Thank you for this info. It confirms my creepy experience with weird behavior of "nurses" in a so-called Rehabilitation Center.

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J no

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Hello, Dear Lady. Good to hear from you. One of our Little Red Hens sent me a link to this substack and I have been consuming high quality material here ever since. As far as we know Rebecca has been gone for a couple of years but her work will continue. Gmail, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that I am a Nigerian Spammer so it often locks me out of my accounts for my own good. I used to send out 20 emails a day to hundreds of people but now just have individual conversations. I should substack myself but I am swirling in a tsunami of work. Always feel free to PM me at: generalportal55@gmail.com

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May 10, 2023
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Thanks for your concern but let me set the record straight for anyone who reads this.

It is explained by the services like Proton and Tutanota, etc. that there is end-to-end encryption WITHIN THEIR SERVICE. So, if for any reason you or your recipient opens the message in any other service or the message is sent to an email not with that provider there is ZERO protection. If that wasn't bad enough I heard years ago that the Bush-sponsored DELL computer maker had an agreement with the government to put backdoors in all of their computers. A former Pentagon employee kind of patted me on the head and said that ALL computer manufacturers have HAD backdoors in their computers for YEARS.

So, even if you had end-to-end encryption and you never made a mistake of going outside of that provider. The KEYLOGGER ON YOUR MACHINE would report to the A.I. over what has ALWAYS BEEN A MILITARY COMNET since its inception.

NOTHING we do outside of going Amish is private.

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May 11, 2023
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I have even more private conversations on the phone, but I used to work in telecom. I was told by the older employees who were all former military that The Beast Computer in Brussels was active in the 1960s running Eschalon that had VOICE RECOGNITION back then so it was analyzing chatter 63 years ago and that was on solid wires. NOTHING is safe so unless you go all Maxwell Smart and enter the Cone Of Silence there is no avoiding it.

Buy The Whey: The Wire Tap laws ONLY apply to WIRES. This is a main reason why they moved to wireless communications. Any and ALL of what passes through the air is captured and analyzed. It does not require a court order to do this.

Often I'll say HI to the boys at the Fusion Center but most of them are just watching porn while the A.I. does all of the work and it already knows I'm coming to get it, so at this point its become a chess game.

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Saw a report on a ‘nurse’ in Virginia too, Inthink he got the fake license in FL originally

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Broward County, home of huge vote fraud (think Brenda Snipes), Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and a huge butt-boinking population. A truly scuzzy place.

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Is Walensky even real? The name i mean? Where was she born? Mother, father i want to know more. They could have put an actor in just to dissappear now into Pakistan all wrapped up to never be seen again! She appeared on the scene in jan 2021 and disappears now 2y and 4 months later. Does anybody know her history? Why everybody thinking this people are real. You think anybody real would lie to the world for 2 years? Nobody is that stupid and evil UNLESS THEY ARE HIRED ASSASSINS TRAINED FOR THIS JOB BY THE CIA OR OUR ENEMIES! I think 2020 was the beginning of war an attack and takeover of the USA. Start acting accordingly! They want us destroyed from.the inside out. Weak, sick, discouraged, unarmed, driven into insanity and depression. So we just accept the takeover...

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I read yesterday somewhere, but can't remember where, that Walensky was never properly sworn in. According to what I read she was legally hired as a consultant instead of the CDC role she appeared to be in.

Is that true? I don't know, but I read that yesterday somewhere.

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SGT report did an interview with attorney, Todd Callender, and he talked about how all (or almost all) of the Biden administration does not have properly notarized oaths of office, which is apparently required by law. And I think SGT report also interviewed a woman named Lisa McGee (something like that) who works with Todd Callender and might actually be the person who stumbled onto this. The videos are posted on SGT report's bitchute channel.

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Don’t ‘like’ this but have been saying it a loooong time too, goals were to kill, weaken and maim

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"There are no coincidences in law enforcement."

Is a quote in that system that always comes to mind when questions like yours arise.

If something is bad, I just presume it to be true until there is evidence that it is not. Saves me a whole lot of time and effort that way since I'm rarely 'disappointed' from the assumption.

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When I was doing shows on RBN with Rebecca Carley, we had a guest who spoke about National Security letters in the healthkill industry. If you were on a list they would have clandestine service agents who showed up to the ERs or hospitals or clinics as doctors or nurses that would basically assassinate you. They would show up for the mission and be gone as soon as it was done.

When I read this story it seemed like a cover for that operation. Plausible Deniability would be that there was a systemic problem of Bad Actors when they were probably government agents sent as Angels of Death but with this kind of cover-story no one would know that the government itself was a murder mill not only at the level of what I described but as many below have experienced first hand:

The Hospital System was designed by French military Officers. That is why you have the language: Doctor's ORDERS. The CDC is headed by the Surgeon General who appears in public in full military uniform. The civilian medical system is part of the Uniformed Services of the military. The only other person I've heard of who talks about this is Tammy Pepperman who most accurately said that bringing someone to an ER, Hospital, or Clinic is literally making a DEPOSIT of the body of an ENEMY COMBATANT to a MILITARY FIELD HOSPITAL. Since they are considered The Enemy then they can and will experiment on them (Project Paperclip) and kill them at will.

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Good to see you commenting here Patrick. I remember the shows you did with Dr. Carley--I learned so much from the both of you.

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So do we know if there is a link between Operation Nightingale and COVID fraud?

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Early on, when our government (US) was rewarding hospitals for Covid deaths- $37,000 per death if I remember correctly - I thought it odd. Reward for negative outcomes? Makes no sense. Unless you have a government with an agenda of depopulation….

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Hospitals are the killing fields and the bigger they are, the better they are able to get away with it.

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Sadly, it was also legitimately licensed doctors and nurses in our area. All three hospitals in our neighboring cities were guilty of administering these protocols. I interceded on my husbands behalf which I wrote about before. They denied my 92 year old dad “comfort care” in August 2021 because they wanted to inject him with a toxic drug Amiodarone that almost killed him in 2019 until I stopped it, but it had already done damage. He didn’t want resuscitated, he had V-Tach and the medications were more toxic than the condition. He told all of us clearly that night to allow him to go. I took him to the hospital because his pacemaker restarted his heart and I knew he was in pain. The head doctor who approves the EMT’s transport and advice, agreed with us, but the doctor on duty had different intentions. He made my dad lay there for 5.5 hours suffering until I relented and said I would give him the medication to get him to quit suffering. As soon as they administered the Ativan to relax him, he passed away in under five minutes. This doctor had the nerve to say “at least he didn’t suffer.” Had my son not been with me I am not sure what I would have done to this monster. I filed a complaint with the hospital and they lied in their response. I left a phone message that I would be relentless in telling our story so everyone knows how horrible their hospital is. We got another letter where they admitted the issues and the fact they denied him palliative care. They even threatened to take my POA away from me if I didn’t do what they said! This is our medical system now. They cannot be trusted at all.

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Exactly. I would bet that the fake nurses did less harm than the licensed medical personnel by far! Yours is another example of the ineptitude and callousness of a huge percentage of the medical industrial complex.

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In addition, they had an entire team that came in with my dad and I explained the serious side effects to them that happened in 2019 and that I would not subject him to that again. I told them I would consider another drug, but they had no alternative. The drug they wanted to use was never intended for V-tach when manufactured. This is our medical industry now. I kept going out and asking for the Ativan to relax him and there had to be another doctor and every single nurse was in on it! So it doesn’t matter that someone had a toxic reaction to a medication now….remember when they used to ask if you were allergic to certain medications!!! They didn’t care. After my dad passed way, I spoke to his cardiologist who was called by this monster and he said the doctor called him and wanted to use the paddles on him. He said to honor his and our wishes! This doctor ignored our doctor who knew him!!! I had also talked to him twice before we transported to let him know what was going on. We thought he was going to pass away peacefully at home, but we couldn’t get hospice setup fast enough and they normally disconnect the pacemaker. It all happened very fast.

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Joni , I’m so sorry.

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Thank you so much. I knew the EMT’s who transported my dad and they asked if I would like them to stay a little while and I really wished I had allowed them to. I didn’t want to hold them up since they get so many calls now, but afterwards I realized they would have backed me since they were at our home and also spoke to the doctor who authorized the transport and the request for comfort care. I never thought the doctor/nurses would do this in a million years. Since I cared for my grandparents and my dad and mom, including issues with my husband, I was at the hospital a lot over the years and always had a good experience and nothing like this. The hospital never overrode our doctors or what I advised them that we decided with our doctors. I don’t know how these people live with themselves now. It’s all about how much harm they can do now, instead of do no harm.

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May 7, 2023
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Thank you so much. Yes, they will and it won’t be soon enough for them and all the pain and deaths they intentionally caused to so many people.

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Joni , as an ob / gyn , if someone pregnant had COVID complications and was hospitalized, I was not allowed to manage them , only the “Covid Team” cared for them . The Covid Team ... I have nothing nice to say .

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That is so frustrating to hear! You know best what pregnant women need, they were just after the huge covid $$ scam. I completely agree with you.

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So 7600 individuals have fake nursing credentials? I submit that thousands of licensed doctors and nurses aided and abetted the malfeasance of the pharmaceutical industry by buying into a fake pandemic and a fake vaccine with no due diligence or critical thinking.

A handful of unethical doctors and schools screwed the government. Thousands of doctors and hospitals got millions of dollars with the consent and blessings of the government. Unethical and immoral behavior was encouraged by incentives to give worthless dangerous drugs and put people on ventilators.

But sure, lets hang these schmucks from the highest tree while those with real blood on their hands go happily to the bank. Isn't that the American way?

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I was going to say that same thing with a twist in the main comments.

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A nurse almost killed my mother by administering the wrong medication. I was there in the room at the time, overheard the nurse say "and now we will give you _____ because _____" and I was horrified and said, " no! her numbers are _______, not ______. The nurse in the ER explained that giving her _______ under these circumstances would be fatal!" and the nurse said "lemme check" and looked at the screen and said, "oh, my mistake; I was looking at her chart from 2 years before. You are right; we will NOT give her the medicine." and left the room. And I was sitting there, jaw dropped, thinking how necessary it is that an advocate be present 24/7 when a loved one is in the hospital. I don't know if this was a real or a fake nurse, and yeah, you are right that another layer to this is that it tars real nurses with this huge question mark. Whether or not nurses are overwhelmed or exhausted or fake -- it's not good.

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going into a military base falsely called a Hospital or Clinic is like scuba diving. You always have to go with a buddy or you'll end up dead.

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In the UK the murder via Liverpool care pathways of Midazalam, morphine, dehydration and starvation, I assure you are being undertaken by actual doctors and real nurses.

I don’t know why he’s claiming they’re not real doctors. It’s rather strange. Perhaps to reduce accountability on Hospitals themselves for legal cases.

I know from confidential eyewitness testimony that there are nurses who have seen the doctors writing DNAR on patients records without informing patients or families. I know that for severe asthma or heart attacks that the Central dispatch call out the ‘good death squad’ rather than treating the patients. I know that some nurses actually believe they’re just giving the patient a ‘good death’ aka mercy killing aka illegal euthanasia.

Recall that the largest medical group implicated in the genocide and euthanasia in Germany WAS THE NURSES.

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"I don’t know why he’s claiming they’re not real doctors. It’s rather strange. Perhaps to reduce accountability on Hospitals themselves for legal cases."

That entered my mind also. The net effect of this, is that at least to some degree, it will muddy the water and absolve the real and intentional killers.

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Yes, but the Covid protocals were from government.

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Project Paperclip never ended.

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I expect focusing on the fact they are not “real” will mean legacy media will pick the story up..

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As these individuals have proven to be disruptive and dangerous, it is necessary for us as a society to find a way to remove their legal protections. According to French sociologist Alain Ehrenberg's recent works, neoliberalism has shifted many personal responsibilities to individuals, but the State still has a crucial duty to protect its citizens. Although Thatcher and Reagan partially reverted to pre-New Deal policies, any Western government that neglects its sovereign obligations risks inciting a significant revolt. - Luc

PS: I would suggest reading "The right of all to punish," of the late Robert Nozick's 1974 book, "Arnarchy, State, and Utopia."

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This isn't affecting my trust in the medical establishment at all.

I was at zero trust beginning with the "safe and effective" mantra.

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Exactly and all the hospitals are still pushing the deadly jabs along with all the Primary Care Physicians we have had!!!! They all need criminally prosecuted. I had to get my 92 year old mother a new PPO and they had a post that stated “side effects from drugs or vaccines are still overridden by their benefits.” God help us! It’s all about the money now!!

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Always money 💰 Joni .

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The sad thing is we actually had a great doctor from China who didn’t push everything. He would always respect our approach to a more natural medication. He even used to come to our home to see my grandmother before she passed away. He retired about 10 years ago and its been terrible finding anyone even close to his character and morals.

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It has NEVER been about the money. Those are gameboard tokens printed at will just to show scores in the game. What you are witnessing is PURE EVIL. It LIVES on DEATH. It feeds on pain, suffering, and death. Contrary to the morons like David Icke and others that say these creatures feed on base emotions like anger and fear, so they want to meditate to send them 'love'; these monsters actually Eat Love and Defecate Hate. Hate is all that is left in us after they have consumed all of the love we had for our families as the demons destoyed them. Money is the deceptive: Look over there! answer to keep people from seeing that I just described.

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