As far as I know, the principle attributed to Goebbels originates from British propagandists.

Goebbels actually said that good propaganda must be rooted in the truth.

I guess, once people are dumbed down enough, the British way is as good as any, although it creates Stockholm syndrome among people who are disenfranchised and disempowered.

There are ways to be relatively immune to propaganda, but apparently, only a few can manage to do it:


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Excellent read!!!!! Will be posting tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

J Debra Grube , I pray this daily , His timing is perfect and will not forsake us . We must continue this fight till our last breath.

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These evil doers will continue to be lauded on this earth. There is no surprise in that so we should never be discouraged. We fight this battle against darkness, never giving up because we know God will be victorious.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you for posting this article - powerful & an informative overview of what has been going on for years. I thank GOD everyday for our TRUTH Warriors. My uncle - in his 80's is a retired ENT doctor who worked with Fauci during the Aids crisis, in the 80's - he told me "I didn't trust him than & I don't trust him now". GOD help those who speak TRUTH to tyranny & stand for our Health Freedom.

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Jesus is weeping. How can we allow this to continue?

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From what I understand the killing will continue until 2026. Says Delores.

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This has been planned oy for some time:

On The Shocking 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West


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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

He is doing his duty as a 'good' Jesuit.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Oh my God, how do we stop what they are doing? With the knowledge that lifesaving drugs were denied patients, that instead they were given drugs and respirators to hasten their death, how can we as a force for truth stop what is happening?

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The important question in the Nuremberg section, above, is "why not?" Why no prosecutions? Lots of reasons, probably, but mostly due to fear and the ignorance that generates fear. Those who accept the deceptions, and vote to ratify them, are willfully partcipating in the fraud. It currently seems to infect the half of the country who worship the power structure that drives the destruction, and most of the half who prefer rational behavor but are too frightened of the other half to demand it. Fear is destroying our society, globally, and unless the rational few force the hypnotized "woke" to awaken, it will continue. We haven't seen the worst yet. Correcting it will require sgnificant force. Things will have to get worse before necessary actions are taken. Probably much worse.

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I think it is worse than we think. It is a series of laws passed in the dead of nights that transferred the entire operation to the DODwith HHS saying they could use untested drugs.

Go see Bailiwick News. It is heartbreaking, maddening and horrifying what we have allowed

our representative to do since the Patriot Act.

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Well find that patriot act abuses were illegal. Just need competent prosecutors to stop it.

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