According to Dr. Ana, it doesn't matter, we are all being infested with the graphene mRNA nanotech.

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Ask her if she is so passionate about this matter why is she still supporting the father of the jab, the orange man? To this day, he has not backed off one iota that he saved millions and the "vaccine" was a good thing...blah blah blah.

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I have another story to share with you, a true story. I talked to a nurse this morning from Alberta. He works at one of the hospitals in Edmonton. He was telling me that his hospital is so full that patients are on the hallway now. This situation never happened before. It started in January this year. He didn't take the magic shots and his family either. Do you wonder why? Because nurses were the best positioned to see what happened to those who took the covid shots. After three months of being out of work, he's back to the same hospital. They called him back:-)

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I can confirm that shedding is real. It was incredibly frustrating that nobody would believe me and telling me that it must be my imagination.That is was all in my head. It wasn't. The good news is that you can get rid of the shedding. It's so much easier to get rid of it than to get rid of all the horrible side effects from the covid vaccines. The biggest difference for me came from Natokinasse. Ever since I have been taking it regularly, like every day, I haven't experienced any shedding from the vaccinated friends or others. How did I get rid of my shedding before the Natokinasse? I followed a combination of two protocols: the early covid treatment protocol and the spike detox protocol. After a day of two, I was back to normal. I don't have any health issues because of the shedding. But I also take very high dozes of vitamin C and D. And that's not all: I take every single vitamin on earth in generous amounts, supliments and herbs such as Astragalus, lomatium, rhodiola, ginseng, ashwagandha etc, plus mushrooms such as Reishi ( it protects your heart and much more), and Cordyceps ( protects your lungs). I also do acupuncture every week. Even before my shedding started to happen I was already taking all the above and more except the Natokinasse. It is possible that my strong regimen protected me from worse side effects caused by shedding. For me shedding is nothing compared to what I was able to witness in my own family, friends and others that I know personally who took two or more shots. Believe me.. some of them went through hell! My little trouble was nothing compared to theirs. And for some of them their hell is not over yet. It may never be.

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Just say No, eh. Given a choice twixt thinking for themself and doing what they are told evidently doing as told is a majority of population. If we limit to one injection in USA, 70% may fairly represent this phenomenon of obedience by injecting -instant Salvation with Boosters. The upgrade.

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Thank you. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone thinks it's ok to put any of this in your body??? THINK!

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I can tell you easily why. The great majority of people were fooled by the name: " vaccines". Based on everything they knew about vaccines it didn't look like something dangerous to them. What's the worst thing that can happen if you take the vaccine? Definitely not severe ilnesses or death, right? That's what most people thought. Except this time it was different.

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Doesn't make sense. The left, celebrities, etc have been crying about the jabs for the last 25 years. Jenny mccafth, her simpleton bf at that time jim carey. Now? What's the difference? Are they on the covid payroll now?

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I've never even taken a flu 'vax'. Just no critical thinking anymore. Sigh.

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Jul 13, 2023Edited
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Reconstructive plastic surgery is very important. Cosmetic surgery different story.

I learned the hard way 40 yrs ago not to trust these ba$tard$ when they f*cked me up good. I guess you have to look for the bright spot.

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