Good debate. Well done Andrew Bridgend. Lots of interesting and valid points raised although some such as that from the Labour shadow health minister and the Tory understudy for health did make me boke! Can anyone enlighten me as to what the vote meant at the end of debate when the speaker declared the Ayes have it?

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How in Hell is this shit not over long ago?

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Won’t be over till everyone reads the contract for being the “chosen”! Then guarantee, no conflict‼️

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And typically, very few MPs attended. Which tells us that most MPs don't give a sh1t about more people dying.

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Did you hear someone yell "antivaxxer!" When he first started speaking. Very professional.

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I now take being called an antivaxxer a compliment.

Critical thinking saves lives.

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Considering Bridgen has received two doses of Covid-19 as has his family.. and of course being ex military has complied with those protocols in the past.. so where in that information does it support his actions not to take vaccines?… his only gripe seems to be the increasing evidence that this particular vaccine (not a vaccine) has killed and maimed many more than the government care to admit… nor stop.

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Obviously the new evidence we now have since Andrew Bridgen took his two shots, would change anybodies mind, if only they knew.

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Any body with any ability to understand simple science should be saying the same.. only most of the members of parliament were not present in the chamber because it was not about their wages but about the health of the nation to which they could not care less….

When we see similar debates in the european parliaments .. there are not so many unoccupied seats.

The UK electorate is not being supported by those it chose to protect and safeguard its people… that is beyond criminal and needs to be on the manifesto of the next incumbent government AFTEr they halt the madness of using jabs with cancer promoting toxins.

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Could any of the readers from this stack construct a template letter that asks their MP to give valid and worthy answers to the following questions?

1.Why they did NOT attend this debate?

2.Do they have a similar degree in any scientific capacity as Mr.Bridgen and if not what qualifies them to counter his findings or ridicule him at every turn?

3.Did their actions of avoiding this debate and any others on this matter support the health and safety of their electorate or did it support the pharmaceutical industry?

4.Would they attend the next discussion if their job depended upon it?

5..Would they support a notion to pause these gene altering jabs like other countries until the pharmaceuticals industry publish EVERY piece of data they so far have hidden?

6.Do they feel ashamed and if not why not?

Failing to answer any of the above will cause your immediate suspension…

Can you imagine how many more would attend the next debate.. but we can only dream.

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"Maybe the best solution to climate change would be a nuclear winter for a few years."

Shocking statement from top United Nations advisor.




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Nuclear winter, watch the contractions of Jupitor’s big red spot! Let me know if the contractions are getting closer! It’s a bit worrisome.

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VA needs to stop offering covid DeathVax to veterans.

They are recommending an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

This updated email is dated 20 March 2024...one month old.


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Surely anything that requires boosters with more of the same playing catch-up with a rapidly changing pathogen should tell you something ain’t quite effective.. and the rapid rise in cancers to stage 4 tells you it’s not safe either…. Why would any scientist put in any cancer promoter.. and design something to switch off natural cancer sentries and insert broken dna plasmids that would damage the dna process of folding the correct proteins… like leaving a loose nut in a finely tuned engine… why would they.. unless they were actually trying to enact Killy Gate’s wet dream of annihilating most of humanity?… why is this smirking megalomaniac not sitting alone in a cell for the rest of his days?

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Some people still want the vaccines. So of course they will be offered. People can just say no. And still use the excellent services the VA offers.

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You miss the point entirely. It is illegal for a government to offer an experimental injection which has proved deadly to millions across the world.

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This is about killing off the 65 years plus, not about safe and effective.

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Bridgen is the token counter narrative scripted sock puppet to ensure people keep believing that the facilitators who are ensuring the incremental democide continues, can somehow also be the solution to the eugenics loving crowds assault on the worlds population.

Exit strategy narratives are needed, and this whore mouthpiece is just like the ones in Australia, selling a story to the susceptible.

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Sorry your mind is incapable of understanding what Bridgen is trying to do.

He has a biochemistry degree so knows science better than the shower of idiots that make up the members of parliament..He is a man of high principals .. I know this because he was a captain in the Royal Marine commandos before he entered politics.. look up their ethos..

Be the first to understand, the first to adapt and respond, the first to overcome – this is the mindset of a Royal Marines Commando.

You attempt to change opinion means you have done nothing to turn the mindset of sheep.. and therefore part of the problem .. hammer your keyboard on one of the other mindless forums.. those on here only need true facts not character assassinators.

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So - you're telling me you believe someone in the military Industrial perception management complex is 'legit', even though he's the definition of controlled opposition, and the hegalian dialectic antithesis, yet YOU can't see it, or like the rest of the social media platforms, this too is littered with narrative enforcing operatives...

ALL.IN THIS TOGETHER is the only truth spoken in decades.

The premeditation was such that there is no exit strategy narratives?

Why dont you read John's Hopkins SPARS 'scenario/ script' , and see how close we are at this point - particularly the point 2here they admit that it was poisonous, and kids are dying.

Here is a summary for anyone not sucked in by the spoon fed heroes the establishment has served up for the susceptible


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Who else is remotely trying to STOP this policy of using a vaccine that is killing maiming and poisoning.. are you?

All you seem to care about is silencing the only voice in parliament that speaks against vaccines… WHY? Surely the first thing that needs to happen is the cessation of killing the people of this country.. who gives a fuck how that happens?…I am not waffling on about who did what when and where .. I am only interested in stopping this madness.. so cut the crap.. Either agree this is better than guffing on about about histrionics… and military complexes… this is about the future of mankind.. do you support it or not?.. don’t go all Russel Brand on here.. he talks utter crap too!

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He's a Judas goat, do what you like, but the pantomime insists the same establishment that has knifed you in the back, now wants to pull out the knife and be thanked for it.

You're dreaming

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No I am wide awake.. have been since all this started .. last vaccine I ever took was the BCG in 1968 .. still going strong…I will take a vaccine as long as I sit alongside a member of the cabinet and bill gates .. and choose which vial out of the same box that the “others” need to take alongside a written agreement that should I have an adverse reaction or die..as a result of taking the shot.. they have to pay out £1,000,000 compensation.. to my family.

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I assume you must have fallen for the scam and have received the experimental mRNA gene therapy which is.neither safe or effective, just lethal in millions of cases across the world.

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You are following a judaa goat is what I'm saying. Same thing in every five eyes country- a couple of politicians allocated to the counternarrative to keep them believing in the establishment

This is the most premeditated holocaust in history- do you really think they dont have a plan to get away with genocide?


This was a pandemic exercise completed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in 2017. In it, a coronavirus is brought into the US from overseas and a pandemic ensues. Untested vaccines are disseminated to the public, celebrities are recruited to promote the vaccines amidst public skepticism, people begin to suffer adverse side effects, and the government seeks to maintain control of the narrative. Interesting parallels to reality are also included, such as liability protection for vaccine manufacturers being implemented (as it was in reality), a black rapper being recruited to promote the vaccine (as Run DMC was), Japan rejecting America's vaccine (as they did), BLM coming onto the scene (as they did), a widespread power outage in Washington (as there was in Texas), and others. This document is an exercise in how to control the narrative when the vaccines begin to injure people.(which we have)  It is a propaganda exercise perhaps, that reads like a script

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I'm one of the 30% who didn't go along with the narrative right from the get go. I don't believe you are correct to say Andrew Bridgen MP is no more than a useful fall guy to the establishment. Yes, the covid farce, like net zero was merely a psyop, a stepping stone for global control and a depopulation exercise, already claiming 17m lives across the globe. Yes, it seems that the globalists are all powerful, but as more and more humans realise that for thousands of years we have been manipulated to believe in an alternative reality where we have little power, we will take back our rightful power and place again.

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Another perspective for some fresh eyes


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I agree with nearly all that you say, but don't assume everyone else is unaware besides yourself.

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