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Sep 19, 2023
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Whatever contributes to respiratory ailments -- from anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning to poor sanitation to pharmaceuticals to lifestyle drugs to pesticides & herbicides to heavy metals to air pollution & water pollution & polluted food to poverty to malnutrition to stress -- the bogeyman is viruses. Thinking adults no longer believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy or the bogeyman, but The $cience™️ indoctrinates (so-called) “smart people” to believe in the virus bogeyman.

What was Covid? Already existing respiratory ailments, including influenza-like illnesses and the flu/grippe and the common cold and (mild to severe) pneumonia. Well, already existing ailments combined with a steady diet of mainstream media manufactured fear porn (which probably stressed out a lot of people).

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The first rule...

If you could fight anyone alive or dead who would it be?

I'd fight Bill Gates.

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Gee.. if I had a time machine it's a toss-up between Karl Marx or Mayer Amschel Rothschild..🤔

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I'd make sure my time machine was topped off with climate friendly unicorn fart fuel, then start with Marx and Engels and work my way back to today - riding the world of the scumbags we can identify today.

Sure it would change some things, but the resultant world most likely wouldn't be worse than it is now.

If it was, then I guess I found a new career.

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If I could ride shotgun with you, one among many things I'd do if I could change the past? Ensure Adolf Hitler got accepted to that Fine Arts school... 🤔

That, and I'd buy half a doze Stradivarius violins (he sold them for $15 each) and a couple of Van Gogh's paintings. 😇

Make sure you use the finest octane of Rainbow Unicorn Fart Fuel eh? 😘

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Ha...your seat is waiting Capt.

I'm stuffing the good beans down that horned freak's throat, as we speak.

I'll add a few gold bars, to your list.

Good call on Hitler!!


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He’d run away Good Citizen crying and blame everyone else .

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A short fight. Even if you're a nine-year-old girl IRL.

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Ok - I'll do Klaus Schwab, I don't feel ok about attacking an octogenarian, but hey ho...

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Throw in Tony Fraudci while you're at it: There's two octogenarians this world would be a better place without.

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So when does Bill get arrested and held to account for his crimes against humanity? On This Side?

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When every politician in every country, interpol, U N, etc cease being corrupt organizations. But even if the mafia became outraged and took him out because he's going to kill off every potential drug client, prostitute client, etc., someone else would fill his shoes.

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Ain't that the truth... 😲😥

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In all fairness there's no mode of execution slow enough, and agonizing enough for him.. and of course it would eventually end with the underserved blessing of "death"..

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Do you ever think about who slammed the pie in Gate's face years ago? I do. I wonder why they did it, and if Gates ever retaliated.

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Did you ever watch "The Day of the Jackyl"? Something like that is what should have happened to Citizen Gates... and considering what he did to Paul Allen, I think you can count on it...

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Right now it seems like never. But life is full of surprises: it ain't over till it's over.

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He had insider knowledge before he bought.. and before he sold... knowing an event was about to happen.. and realising people who soon figure out the vaccine was not safe and effective.. guilty in both counts...the entrance fee for hell is free for people like him.

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Regarding “this well-planned Satanic military-grade PSYOP”: Remember that the devil, as powerful as this evil prince of this world and as evil as this father of lies is, is not as powerful as YHWH and Christ Jesus (or Messiah Yehshua). Remember Daniel 4:25 and “acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdom of mankind and gives [the kingdom of mankind] to whom He wishes.”

Even though (or if?) the devil is the mastermind behind this (and other) military-grade psychological operation(s), the truth is greater than the lies of the devil. In this fifth (or sixth) generational war for the hearts and minds (and souls) of mankind, there’s still agency (aka free will) to incline one’s heart and mind and soul toward the Most High and His Christ.

Keep the faith. If you don’t have it to keep, get it.

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He needs GITMO

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Cells next to each other Fauci / Gates ....

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"He purchased 1,038,674 shares.

That's how you know this is true.

The number of shares an evil genius oligarch purchases always ends in 674.

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Do not forget he had 3 children even as he and the concubuine had great times. So ye all listened to Bill and Melinda as they preached no children, he had 3 ,just remember three, did I miss the boat.? At this stage his grandchiild must be born. The Gates and his whatever can have as many children as they like, but ye stupid ignorant serfs do not even think about it. Up the Gates and I mean that litteraly.

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I thought about Gates having 3 kids many times. For a guy who is so worried about population control why did he have kids at all? Him and Melinda not only replaced themselves on Earth, but added another person.

Also since Billy boy's dad believed in population control too, why was Bill born? Why not an abortion?

How much of the Earth's precious resouces does Gates use up with his planes, vehicles and houses? He claims he makes up for it in other ways, (by killing millions of people.)

He who makes the rules, can change the rules any time they want.

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In his ideology… there are those who need to be in control of the useless eaters… his offspring will continue the path of human reduction… they never seem to acknowledge that is Gods department.. mere mortals should not play God.

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One day I have to face my Creator. I will have face my stupid hurts. This man and his so called wife are DEMONS.

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Hey they got a divorce. I hope they managed to make each other miserable before the divorce.

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public enemy #1

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I yearn for the day when public policy has some reassemble to Substack sentiment.

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It is a mystery that Mr.Gates is not investigated by the Security Exchange Commission. If that's not insider trading then I don't know what it is. This is based on the information from the article above. And it's not the first time I heard this story. Now we can all speculate why the SEC did precisely nothing: maybe just because this man is so powerful that nobody can hold him responsible to anything. Imagine how powerful he must be if a well known social media can ban you forever for daring to post a little 2 minutes video in which a famous doctor is holding him responsible for " world depopulation agenda". Just imagine that. The fact that his 30 years old marriage ended abruptly should tell us more than we need to know. We are living in interesting times.

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The man is a monster.

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Gates likely didn’t start out evil. Maybe Epstein’s influence was his downfall. J.E., by many accounts, was creepy at best.

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BG’s own father was into Eugenics … these types like to play God … but never seem to grasp the concept of creation.. just methods of destruction… if God behaved like BG mankind would be dead and gone.

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Bill Gates belongs in prison. Stop trying to destroy the world!!!

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