"Covid" was word-for-word replay of the SARS scam back in 2003 +- remember that? Except instead of flu the Chinese caught from eating Civits, this time it was a cold the Chinese caught from eating bats!
Difference being this time, most of humanity swallowed this idiotic cowflop whole, without so much as a burp!
No jabs here. One of our sons was pressed by his work and his liberal separatist wife to get jabbed. None of his 6 brothers took that potion. God help them for they know not what they have done. Hopefully they spared our Grandson. The mother no doubt took the boy for his potions.
I was compelled to walk away from my job November 14, 2021 because I will not take an experimental drug I knew by February to be deadly dangerous. Google "Jumai Nache" sometime. November 15, 2021 I got to listen to British Columbia's Minster of Health openly say on CFAX Radio he wanted the power to forcibly inject vaccine refuseniks or to arrest and imprison us indefinitely. That murderous piece-of-shit is still in power. He'll never be held to account for what he's done; to the contrary, he's just re-instituted mask mandates in this province for all Health Care settings...
As noted by Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist: “You could say that, after the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the I.G. Farben pattern: Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.”
Now IBM and Moderna will be “exploring technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and hybrid cloud” to “support smarter COVID-19 vaccine management,” according to a press release. In short, the partnership is aimed at facilitating data sharing between “governments, health care providers, life science organizations and individuals,” but this data is not restricted to health data.
One of O'Tooles campaign promises in Canada was to get a Pfizer Pharmaceutical company. Imagine, bringing in a company that is at the top of the list of the most fraudulent companies in the United States. In the U.S. they received a $2.3 billion dollar fine for paying kickbacks to doctors and for mis-promoting medicines. In the U.K. they were fined $84.2 million for overcharging the NHS 2006%. Having Pfizer in Canada would be comparable to having an I.G. Farben Pharmaceutics company during WWII. I.G. Farben manufactured Zyklon B and other pharmaceuticals that were used and was the largest profiteer. I.G. Farben was later liquidated to the pharmaceutical companies there are today.
In Quebec at least, child vaxx is not mandatory to get on with the kid's proposed vax schedule. The parents are closely monitored by the pediatricians to follow the schedule, but it is not required. It's so normalized though that parents don't ask questions and comply. I have a friend who did have her child vaxxed aroung 2yo, and I can assure you (with before and after videos), her child developped autism "overnight".
"You can see it"? I'm amazed it hasn't already happened... Far as I know as of right now you can't draw EI or Social Assistance w/o the Lethal Injection...
Not so much, if the billionaire capitalist malfeasants get their plan working. Never will, of course, as we are onto them. Still, if they got their way, the only future global leaders would be coming from their loins (I felt a bit sick writing that).
Oh Canada... How can this be: Health Canada announcing the presence of (unstudied consequences) of SV-40 in the shots, babies are dying more frequently now, and it goes a step further pushing a second death shot on them. In a parallel twist, Canada is widening the criteria for euthanasia (MAID program). In 2024 our Natural products (vitamins and supplements) will be removed from shelves (over the counter reach in health food stores). What he F??????
Yeah, nearly a decade now. I find the books especially compelling, together with an untold number of testimonials. I have not, once, seen a negative testimonial. Ok, that might be expected, given the general embarrassment associated with it; but why would so many claim to be cured of so much (from leprosy to gangrene, heart disease, end-stage kidney disease, toxic bites, cancers ...) if it were not true? No money in it for sure, except maybe for the book writers. Though it seems most of these books are freely available online. There are a selection that can be downloaded from the link above.
The plot is: the Canadian Gov is building a big team (ministère) for surveillance of product quality to deliver new DIN certifications on supplements. This means the standards (oh, for the security of the consumers!) will be very expensive for manufacturers to "upgrade". The sale/distribution of these natural products will be in the hands of doctors as prescriptions or pharmacists (this is still not clear).Most of these manufacturing companies will go belly up because of the new fees. Specialized shops and health food stores will have a hard time thriving for sure, or not export to Canada.
I think that’s the way these tyrannical governments will have us owning nothing and being happy is to up the regulations on everything so we lose our homes, cars...everything. Stuck in a ten-minute city.
10 minute cities??? I thought it was 15!! LOL... How can I find the heart to even joke about this tyrannical regime? no one around me is aware a tiny bit what's ahead. God help us.
Yeah they call them 15 minute or smart cities. I guess deduct 5 minutes to get out your phone, scan it, get denied on social credit score then you can’t go anywhere in 15 minutes 😂
LOL LOL!!!!!! If you get your 10th flavor-of-the-month vaccine and haven't farted in a month to keep your carbon imprint within a reasonnable range you should keep a good credit score!
I just shared this with my granddaughter, she has a three year old. I told her, "Do not let them jab Jane" she said she won't. Last doctor who wanted to she told fuck no! Thank God she listens to me.
My Chinese ex-wife when we were still on speaking terms opined the worst things that can happen to you are to lose your parents as a child... Or your child when you're a parent...
I lost my mom to cancer when I was 9 and my dad to a heart attack when I was 29, both hurt allot. I couldn't imagine them being alive today and maybe choosing to get jabbed, Im thankful they're safe in Heaven.
I simply cannot believe, particularly given widely available statistics how ANY parent or carer of a baby or child could make this death inducing decision for them! For me it is simple CHILD ABUSE at another level!
We are (for the most part) trusting individuals. I feel SO sorry for those parents who didn’t have that “gut” feeling”… “something ain’t right here “ !!!!
"Covid" was word-for-word replay of the SARS scam back in 2003 +- remember that? Except instead of flu the Chinese caught from eating Civits, this time it was a cold the Chinese caught from eating bats!
Difference being this time, most of humanity swallowed this idiotic cowflop whole, without so much as a burp!
haha so true
No jabs here. One of our sons was pressed by his work and his liberal separatist wife to get jabbed. None of his 6 brothers took that potion. God help them for they know not what they have done. Hopefully they spared our Grandson. The mother no doubt took the boy for his potions.
I was compelled to walk away from my job November 14, 2021 because I will not take an experimental drug I knew by February to be deadly dangerous. Google "Jumai Nache" sometime. November 15, 2021 I got to listen to British Columbia's Minster of Health openly say on CFAX Radio he wanted the power to forcibly inject vaccine refuseniks or to arrest and imprison us indefinitely. That murderous piece-of-shit is still in power. He'll never be held to account for what he's done; to the contrary, he's just re-instituted mask mandates in this province for all Health Care settings...
As noted by Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist: “You could say that, after the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the I.G. Farben pattern: Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.”
Now IBM and Moderna will be “exploring technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and hybrid cloud” to “support smarter COVID-19 vaccine management,” according to a press release. In short, the partnership is aimed at facilitating data sharing between “governments, health care providers, life science organizations and individuals,” but this data is not restricted to health data.
One of O'Tooles campaign promises in Canada was to get a Pfizer Pharmaceutical company. Imagine, bringing in a company that is at the top of the list of the most fraudulent companies in the United States. In the U.S. they received a $2.3 billion dollar fine for paying kickbacks to doctors and for mis-promoting medicines. In the U.K. they were fined $84.2 million for overcharging the NHS 2006%. Having Pfizer in Canada would be comparable to having an I.G. Farben Pharmaceutics company during WWII. I.G. Farben manufactured Zyklon B and other pharmaceuticals that were used and was the largest profiteer. I.G. Farben was later liquidated to the pharmaceutical companies there are today.
Money is the root of that EVIL.
Very sick people involved. There should be bounties on their heads by now. I feel like hunting. Scalps would be all I would bring back.
In Quebec at least, child vaxx is not mandatory to get on with the kid's proposed vax schedule. The parents are closely monitored by the pediatricians to follow the schedule, but it is not required. It's so normalized though that parents don't ask questions and comply. I have a friend who did have her child vaxxed aroung 2yo, and I can assure you (with before and after videos), her child developped autism "overnight".
"You can see it"? I'm amazed it hasn't already happened... Far as I know as of right now you can't draw EI or Social Assistance w/o the Lethal Injection...
As I wrote elsewhere on Substack about the evil mess in Brazil: There is a good reason Governments are so dead keen on gun control...🙄
Reading that, you understand most Government's intense desire for gun control.. 🤔
Infanticide and mass murder. Child sacrifices to Moloch.
There is no other logical or scientific explanation to this. You are right it is.
That's the truth. It's disgusting.
Imagine STILL falling for this madness. People get what they deserve at this point
... potentially future young global leaders...
Not so much, if the billionaire capitalist malfeasants get their plan working. Never will, of course, as we are onto them. Still, if they got their way, the only future global leaders would be coming from their loins (I felt a bit sick writing that).
What comes to mind:
Samson & Goliath
Completely SICK SOB's...........
Oh Canada... How can this be: Health Canada announcing the presence of (unstudied consequences) of SV-40 in the shots, babies are dying more frequently now, and it goes a step further pushing a second death shot on them. In a parallel twist, Canada is widening the criteria for euthanasia (MAID program). In 2024 our Natural products (vitamins and supplements) will be removed from shelves (over the counter reach in health food stores). What he F??????
Canadians need to take an abrupt stand and soon. This is not a democracy
We are.
Go here and help us.
I'm a volunteer as are many.
This is the ONLY place that will stop them.
Nhppa stopped them in 2008 and we will again.
All information is there.
Get active if you care about FREEDOM
thank you!
At least they can't take our urine away. And, it costs nothing:
Yeah, nearly a decade now. I find the books especially compelling, together with an untold number of testimonials. I have not, once, seen a negative testimonial. Ok, that might be expected, given the general embarrassment associated with it; but why would so many claim to be cured of so much (from leprosy to gangrene, heart disease, end-stage kidney disease, toxic bites, cancers ...) if it were not true? No money in it for sure, except maybe for the book writers. Though it seems most of these books are freely available online. There are a selection that can be downloaded from the link above.
I bought one of the books but haven’t delved into it yet. I think my mind needs to be cleared on this one...surely interesting.
Amazing document! thank you!
You're welcome.
Is it all vitamins and supplements or just some? I read in Druthers about ot and seems more complex than allllllll...but, tis a slippery slope.
The plot is: the Canadian Gov is building a big team (ministère) for surveillance of product quality to deliver new DIN certifications on supplements. This means the standards (oh, for the security of the consumers!) will be very expensive for manufacturers to "upgrade". The sale/distribution of these natural products will be in the hands of doctors as prescriptions or pharmacists (this is still not clear).Most of these manufacturing companies will go belly up because of the new fees. Specialized shops and health food stores will have a hard time thriving for sure, or not export to Canada.
Thanks for that additional--disturbing--information.
I think that’s the way these tyrannical governments will have us owning nothing and being happy is to up the regulations on everything so we lose our homes, cars...everything. Stuck in a ten-minute city.
10 minute cities??? I thought it was 15!! LOL... How can I find the heart to even joke about this tyrannical regime? no one around me is aware a tiny bit what's ahead. God help us.
Yeah they call them 15 minute or smart cities. I guess deduct 5 minutes to get out your phone, scan it, get denied on social credit score then you can’t go anywhere in 15 minutes 😂
LOL LOL!!!!!! If you get your 10th flavor-of-the-month vaccine and haven't farted in a month to keep your carbon imprint within a reasonnable range you should keep a good credit score!
Go to this link below and volunteer.
This is the place that stopped them in 2008 with many Canadians helping
This is more serious and a part of the depopulation plan.
Go below and volunteer as many of us do.
Thanks for the link!
they're doubling down because they've painted themselves into a corner. they can't open themselves to potential liability.
guessing they realize that at this point, they only have a short window to kill as many babies as they can.
These shots are still under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only. There is NO pandemic and NO emergency. This is Conspiracy to Commit Murder:
Conspiracy to Commit Murder (s. 465) Charges in Canada: Offences, Defences, Punishments
Good luck making those charges stick.
Shit they’re so kind.
Courts world-wide. A resource for people to see before attempting to take legal action.
Martin Geddes at Peterlee Magistrates Court https://rumble.com/v3syh2p-martin-geddes-at-peterlee-magistrates-court.htm
Outer world follows inner world. https://www.wakingtimes.com/illusion-truth-the-disintegration-of-metaphysical-values/
I just shared this with my granddaughter, she has a three year old. I told her, "Do not let them jab Jane" she said she won't. Last doctor who wanted to she told fuck no! Thank God she listens to me.
My Chinese ex-wife when we were still on speaking terms opined the worst things that can happen to you are to lose your parents as a child... Or your child when you're a parent...
I lost my mom to cancer when I was 9 and my dad to a heart attack when I was 29, both hurt allot. I couldn't imagine them being alive today and maybe choosing to get jabbed, Im thankful they're safe in Heaven.
I have lost both of my daughters to the dogma and lies.
So sad.
Serial ______
Let it rip Jane A ….
Sick & tired of being sick and _____
Gee... I'm inclined to recommend a rifled shotgun slug or at least one, preferably two, 0.45 bullets...
For each of the morons at Health Canada who authored this. 🤔
I simply cannot believe, particularly given widely available statistics how ANY parent or carer of a baby or child could make this death inducing decision for them! For me it is simple CHILD ABUSE at another level!
We are (for the most part) trusting individuals. I feel SO sorry for those parents who didn’t have that “gut” feeling”… “something ain’t right here “ !!!!