Planning to reject all digital slavery. Please, I entreat you scumbags at the WHO, UN and WEF to leave me behind.

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Looks like they're willing to kill if you don't become one with the Borg. And kill, even if you don't.

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Better do a lot more than just beware of them. If not stopped, the only choices available will be accept this or starve.

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I doubt they'll allow you to starve. After all, anyone who would choose starvation needs medical intervention, right?

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What did the medical interventions for those who had covid do?

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They will welcome those who choose death. Remember, It's all about population reduction. The enemy of our souls hates human beings who are made in the image of God. This is ultimately a spiritual war, and Satan is hell-bent on our destruction.

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How about the "My Number" card in Japan?


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The stated purpose is to replace all the different numbers and IDs one needs during life. The state that it will eventually replace the health insurance card, be used for driver’s licenses and will become your bank account number. It started out as voluntary, for the convenience of the card holder only but very quickly employers began demanding them with threats of withholding payment or letting you go if you did not provide it. I have even had former employers demand it. It seems as if they are required to provide the My Numbervof their employees to the government.

Right now there is a bit of a scandal with the merging of the the health care system with the my number system. Data leaks. Who’d a thunk it?

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Hmmm, thank you. Seems like a camel's nose under the tent?!

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Much like that. They sell these programs on convenience and most go for it. Little by little, they trade off freedoms and self determination for these “conveniences”. At some point, once enough have fallen for the lie, these conveniences become mandatory and those who saw through the lie are then forced into complying are suffer severe consequences for noncompliance.

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After reading the wiki post, the card is newer than the number. I have the city issued paper card. I must provide the number and photo copies of it to get paid and when I start with a new employer. I do not have the IC embedded card and hope to avoid having to get one, which means that I hope I have passed on before we get that far down the road as not enough are pushing back against it. It is these cards that have only a 25% issue rate, despite rather large sums given to those who opt for them.

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Digitalized - finalized. That is all she wrote.

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The number of the beast. Frightening

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No doubt about it.

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One can not live outside it. First, let me add that in Japan we have the “My Number” system that is do what this card is to do but is not yet digital, but it will be. Without ones “My Number” and the card to prove it is yours, one can not get paid. There may be a few outliers, but they too will soon require the my number to make payments.

SDGs are promoted heavily here. A friend just sent me a photo of a SDG poster contest sponsored by 7-11, the convenience store company. But this is just one front in the war against the digital prison. FinTech is another as is the Internet of Things. When up and running, one will simply not be able to in any way receive or posses any food, water or energy unless one has an idiot phone and a high enough ESG score.

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Any advice?

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Use any and all means necessary to fight against all of this.

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Any American who still believes the mRNA jabs are good healthcare will eagerly line up for Digital ID as long as it’s promoted for “The Greater Good” and it will make life more convenient. No need for cattle cars for transport to concentration camps. Cell phones will work just fine.

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Just like everything else in the clown world we find ourselves in, you’ll be racist if you don’t sign up for it. Everything I have seen about it pushes the equality and equity buttons over and over. So sign up and be inclusive or be a racist and use silver and other commodities that only terrorists white supremacists who don’t support democracy use!!!

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The only thing that will save us is a collapse of technology. Without energy and resources to build tech and maintain tech on a massive scale, these systems are doomed to fail. Honestly, databases get hacked all the time. Computers break and there are constant IT issues. Based on our own experiences, do we really think the global elites have the infrastructure they need to pull this off? Their fascist demonic 2030.plans are extremely fragile.

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Sep 22, 2023
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😊Thank you Catherine! He is our Blessed Hope. God has told us where our world is headed. It's in His Word. I pray that all of you who don't know Him yet, will turn to know the peace that passes all understanding

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Hone your skills.. It's survival time!

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When will people get over their addiction to pacifism? Very few people can avoid being trapped. The best defense is a strong offense. And they aren't really protecting themselves for the time being. Why is Versailles still standing, after that wonderful opportunity? It's the fault of each and every one of us. There should have been a billion people surrounding it with torches, and then...

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In the Clown World, “Democracy” is code word for “Marxism”.

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