Don't they have attorneys in canada?

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I wouldn't say she's an attorney, she's an ambulance chaser

1) Geneva convention only applies during wartime nations

2) Canada's Charter of Right's and freedoms allows peaceful protests, but the 24/7 horn blowing and impeding others rights has deemed this unlawful, according to Charter section 2c, the gatherings and protest that seriously disturb the peace are unlawful

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We know who gets to define what disturbing the peace is.

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Great question.

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Since March 2020, police officers have utterly disgraced themselves and proven where their real loyalties lie And it ain't with the people. Anyone who 'backs the blue' backs low IQ useful idiots of the New World Order. They are as dumb as shit and complicit in the enslavement of their own children and grandchildren. Only the most unintelligent of the human race would participate in the creation of a system that imprisons the human race. That is exactly what these numskulls are doing. Not even sheep do that - for all the grief they get. These are incompetent, spineless morons who don't have as much as two brain cells between their ears to rub together. Lowlife arsewipes.

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I wrote an email to the Ottawa police to express my disappointment and disapproval of the police chief's actions. Unfortunately, I'm on the other side of Canada and can't object in person. I don't know if my email will be consigned to the crackpot pile but maybe if enough people voice their objections, the Ottawa police will back down. info@ottawapolice.ca

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I got this from another source: Here's the email of Mayor Watson of Ottawa so that people can tell him to rescind the State of Emergency order: Jim.Watson@Ottawa.ca

Or you can call 613-580-2496. Of course, any such emails or conversations should be respectful (but firm). Otherwise, they'll write you off as a rabid right-wing conspiracy theorist. They might do so anyways but at least you'll know you acted properly.

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Protect and serve the Great Reset.

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