What goes on in New York State will stay in New York State and only in New York State. If NY citizens don’t stand up and confront their totalitarian governor Hochul, they have no one but themselves to blame!

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Yes but it’s bigger than the Governor I’m afraid

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Don't get on the train.

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If the people wait until the quarantine camp trains are already running, it will be too late. 6 million Jews stand in mute testimony to this fact.

For, when the trains start running, it’s already too late for disarmed citizens to stop the juggernaut. They will have already had their means of defense – the right to own firearms and the right of freedom of speech – removed.

And those domestic police (as obama envisioned, equally staffed, strong and well-funded as the military) will not politely invite purebloods to board the train. They will be torn from their homes and herded like cattle into the trains at gunpoint!

Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it!

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Yes, :(

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The domestic police will not be

so domestic i expect... I don't think it's coincidental that buslaods, planeloads, boatloads, etc. of young military-aged males foreigners are being brought in and housed at great expense, like a standby army in every city, country.

Expect these people to be deputized, armed and instructed to keep us in line when the UN/WEF/NWO take over and start instituting all manner of new diktats that we would have wanted to have protested or revolted against... of course resistance won't be possible with these young foreigners are told to keep us in line, think about when our soldiers are sent to other countries and told to keep the locals under control. These guys will be given full immunity, carte blanche to use any means necessary. It won't be pretty.

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I agree with you fully that the purpose of this fifth column of fighting-age males was twofold: to constitute a bloc of new voters, who have been given the quid pro quo of amnesty and free “stuff” in exchange for a promise to vote Democrat; and, be the core of the domestic police force engaged in the military suppression of ‘domestic terrorists.,’ a.k.a. patriots who oppose the totalitarian administration imposed by the 2020 coup d’état.

It still is by definition a domestic police force, regardless of the fact that it is composed of newly amnestied citizens. It will be operating domestically to skirt the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act prohibitions against federal military personnel enforcing domestic policies.

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Lioness, you likely already know this, but there is ample evidence that Walmarts are actually FEMA/Quarantine camps disguised as superstores (skip to 3:13): https://bitchute.com/video/yH2Jkj9n3aR2

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I have an abandoned Walmart building few miles from where I live … just watching and waiting .

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Do we know who any of the twelve Diamond Princess people are who were taken to the Nebraska quarantine camp?

Any interviews or statements to be found?

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At minute 1:41 into the video they mentioned "the oportunity to develope a resource for the DoD".

I guess it was already know that was nothing to do with health and all to do with DoD. 🤔

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I read a substack from Karen Bracken suggestion recently that indicated to check out the FEMA camps for activity for housing the illegals.. which illegals.

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And there are still citizens — who are a combination of brainwashed-insane-idiotic — who trust their governments. Sometimes I think that the people get the government that they deserve.

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Joseph de Maistre agrees: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'

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Unfortunately, the rest of humanity eventually gets sucked into that unchecked black hole known as the government.

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In the fall of 2024 anyone with the extremely toxic MAGA virus will be quarantined to stop the spread

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The entire DC Swamp is a quarantine camp where truth and freedom are being held hostage.

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It should go without saying - if we bow to the people we have put in power and do their bidding, even though it is counter to what we intended, then we are to blame for whatever befalls us. #Resist #DoNotComply

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Well said.

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80 years since the lock up of 125,000 Japanese Americans thanks to Roosevelt’s EO 9066.

F Delano


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What else is a gulag? 15-minute “smart cities!”

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Internment camps for the unvaccinated? They’re still trying! Watch Turfseer’s Music Video THE COMMANDANT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-commandant

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It's so discouraging how many people just don't understand what their plan is.

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What percentage of them took the ClotShots?

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To add.

They don’t even want to look at the evidence of this. Unfortunately they will find themselves living the evidence they refused to see and will say. How could this happen. 😳

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Notice the date of 2020 that the first camp was publicized...it didn’t get built overnight.

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Washington state was advertising for all positions in "facilities". People to cook, clean up, those with military experience and weapons training, etc. When people were pointing out the advertisements, they were pu!led and a big denial campaign started.


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Media Whores helping the Killers.

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