"The UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, data sharing rollouts in 50 countries."
She is a mother who willingly conspired with her husband to maim and kill millions of women and babies. And has been doing it in underdeveloped countries. She has no soul!
We could have got him with his (possible) involvement in Epstein's pedophile sex ring ... but that didn't happen because the Justice and Law Enforcement agencies are now completely captured and working to protect key criminals.
If this had happened - if the "Johns" had been exposed - Gates wouldn't have been the key player in all the Covid mandates. What if? Non actions do have consequences.
You guys need to target the right people. Bill Gates, WEF are just front organizations. Governments and corporations likewise. Unless you start naming the European Black Nobility / Guelph Families / British Monarchy -- no one will know whom the ''elites'' are.
The Sforza and Visconti
families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as
partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill
Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and
Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal.
We have to start with the likes of Gates., The WEF and the rest of teh public facing arm of these groups b/c those are the ones that the rest of the public will recognize and possible get behind. you go trying to convince the masses of some super secret never before seen or heard of group being behind this you are going to loose the public.
Not to worry. The devil gets his dues old Claxton said, for those now living life will soon be dead. We are not the authors of our own time element, each of us has but a specific amount and that is it. Our Creator is the One who decides.
You smartass brat! I just adore brats! Good one Ellen. There are two women in my life and one is a shhhhhnot and the other is a brat. Both are highly intelligent and amazing real women.
Yeah, tai ted blood transfusion, like the tainted birth control he provided for the women in Africa and India, then the self serving money grabbing foundations pushing the jabs that injured people.
He needs a great big dose of his own medicine!!!!!!!!
Eradicate all the greedy; Power Addicted Twits believing delusions of Grandeur of being their own Gods and acting to appease the aliens they've chosen as their masters making them Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.
We are being forced on this Highway to Hell. . Yes, I know it’s in Scripture. Still, feelings of despair, revulsion, and shock are hard to shake off. Sending peace and light to you all in the darkness we find ourselves in .
I believe Scripture has been adapted for their purposes. While I believe there exists a creator I think scripture is not to be understood literally or prophetically it could lead us to complacency.
I love my neighbors and they say it’s in gods hands which idk if that is helpful in this mind battle to bring alternates views of the govs narrative to others.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work."
Scripture includes the warnings as to what can happen. All will be fulfilled but necessarily in the way people assume. It is God's story, His Story, and He wants us to play our part.
There is an understanding of Eschatology (fancy word for the study of The Last Things) that cropped up in the last 150 years or so that is not what the Christian Church has believed and taught before that. It's called Dispensationalism which is different than Covenant Theology. There is much info on this subject.
My world view has turned totally upside down since 911. It’s jarring and so hard to come to grips with our current reality. I miss the naïveté of my youth.
But I believe that from every bad comes a little good. I feel much more connected to my fellow human beings now than I did in the “good ole days”. That’s a very good thing.
Pray for each other. Pray for humanity and hold each other tight.
I Agree. Many are still expecting "dejure" solutions to all these NWO-USSA Tyrannies when it's going to take a "defacto". Unfortunately, human nature remains the Same as in 1775.
Well, We the People of America were probably more literate and intelligent in the 1700's.
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!".......... Patrick Henry
Enforcers used to be hired at doors during the muzzle mandate. Most of them didn't care too much, but once they'll have to scan people who want to enter, there won't be enough of them. Obviously, armed robots will do the job.
Nothing will ever Do the Job, ......Completely. "Mechanics" are never Superior to that which Created It. ...........If it can Be Created, It can Be Destroyed.
I Welcome the Opportunity to meet my OppreSSors, the Enforcers face to face.
These days, people can be targeted by their phones or the nanotech in their bodies. Deploying robotic enforcers is a piece of cake... Any resistance can last only if it is decentralized, flexible, and on the move all the time, away from all sensors. Can it be done? Probably. Easily? Nope. If the only path is a barely treadable one, it's still a path.
I worked for MSFT in the early 90’s. It was a small company then. Most everyone knew everyone else. But I was an outlier as I moved in from out of state. The Seattle locals shared lots of stories of Gate’s nights out and his weird sexual dalliances. So It’s no surprise that he and Epstein were pals and that Melinda kicked him to the curb. My read is that he’s a sick puppy and a very scary dude. Definitely not one of humanity’s best. God help us.
Even his daughter Jennifer, when asked who fixes her computer, Gates said she tries to do it herself. “I like to be pretty hands on. Someone will help me sometimes. My dad is not that person. (laughing) He’s not actually all that great at it.” - Jennifer K. Gates
Apparently now Jennifer and her husband, Nayel Nassar have made Bill a grandfather.
And his wife! Don’t let that foolish woman try to brainwash you with her manufactured divorce. That’s not going to save her...she will run!
She is a mother who willingly conspired with her husband to maim and kill millions of women and babies. And has been doing it in underdeveloped countries. She has no soul!
Exactly, how could you!
people like gates think they are God.
God complex.
I think of them as Ahab and Jezebel - Jezebel was far worse than than Ahab.
she did nothing about the Epstein stories until there was talk of punishments for the genocide conspirators.
Good point! She is scared of the mobs! Why wouldn’t you be.
Like I always say “Kill a mothers baby, the mothers soul is dead...see what happens!”
Way past time👍👍
Well, in that case we will make our own society.
We could have got him with his (possible) involvement in Epstein's pedophile sex ring ... but that didn't happen because the Justice and Law Enforcement agencies are now completely captured and working to protect key criminals.
If this had happened - if the "Johns" had been exposed - Gates wouldn't have been the key player in all the Covid mandates. What if? Non actions do have consequences.
You guys need to target the right people. Bill Gates, WEF are just front organizations. Governments and corporations likewise. Unless you start naming the European Black Nobility / Guelph Families / British Monarchy -- no one will know whom the ''elites'' are.
The Sforza and Visconti
families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as
partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill
Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and
Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal.
We have to start with the likes of Gates., The WEF and the rest of teh public facing arm of these groups b/c those are the ones that the rest of the public will recognize and possible get behind. you go trying to convince the masses of some super secret never before seen or heard of group being behind this you are going to loose the public.
Right. You have to start somewhere. You know what they call a half dozen identified demons dealt with? A good start.
All of this needs to be revealed to the public. There are evil wealthy folks around the world
Controlling it all. Wake up America.
They are all crooks. They are determined to destroy America. It is quite sick. In fact Satan is their leader.
Its not just America, its all of earth.
they want everything. But they have to take down America first.
BINGO. The last obstacle to their dystopian wet dream.
Not to worry. The devil gets his dues old Claxton said, for those now living life will soon be dead. We are not the authors of our own time element, each of us has but a specific amount and that is it. Our Creator is the One who decides.
I’ve made it a habit of mine to never trust a “MAN” with boobs bigger than I have.
You smartass brat! I just adore brats! Good one Ellen. There are two women in my life and one is a shhhhhnot and the other is a brat. Both are highly intelligent and amazing real women.
This guy is a scary individual.
Creepy for sure. Look up his testimony in senate hearing. Talk about wierdo!
Closet child porn pervert.
At the very least!
Yeah, that swaying back and forth and the speech and tone are some kind of insanity manifesting. If we're talking about the same testimony.
Sounds like wr are. He was always a deviant wierdo, he bas just become more blatant about it.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, evil is real, and you are just a number under this scheme to enslave humanity.
Billy is looking old. Time for more Adrenochrome.
Evil does not age well.
or maybe a blood transfusion?
Yeah, tai ted blood transfusion, like the tainted birth control he provided for the women in Africa and India, then the self serving money grabbing foundations pushing the jabs that injured people.
He needs a great big dose of his own medicine!!!!!!!!
For sure. I noticed that too.
Truly is the gates of hell.
Eradicate all the greedy; Power Addicted Twits believing delusions of Grandeur of being their own Gods and acting to appease the aliens they've chosen as their masters making them Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.
"and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society"
You can have your society, and we will create our own.
Thx....can’t wait to tune in😄
We'd better get started.
Time to start a parallel society.
Society is getting so toxic most people won't want to participate.
"icky" has a cure.
F-Off, billy boy. I will fight your tyranny to the death.
We are being forced on this Highway to Hell. . Yes, I know it’s in Scripture. Still, feelings of despair, revulsion, and shock are hard to shake off. Sending peace and light to you all in the darkness we find ourselves in .
I believe Scripture has been adapted for their purposes. While I believe there exists a creator I think scripture is not to be understood literally or prophetically it could lead us to complacency.
I love my neighbors and they say it’s in gods hands which idk if that is helpful in this mind battle to bring alternates views of the govs narrative to others.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work."
Scripture includes the warnings as to what can happen. All will be fulfilled but necessarily in the way people assume. It is God's story, His Story, and He wants us to play our part.
There is an understanding of Eschatology (fancy word for the study of The Last Things) that cropped up in the last 150 years or so that is not what the Christian Church has believed and taught before that. It's called Dispensationalism which is different than Covenant Theology. There is much info on this subject.
He always uses humanity to achieve His end.
My world view has turned totally upside down since 911. It’s jarring and so hard to come to grips with our current reality. I miss the naïveté of my youth.
But I believe that from every bad comes a little good. I feel much more connected to my fellow human beings now than I did in the “good ole days”. That’s a very good thing.
Pray for each other. Pray for humanity and hold each other tight.
Prayer is all we have and faith 🙏🏻
Love was the prime directive
our God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind
It is now time for countries to pull out of the UN. No one elected these communists. They have no authority over any country. DO NOT COMPLY
I Agree. Many are still expecting "dejure" solutions to all these NWO-USSA Tyrannies when it's going to take a "defacto". Unfortunately, human nature remains the Same as in 1775.
Well, We the People of America were probably more literate and intelligent in the 1700's.
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!".......... Patrick Henry
God bles you. Keep speaking truth!
Enforcers used to be hired at doors during the muzzle mandate. Most of them didn't care too much, but once they'll have to scan people who want to enter, there won't be enough of them. Obviously, armed robots will do the job.
Nothing will ever Do the Job, ......Completely. "Mechanics" are never Superior to that which Created It. ...........If it can Be Created, It can Be Destroyed.
I Welcome the Opportunity to meet my OppreSSors, the Enforcers face to face.
These days, people can be targeted by their phones or the nanotech in their bodies. Deploying robotic enforcers is a piece of cake... Any resistance can last only if it is decentralized, flexible, and on the move all the time, away from all sensors. Can it be done? Probably. Easily? Nope. If the only path is a barely treadable one, it's still a path.
I worked for MSFT in the early 90’s. It was a small company then. Most everyone knew everyone else. But I was an outlier as I moved in from out of state. The Seattle locals shared lots of stories of Gate’s nights out and his weird sexual dalliances. So It’s no surprise that he and Epstein were pals and that Melinda kicked him to the curb. My read is that he’s a sick puppy and a very scary dude. Definitely not one of humanity’s best. God help us.
he is only scary because of his wealth. Without that he is only a weak, fat, soulless reptilian thing wearing a human suit.
Even his daughter Jennifer, when asked who fixes her computer, Gates said she tries to do it herself. “I like to be pretty hands on. Someone will help me sometimes. My dad is not that person. (laughing) He’s not actually all that great at it.” - Jennifer K. Gates
Apparently now Jennifer and her husband, Nayel Nassar have made Bill a grandfather.
If he was my dad, I would be so ashamed of him.
And does not vaccinate his own kids.....lalllallala!!!