Bill Gates Laments First Amendment Strength on “Misinformation,” Advocates For Digital ID. Tony Blair Urges Global Regulation of Social Media to Curb "Hatred"
Take a Great Dane turd. Put it in the shade. :Leave it for a month and go back. Look at it and smell it. It smells like turdo. And looks like a pie faced puke.
Well he seems to taking too much of it.. classic schizoid… he is only 70 but could pass as a 90 something … too many cocktails if you know what I mean.
Not quite sure how you can mention hatred.. read my comment.. slowly .. several times .. where do I say anything hateful.. this person profited 20 million on the first roll out of jabs.. 20 million have died.. only an arrogant IDIOT would try to support such evilness .. now piss off.
Btw where did you get to be the knight in shining armour on what people think and say.. you ain’t my custodian nor are you my mentor.. go boil your head .. twerp.
Why does anyone care much less give any kind of credence to those two old men who have done nothing but bring g the world closer to the New World Order. Gates has never been elected to anything. His gains are all bought his eugenics/depopulation programs are satanic and Blair isn’t a whole lot better. They are arrogant elitist who need to leave e the rest of us alone.
I have heard that other perps have had the same treatment needed for their offense's. I would imagine that doubles might be used to keep up pretences that he is still alive.
So he says he very worried about deepfakes really? deepfakes are made possible by using AI and Gates funds AI so he is actually creating the problem ( so that he can come up with his self serving solution) and therefore should be held accountable for his actions
I can’t stand that evil man !!! He should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity!!! Using Africans as lab rats and killing them ,causing birth defects ,causing diseases in children and spreading aids !!!!
Of course, it's Bill Gates and Tony Blair, leaders of the globalist regime. They don't want the peons talking to each other about how Gates and the cabal are attempting to murder them.
Bill Machiavelli and Tony Mephistopheles are projecting their own hatred for humanity onto ‘we the people’, whom they are trying to control. They are part of the evil UN/Globalist cabal who we have to resist at all cost.
Well there is a shock! Perhaps he should be the first ! Sorry sack of excrement that they both are!!! He is the biggest perpetrator of disinformation!🤬😤☠️💩
Digital IDs are a Communist agenda; papers, please. As with the rest of the original Amendments, the First Amendment is written in the negative. This means the government is forbidden to interfere, manipulate, or any other form of control. The amendments are a constraint on the state, not the people.
The misinformation Bill refers to is information the institutions or establishments find troubling by threatening their existence. Many institutions, such as NATO, are irrelevant. The Cold War is long over, and there is no need for NATO. This is why Ukraine is so important to the US and Europe because in manipulating the Ukraine war, the mentioned countries are trying to make NATO relevant again.
Bravo. I don't give a fig what Tony Blair thinks but I am concerned with Bill Gates. By his own admission, he does not value or hold dear our freedom of speech and all the other RIGHTS (not privileges that can be taken away) afforded to Americans in our Constitution.
The beauty of free speech is all are able to peaceably speak or write our ideas whether they agree with me personally or not. A group of like-minded people agreeing with each other is not an example of free speech. Free speech is to protect those you most vehemently disagree with.
When I hear Kamala Harris say she wants to punish people for putting out mis, dis, or mal information or the internet, or Tim Walz saying that the 1st Amendment does not protect mis, dis, or mal information I cringe. These people are confirming my suspicions that they either do not understand the 1st Amendment or that they do and want to weaken or abolish.
They can't handle anyone disagreeing with them. Otherwise their totalitarianism goes out the window and they would lose total control. If their ideas are so good and so humane, why would anyone disagree with them? Because THEY LIE. If you tell the truth, you would have no need to suppress free speech. It's as simple as that.
It is legal to yell FIRE in a crowded movie theater if there is fire. In the recent past there were many fires in theaters and that fact created a lot of codes to improve safety of those buildings.
If a free society is muzzled from yelling fire because they might yell it falsely, what happens when there is a real fire and you can't yell!?
Thy are convinced they know what is best for us. I am convinced they are wrong.
No, they are convinced that they know what is best for THEM. They are not even remotely interested in what is best for any of us.
And yet they all insist it's to put a stop to hatred and division. Give me a break. Who's buying their bulls**t?
Same old sh*t as turdo is doing only he has the Harms Bill to persecute anyone with those whose views disagree with the slimy bastard.
he look 30 years older. The corruption of the darkside is real !
Take a Great Dane turd. Put it in the shade. :Leave it for a month and go back. Look at it and smell it. It smells like turdo. And looks like a pie faced puke.
Cover poop with gold leaf foil.. don’t change it from being a poop.. just makes it look shiny and expensive.
Analogy clear.
Probably took one of his wonderful life altering injections .. shortened his telemores and maybe his life span.. but hey safe and effective .. right?
He cut back on the adenochrome maybe? hehehe
Well he seems to taking too much of it.. classic schizoid… he is only 70 but could pass as a 90 something … too many cocktails if you know what I mean.
It’s not hatred you fool, it’s commonsense. You are arrogant to suggest that what you say is correct, and what other people say is wrong.
Not quite sure how you can mention hatred.. read my comment.. slowly .. several times .. where do I say anything hateful.. this person profited 20 million on the first roll out of jabs.. 20 million have died.. only an arrogant IDIOT would try to support such evilness .. now piss off.
Btw where did you get to be the knight in shining armour on what people think and say.. you ain’t my custodian nor are you my mentor.. go boil your head .. twerp.
I thought the same thing. His ugliness is catching up with him. Literally.
Agree and he believes in euthanasia of old people cos he thinks they are a drain on resources, and I believe in leading by example
He looks about 100 and I would say his little brain has also been affected by this massive aging
Here is an interview with Gates in 1997. Even then he thought he knew everything
GeorgeMagazine_February1997_SurvivalGuideToTheFuture_Bill_Gates_Interview.pdf | DocDroid
Why does anyone care much less give any kind of credence to those two old men who have done nothing but bring g the world closer to the New World Order. Gates has never been elected to anything. His gains are all bought his eugenics/depopulation programs are satanic and Blair isn’t a whole lot better. They are arrogant elitist who need to leave e the rest of us alone.
Satanic forces surround and control them. PRAY that GOD hurries and THROWS THRM in the LAKE OF FIRE for their evil deeds.
Shadows on the wall - What's Real?
Bill Gates Hanged at GITMO Ahead of Schedule
I have heard that other perps have had the same treatment needed for their offense's. I would imagine that doubles might be used to keep up pretences that he is still alive.
Because he gives a fortune to the WHO, and the WHO are grabbing madly for global power. So, he counts, in a very negative way unfortunately.
So he says he very worried about deepfakes really? deepfakes are made possible by using AI and Gates funds AI so he is actually creating the problem ( so that he can come up with his self serving solution) and therefore should be held accountable for his actions
I can’t stand that evil man !!! He should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity!!! Using Africans as lab rats and killing them ,causing birth defects ,causing diseases in children and spreading aids !!!!
I hate Tony Blair. Come and get me.
Disinformation like "this vaccine is safe and will prevent one from getting Covid"?
“ the notion of the first amendment “ …. Yepppers that’s right billy
That really stuck out for me. Also, Billy boy isn’t looking too great. Too many boosters I wonder?
Because he sold his soul to Satan and he IS A DEMON
I sincerely doubt that any of his ilk got jabbed.
He is looking old and ragged.
Bill gates and Tony Blair can take turns f each other
I'm pretty sure they already do.
Of course, it's Bill Gates and Tony Blair, leaders of the globalist regime. They don't want the peons talking to each other about how Gates and the cabal are attempting to murder them.
We SHOULD hate them.
Bill must be crying in his beer about all those informed consumers that don't want the clot shots
profits going down. After all investments in vaccines is the best decision he ever made.
Bill Machiavelli and Tony Mephistopheles are projecting their own hatred for humanity onto ‘we the people’, whom they are trying to control. They are part of the evil UN/Globalist cabal who we have to resist at all cost.
Well there is a shock! Perhaps he should be the first ! Sorry sack of excrement that they both are!!! He is the biggest perpetrator of disinformation!🤬😤☠️💩
Digital IDs are a Communist agenda; papers, please. As with the rest of the original Amendments, the First Amendment is written in the negative. This means the government is forbidden to interfere, manipulate, or any other form of control. The amendments are a constraint on the state, not the people.
The misinformation Bill refers to is information the institutions or establishments find troubling by threatening their existence. Many institutions, such as NATO, are irrelevant. The Cold War is long over, and there is no need for NATO. This is why Ukraine is so important to the US and Europe because in manipulating the Ukraine war, the mentioned countries are trying to make NATO relevant again.
Bravo. I don't give a fig what Tony Blair thinks but I am concerned with Bill Gates. By his own admission, he does not value or hold dear our freedom of speech and all the other RIGHTS (not privileges that can be taken away) afforded to Americans in our Constitution.
The beauty of free speech is all are able to peaceably speak or write our ideas whether they agree with me personally or not. A group of like-minded people agreeing with each other is not an example of free speech. Free speech is to protect those you most vehemently disagree with.
When I hear Kamala Harris say she wants to punish people for putting out mis, dis, or mal information or the internet, or Tim Walz saying that the 1st Amendment does not protect mis, dis, or mal information I cringe. These people are confirming my suspicions that they either do not understand the 1st Amendment or that they do and want to weaken or abolish.
They can't handle anyone disagreeing with them. Otherwise their totalitarianism goes out the window and they would lose total control. If their ideas are so good and so humane, why would anyone disagree with them? Because THEY LIE. If you tell the truth, you would have no need to suppress free speech. It's as simple as that.
Oh, yes, they do understand, and oh, yes, they do want to weaken and abolish. It is foolish at best to think that any of this is not calculated.
2 pendejos
Bill Gates and Tony Blair would do well to spend time atoning for their sins…
No one likes Bill Gates.
Are you sure? 😉
It is legal to yell FIRE in a crowded movie theater if there is fire. In the recent past there were many fires in theaters and that fact created a lot of codes to improve safety of those buildings.
If a free society is muzzled from yelling fire because they might yell it falsely, what happens when there is a real fire and you can't yell!?
That's what the oligarchy and Bill Gates wants.