitionit can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont bother with youtube/twitter/gestapo book for obvious reasons it currently has over 115000 signatures

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This freeway to hell seems to have no off-ramp.

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No problem just pretend you're an illegal migrant 🤷‍♂️

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We’ve known this is the plan for a long time. We know we have to resist the ID. But how does this work in practice ?

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And if that doesn't work..Australia 8s pioneering no internet for those under 16...WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN...which means you have to produce your digital ID proving you are over 16 years of age to login to the internet.....


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