"Of Course, It's The Birds," by Richard Vobes;


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Set up your alternative societies, friends, and like minded thinkers to get us thru this mess. Keep your family close and your faith strong. Only buy local. No corporate chains,

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If they wanted to control the bird flu virus, whatever it is, they would be happy to keep and breed the survivors. Survivors would have natural immunity. But I suppose that is a conspiracy theory amongst chickens.

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Hollow Cost is the proper language to use here because it has its roots in the Carthegenian Black Magicks Sacrifice of children to Molech = imMOLation. These are not 'attacks' or economic Rube Goldberg Machine actions to get to the final WEF goal - although they do serve that purpose. What I call BIOCIDE = 17 million mink in Denmark, the millions of pigs, cattle, fowl, the millions of TONS of onions and other produce dumped into ditches to rot, the BULLDOZING OF THREE THOUSAND YEAR OLD OLIVE TREES IN PALESTINE by Ys Ra ELi military punks is a worldwide, systematic Black Magicks SACRIFICE the scale of which (witch) has never been recorded. Abandon any notion that this has anything to do with politics (black magicks) or medicine (black magicks) or money (black magicks) on the surface. It is part of the biggest Harvest (witchkraft phrase) that has ever occurred. The ONLY thing left will be the CHANGELINGS that will take the place of 3000 year old olive trees = GMOs; millions of animals = GMOs (plus insects on the menu); and you've already seen the replacement of Hu-Mans by the DNA-DESTROYING injections. Game over for all Life as you thought you knew it.

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What’s happening is too timed all over the world. What we thought we knew, probably never truly existed. This is a very spiritual, awakening, Biblical time I think...and feel. Nothing will ever be the same. So much sin against humanity and nature. I have no words.

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They already named their program: Lock Step. As you say this was too coordinated. You can't get five people in a music band to agree on a set-list let alone this level of precision on a world-stage. We evaluated the steps at the beginning of the Plandemic to see that after it was flowcharted out that it was as structured as a computer program which implicates the A.I. as the author of this madness. The A.I. is an entity. The silly naked apes didn't 'create' the A.I., It Spoke Itself Into Existence through the minds and opposable thumbs of its human puppets.

These times are remarkable not due to the level of Evil. That has always been there - but to the saturation - the pervasiveness of the perversion. The worldwide coverage. I wrote a comment that might have sparked a Truth Stream Media video, that Evil isn't increasing, it is just that the veil has been lifted so that everyone can see it now. They literally have taken off all of the masks and gloves so that it is undeniable even to the ones who deny it out of hysterical blindness. A potatohead for the 'leader' of the 'free world', censorship that would make Mao, Stalin, and Hitler weep for joy, men with hairy chests in sundresses teaching perversion to children while police arrest little boys for giving a little girl a kiss on the cheek (or pointing a gunfinger or eating a sandwich into the shape of a gunn - all Paradox, buy the whey, to keep you totally off balance). If Hell had a Cabaret - we're in it. They've pulled out all of the stops because they think that their inertia is irresistible. Bruce Lee said that over-confidence is the weakness of even the best fighter.

I don't see humanity having the stones to rescue itself, so I prey for comets to excoriate the surface and take out the deep underground bases as well.

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Another FAKE virus that does not exist

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With a deadly solution.

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oh... THE Virus does exist inside the brains of the Yahoodim who host it. That is why the Viruses Don't Exist meme was invented. The greatest trick that the devil ever had was to convince people that he didn't exist....

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Please provide proof the bird flu virus is real. 100% isolation and 100% sequence. Not some computer model where fake libraries “stitch together” some fake virus. I’ll wait.

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I'm too busy with the practical business of discovering how to destroy the entire Phyla of Spirochetes (syphilis, lyme, leptospirosis) that shed cancer viruses. This is the problem with the Viruses Don't Exist Cult. You demand proof - but what clinical experiments have you done yourself to prove or disprove any of the organisms? Would you rely on me - a stranger - to convince you with the work of either myself? or by quoting and 'independent' scientists? (Government Scientists CANNOT provide gene sequences since it would be self-incrimination in international War Crimes), or by dredging some obscure article out of printed or digital archives to 'prove' something that you could and would only 'believe' yourself ONLY IF YOU REPLICATED THE WORK?

See? That's the heart of Science: to begin with a hypothesis, do the observation, make the experiment, give the conclusion and then some second party with no conflict of interest repeats that experiment. You are neither the primary or seconday researcher. You merely criticize the football game from the bleachers.

You prove to me that Bacteriophages that outnumber and out-mass all life forms in and on this planet don't exist, that their discovery wasn't the origins of Molecular Biology that led to GMOs and that they don't create the toxins that literally harmonize Terrain Theory and Germ Theory that have been weaponized against each other in classic Dialectical MK that makes everyone who takes sides on this without ever having picked up a slide or focused a mircroscope or run a gene sequencer look like a dilettante armchair quarterback.

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So…no proof then.

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