There is no way this invasion can be undone. :( So discouraging. So many “Americans” are compromised working for these government agencies and NGO’s. All for the dollar.

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Cloward Piven strategy. Hard to understand why it would be tolerated anywhere? And yet here and there it is. The only way out of this mess is if a number of States secede?

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If we were kinetically (nuclear) attacked by a foreign government, believe me, they would clear out of here fast. My best guess is that none of them would stay and fight for America or wait for another attack.

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Aug 4Edited
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Yes, many may attack us, but many will also leave. I recently watched an interview with the "prophet" who had predicted the attempted assassination attempt on Trump. He stated that his recent vision had many men coming up from underground to attack us. That prediction was quite chilling considering the amount of military aged men crossing our border these days.

My comment however, was not in regards to that scenario. I meant if there was a seemingly organic attack from one of our enemies, that those who have crossed the border for the freebies, would hightail it out of here.

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Aug 5Edited
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Did you even read my comment? I mentioned both types of invaders. I never dismissed the fact that there are dangerous people already here. I just gave you a scenario that may happen. How is yelling at me going to help this problem? What do you suggest we do about it? Unless you have a way to solve this problem, you are just blowing smoke.

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Aug 6
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Exactly. The invasion can't be undone. The countries don't want their citizens back either. All the talk Trump does about exporting the illegals, no way it can be done.

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Just like in England and Ireland etc. It's a global engineered agenda

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yes, so many things in different country's have been the same, isn't that fact alone enough to wake everyone up to this global coup? Yet, the whole thing is derided and called a 'conspiracy theory'

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Harris’s Presidency is going to be a greater debacle if she wins. She’s not won a single election/ primary and her nomination was done in a ‘Soviet-style’ process! So many voters votes—that voted for Biden has been disenfranchised…absolutely disgraceful!

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The one thing you can count of if she “wins?”

As many dead babies as possible. Post birth abortion is their next frontier.

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Oh lord! She’s a far left radical lunatic… I also thought she’s the border czar! They’ve made a dog’s breakfast of the immigration issue.

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GOD help us!! The Black's & Brown's are being sucked in by the lies, hate, misinformation Democrats are spewing & DIVIDING this country!

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Aug 2Edited

Future life for the US sheep! Locked in a 15 minute smart prison ghetto with the wonderful new neighbors! Google C40 city. Coming to a city near you! Agenda 21/30 looking delicious!

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Look up United Nations IOM. IOM dot INT. It's all right there on their website. "Explore the interrelations between the 2030 Agenda and migration". United Nations Agenda 21 / 30.

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Jabbed have MAC addresses! Damn those towers are convenient and cute!

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…… As our own people who served our country, are on the streets . This administration disgusts me .🤮🤬

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Many are unaware of 'IMMIGRATION/RESETTLEMENT' to be a form of JIHAD defined in the Hadith of the Islamic Cult of Mohammed.

Their goal towards a 'Sharia Law Calipha' is on it's way in the United States and Europe.

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No disrespect Holly, but I find the story of legal refugees to be quaint.

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Fugee Fever. It's contagious:).

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The intentional, orchestrated/facilitated and paid-for open invitation (& supported/assisted enablement) to foreign mercenary aliens for the invasion of America and other countries who are also experiencing the same phenomenon is outright, government-sponsored domestic warfare. These enclaves (numbering now in the 20 million - 40 million range, majorally military aged and dispositioned men from 150+ different countries) that are being CONVENIENTLY shipped and distributed to various strategic locations across the country form militia groups for assaults on people and infrastructure. That we are paying to bring them here, paying to house and support them, and training them in many instances at military camps to better equip them for urban kinetic warfare against our own citizenry should have "citizens" up in arms (literally) and demanding the traitors-in-office enabling this violation of the Constitution for our Republic (which has obviously been suspended and thrown aside) together with all unlawful border crossers to placed into quarantine camps and shipped abroad. They are law breakers and threats to our safety and stability, regardless of country of origin or other considerations. This is part of a multifaceted assault on humanity and on each sovereign nation's authority and rule to enable the emergence (likely at the pleading of desperate residents across all countries who will shortly be defending themselves against the war on food, the war on freedom, the use of industrial military weaponry on citizens, the implementation of more medical tyranny and mandated technologically oriented, synthetic biological injections and infusions from harmful EMF frequencies through the masts that exist everywhere as they complete their internet of bodies and we become nodes in a massive human bioenergy-powered network for their complete manipulation and control - once the final culling is complete) is being deconstructed for the coming global reset. Together with advanced drone technology, robot kill dogs, super soldiers and electronic weaponry, the poisoning of the food, air & water (geoengineering) and the distribution of frankenfood to replace wholesome, nutritional natural foods, humans are a target with a large contingent of active enemies (of state and from abroad), humankind is standing "in the way" of the realization of centuries-old wet dreams of a global elite who have no more use for us than they do the cattle, poultry and swine herds they're busy culling to support their insane and mythical "climate change" push for scarcity and stone age existence for those who survive and form the lower caste of the AI-powered world system under the guise of saving the planet (for those with privilege who intend to make the most of the surplus to gorge themselves while they attempt to transition to a transhuman eternal existence).

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One small note to add: the Democratic Republic of Congo is also a hotbed of Islamic terror. The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamist militant group, has engaged in a jihadist insurgency in the DRC since at least 2014. The eastern part of the DRC is home to more than 100 armed groups, some of whom specifically target Christians.

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I recently heard there are sufficient undocumented aliens now residing in the U.S. to replace the equivalent population of 36 states. Whatever tasks are needed to sustain the emerging global cartel's needs can be supplied by such a population. WE have been deemed the equivalent of useless eaters. Those who embrace their "new world order" may have longer than others (in the strategies they outline) but once their usefulness has been exhausted they will also be eliminated. I do not see a political solution as this is orchestrated and executed at a spiritual level. Therefore, any battle must be first and foremost fought there. Aligning with the forces of God gives our existence value, purpose and meaning in the face of their planned and already in process nefarious "reset." For us, there is solace, comfort and assurance in Jesus and no other. His kingdom will prevail after all of this world's evil has been spent and forces of wickedness in high places have been brought down....our lives are hidden with Christ and eternal, not temporal, confined to this matrix...we walk in newness of life and not the ruins of human existence that are certain to come.

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I am so glad I live in boring, red Alabama..not close to any large city. On 3 acres of woods and trees. Private and lovely.

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