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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDJkFsODxl0 MAID this should be included in article

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Very disturbing indeed and as a TI who was pushed out of my home due to aggressive mental and physical attacks I was forced into the shelter shitstem.

I could see it coming - that this was actually a sinister plan to eliminate those the MKULTRA program labelled “expendable”.

We’ve already heard cases of poor, homeless marginalized people being coerced into this as if it’s an act of benevolence. I also read it was done before during the 1950’s so it’s hardly an original idea for population control.

Very sinister coming from “woke”kkkanada” as activists often call it but looks like they’re showing their true colors under all that ‘progressive’ DEI while being a 5 Eyes Nation. It’s all connected💯🤔😒

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Canadian Blood Services are VAMPIRES!!

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The same with the Red Cross

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Some great contenders are Social Services, Public education & CPS. They’re listed in countless MKULTRA documentaries🤔

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In the 1950s or 1960s, didn’t they already create a new definition of death (brain death) to accommodate for organ donation?

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Organ harvesting is nothing new in Trudeau’s Canada. IMO when someone is declared ‘brain dead’, they are not really dead, as their hearts are still beating, but they certainly are once they have been given anaesthesia and their organs removed and whisked away in the special cool-box for that purpose.

Euthanasia and organ harvesting is big business in Canada. Murder by doctor is increasing every year and saves the Marxist Healthcare millions of $$ annually, so killing is more lucrative than healing.

The reasons to justify people to apply for ‘maid’ services increases frequently. The latest reason agreed upon but not yet legalised, is mental illness. I wonder who will be the judge of that? I suggest some of the official proponents urging for mental illness as a justification should be first in line.

I read somewhere that there will be, if not already, euthanasia training classes for doctors who are interested in doing so.

Many people who require social assistance due to poverty, homelessness and even certain illnesses, have been refused and are urged to apply for euthanasia instead.

We are nearing the bottom of the slippery slope. When will euthanasia no longer be a choice but be compulsory?

( For details on stats and figures, please look up the persons mention in this article, and also ‘Euthanasia Prevention Coalition’ for Canadian and International news.))

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Of course organ harvesting happens in Canada. Successful transplants have been taking place here since 1958.

When someone is declared neurological deceased, it means they have zero brain function. They are not "alive", but a ventilator is keeping their circulatory system functioning for optimum health of the organs.

MAID and organ donation is not big business. There have been exactly 136 people who have utilized MAID and donated their organs. These people would have agreed to donate prior to their "death", unlike a typical deceased donor, who'sfamily has made that final decision. While there are ethics involved here, do you really have the right to decline someone their dying wish? These people are typically dying of horrible illness that is ravaging their bodies and/or minds and are often leaving this mortal coil fat sooner than a "Normal" lifespan. If they have the opportunity to make their death matter, to leave this beautiful legacy, that's their right.

I do not know the accuracy of MAID and mental health. I would think this relates more to those with unmanageable conditions and not just someone who is merely depressed.

There already exists training for Thanatology and end of life care. MAID should be considered part of that training.

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You are entitled to your opinions, which seem not to be based on moral principles.

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You are incorrect. First, you have no right to judge my morality, as you know nothing about me, nor are you God. Second, my opinions are based on facts. I've been a part of the organ donation/transplantation community, advocating, speaking and educating for over 25 years. My husband was an organ and tissue donor, saving and changing many lives.

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I am sorry you have misunderstood my views on organ donations - there is a moral way and an immoral way. As decent people, we need to encourage people to live instead of wanting to commit suicide or have themselves murdered by someone who has a license to kill.

This is my final communication with you.

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I highly doubt this is being done as a "life saving" operation but more for huge profits. Does it make sense that doctors murder patients with all their interventions and drugs and then turn around and try to save patients with harvested organs? The entire medical mafia is now so disjointed and convoluted that there can be no more trust of anything it does.

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MAID will “make her desolate and naked, and will eat (cannibalize the organs of) her flesh and will burn her up with fire.” Revelation 17:16

Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.” And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns…And he said to me, “The waters which you saw where the prostitute sits are peoples and multitudes, and nations and languages. And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled. The woman whom you saw is the great city (Babel’s Masonic Judeo-Xian Pax Americana), which reigns over the kings of the (Marxist Beast’s UN Global Village) earth.” Revelation 17:1-18

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These doctors are evil. To convince someone to be medically killed to harvest their organs is beyond pathetic and disgusting.

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They aren't convincing people of this. The patient undergoing MAID has requested to be a donor.

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I’m sure they plant this idea as a way to make suicide appropriate. Maybe not every, but if even one is too many.

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No they do not. The idea was first presented by a physician utilizing MAID. She wanted to make her death matter. People using MAID are typically already dying of horrible physically or mentally debilitating illnesses, taking them long before their natural time. Donating is a legacy they can leave, giving their death meaning. It's also a choice they get to make, as opposed to the typical deceased donor, who's family makes the final decision.

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I wish I still had the link, but I remember a doctor talking about organ harvesting and he said that certain drugs could not be given to the patient because they would damage the organs.

Because of this, even though the patient is unconscious, they can still feel the pain of the harvesting process.

They are screaming inside but no one can hear them.

I am not an organ donor per my drivers license anymore. Something to consider.

Karen lucyk macdonald has a link in her comment below that seems to confirm this !!!

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Unfortunately some countries are changing the laws without going to a public vote and whether a No or a former No will make no difference. Want a choice in what happens to you after death - check out how long organs last after a person's death. Then if your beloved can tolerate doing it, get a legal agreement between you both that states all the right words, that the remaining partner has been held to account legally by my "Last Will and Testament" in leaving me dead without calling the morgue/doctor/police within our establishment for a period of X hours or X days. Make sure your body and internal organs are so screwed that they can't use anything!

If a Will already exists by you - a Directive signed by a lawyer and you can be an addendum to the Last Will and Testament - this applies to Australia so check whether a Directive is permissible in your country.

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Thank you so much for adding this information. It will definitely be helpful in looking into and considering my own options and how I need to proceed in the near future.

Thanks again for your consideration. It is so very kind and thoughtful of you !!!

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You are welcome.

The Directive we had seems a bit useless now but it was for funeral direction - cardboard box, no flowers, no service. Save a bucket load of money this way. But now with all the BS going on - I think for me, I will go bush when my beloved dies, and abandon my vehicle and walk across the Simpson Desert. I know I will not come out alive if it is Summer and heat over 50C. Not taking water or food. Seems drastic but I WILL NOT leave my organs to anyone, nor will accept Satans poison in my body!

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Thanks again for your input and interest in helping me. It is very kind on your part to do so.

I understand how frustrating it can be with everything that is happening.

I pray it doesn’t come to the point you have to take that desert walk.

Hope and pray that you and your family stay healthy and safe.

May God bless you all.

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The organ donor is treated exactly the same as a living surgical patient. They are given anaesthesia and do not feel pain while undergoing surgery. Furthermore, they have been declared deceased, so they are not capable of "screaming inside."

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Thank you Sue for adding to the conversation.

I have had many surgeries so I know that to be true.

Still makes me wonder about “all” the things we think we understand to be true and later find that some of them are not.

Sometimes I wonder if we are getting dumber not smarter.

I think most of the time we are messing around with stuff we will never fully understand.

Thanks again for your reply.

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My 20 year old son, Andrew David SHEA, was an ILLEGAL ORGAN DONOR - view https://www.illegalorgandonor.com

He was very much alive and conscious when his heart was removed.

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I am so very sorry about what has happened to your son.

I have no words, just a heavy heart and tears of sorrow.

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I really have to watch my back all the time. As a result of my "speak-out" I was made HOMELESS at the age of 64. I now live in public housing. I have a petition going trying to get HUMAN RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL LAW [CEDAW] into the domestic level - so as it can be used to introduce other HUMAN RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL LAW - see https://chn.ge/2Hpu2aa

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Sorry to hear about your circumstances. Hope you find the strength and support necessary to overcome the challenges you face.

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Many thanks, I get support and help from above. Nothing going down on earth (at the moment)

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Help from the Lord is the best help to have.

He will never leave you nor forsake you.

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On the Day of Judgement, I reckon God is going to be tied up for sometime working out the good guys from the bad. Heaven is going to be close to empty and hell will be to overflowing.

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I believe many hospitals in the USA are conduits for organ trade too.

And what are communities thinking when they allow bike lanes in roads?

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A good majority of people in need of an organ transplant were born with a congenital illness of some kind that destroys their organ(s). So while living a healthy lifestyle may be helpful, it won't cure the illness. At some point the organ will deteriorate and will need replacing.

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I did not know that. However, that unfortunate relatively small population is not driving the huge deadly and criminal global organ harvesting operations/enterprises gunning for victims in hospitals.

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Appallingly, about 10% of the world's transplants are believed to be illegal. But there are two very different types of trafficking. The first being those who are willingly selling an organ for financial benefit and the second is victims who are trafficked for organ removal. Both are offered financial compensation that they may never receive or receive much less than promised. To your comment, trafficked organs are not procured from hospital patients. Traffickers want young, healthy patients, as this makes them more money. Regardless, it is abhorrent.

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I would be leery of receiving an organ, I mean who knows how it was procured.

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It was procured from someone who's family gave consent. And if you or your child were dying and the only form of treatment was an organ transplant, you would absolutely want that organ(s).

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"Gave consent" could also mean that they were lied to about "brain death". So if one is under duress, they should not care about the way the organ was procured? That seems to be what got us into this mess in the first place. The implications on both sides are sketchy at best.

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That isn't possible. Consent for donation is given by the family AFTER it has been determined that the patient cannot survive and is a potential candidate for organ and tissue donation. Death is then confirmed, by several different physicians, not including those previously treating the patient.

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So they determine by "neurological/brain death that the patient cannot survive? Brain death is not a real thing. This diagnosis is being used to get the family to sign off so that the hospital can make large amounts of money to sell the organs. That is why you edited out "neurological death" from the original comment.

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Neurological, or brain death, is an actual thing. It means that there is no blood flow to the brain, no brain function and the brain is, literally, deceased. Without brain function, the body cannot survive. I edited out neurological death in my previous comment, because it is not necessarily a universally recognized phrase. Most people more readily, if not medically, understand the phrase "brain death".

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They have been rushing to a diagnosis of brain death for people without even knowing for sure that it is an actual brain death. I am sure there have been people diagnosed with brain death but even doctors have a hard time diagnosing it or even knowing if they will recover . Here is two articles that support what I am saying.



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On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place.

Psalm 12

God Bless

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I remember growing up (I'm a boomer) of hearing about Organ Donor cards and my mother was one of them keeping this card in her wallet. Of course I didn't know the horrors behind it, but they told you donate your organs at time of death. No, that's not true, you have to be alive for this to occur. Do not volunteer to be an organ donor. It's been a very lucrative business for eons. Very disturbing and it must be stopped.

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You are not alive during deceased donation. It's called deceased donation for a reason. Doctors have put the potential donor through many tests to confirm their death. The only thing keeping them "alive" is the ventilator, which is continuing to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body, to ensure the potential viability of the organs.

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This article is absurd and fear mongering! You are taking bits and pieces from different areas and forcing them together. But the puzzle pieces don't fit! Just because they are ultimately about organ and tissue donation, doesn't mean they are interconnected. Black market organ trafficking does happen in other areas of the world. India is one example and there is a "kidney Village" documentary you can watch online. Woman are forced to sell their kidneys for little money and no aftercare, to pay for their husband's debts. It is truly appalling. But organ trafficking has NOTHING to do with donation in Canada.

Donating organs through MAID is an entirely different ball game from regular "deceased" donation. The concept was first introduced by a doctor, who was utilizing MAID services. There are very strict regulations surrounding who qualifies for MAID. Most of these are dying before their time, from illnesses that will ultimately result in a very unpleasant demise. These are often people who are nowhere near the natural end of their lives and they want to make their death to mean something. The ability to donate ones organs is an incredible legacy to leave and so few are able to do so, due to the strict circumstances required for donation. MAID could certainly be an optimal situation, as plans for donation can be made in advance. There are definitely ethics at play here, but should we be denying someone their dying wish? It's a choice, not a requirement.

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