This IS the SAME WITCH, who was 'Operational' During 'Timely/CONvenient' (Not for Victims- attendees), Christchurch Mosque 'Shootings' March 2019. NOTE WELL ; Just as in OZtopian Jurisdictions - PRE the 'STRATEGIC CONVID-19' Govt/ MSM 'TERROR CAMPAIGN'! THE 'WITCH', A W.E.F Cabal Member, after said 'STATE' Incident in N.Z., HAS 'Attached…
This IS the SAME WITCH, who was 'Operational' During 'Timely/CONvenient' (Not for Victims- attendees), Christchurch Mosque 'Shootings' March 2019. NOTE WELL ; Just as in OZtopian Jurisdictions - PRE the 'STRATEGIC CONVID-19' Govt/ MSM 'TERROR CAMPAIGN'! THE 'WITCH', A W.E.F Cabal Member, after said 'STATE' Incident in N.Z., HAS 'Attached' a 10 YEAR Gaol term for 'Owning' a Copy of Christchurch 'Shootings', & 14 Years for 'RE Distributing Censored Material' = Guess The Former N.Z. PRIME MINSTREL - Ahern PLUS 'Others' - DO NOT WANT 'CLOSE INSPECTIONS' of THE/ ANOTHER 'Official Narrative!! AND, MIS/DISingenuous 'Comforting' By Ahernia of Mosque attendees After 'Incident', WAS HOLLOW & DARK AURA!
Last; Harvard - Kennedy School. AMAZINGLIE (Amazingly) - J F K Jnr, SOOO 'Worried' about 'Children's Health Defence', 'SUPPORTS' IDF 'Operations' (And Palestinian Men/Women/Kids/Infants 'Liquidation' - By Default), 'BECAUSE' the United States NEEDS an Israeli 'Beach Head', In the Arab World! = WELL< That's O.K., @ SOMEONE ELSES 'EXPENSE'! - Carry on!
I wonder If 'Flash Mouth' J. Ahernia, (WHO WILL NOT BE 'STRUGGLING' - See W.E.F & BAMGF Affiliations/ CONnectivity) HAS changed her Surname - Now that she's 'Married', for an INcognitive Future, OR, her Husband, has Taken 'HER' (Loose pronoun - LOL) surname? = Next Major 'Storm' - UNnatural, WILL probably 'Bear' her name! (LOL - Again!)
This IS the SAME WITCH, who was 'Operational' During 'Timely/CONvenient' (Not for Victims- attendees), Christchurch Mosque 'Shootings' March 2019. NOTE WELL ; Just as in OZtopian Jurisdictions - PRE the 'STRATEGIC CONVID-19' Govt/ MSM 'TERROR CAMPAIGN'! THE 'WITCH', A W.E.F Cabal Member, after said 'STATE' Incident in N.Z., HAS 'Attached' a 10 YEAR Gaol term for 'Owning' a Copy of Christchurch 'Shootings', & 14 Years for 'RE Distributing Censored Material' = Guess The Former N.Z. PRIME MINSTREL - Ahern PLUS 'Others' - DO NOT WANT 'CLOSE INSPECTIONS' of THE/ ANOTHER 'Official Narrative!! AND, MIS/DISingenuous 'Comforting' By Ahernia of Mosque attendees After 'Incident', WAS HOLLOW & DARK AURA!
Last; Harvard - Kennedy School. AMAZINGLIE (Amazingly) - J F K Jnr, SOOO 'Worried' about 'Children's Health Defence', 'SUPPORTS' IDF 'Operations' (And Palestinian Men/Women/Kids/Infants 'Liquidation' - By Default), 'BECAUSE' the United States NEEDS an Israeli 'Beach Head', In the Arab World! = WELL< That's O.K., @ SOMEONE ELSES 'EXPENSE'! - Carry on!
I wonder If 'Flash Mouth' J. Ahernia, (WHO WILL NOT BE 'STRUGGLING' - See W.E.F & BAMGF Affiliations/ CONnectivity) HAS changed her Surname - Now that she's 'Married', for an INcognitive Future, OR, her Husband, has Taken 'HER' (Loose pronoun - LOL) surname? = Next Major 'Storm' - UNnatural, WILL probably 'Bear' her name! (LOL - Again!)
Wellness to You, from OZtopia.