Diesel spill much less is less harmful than vinyl chloride( VC) spill.

Burning diesel fuel does not produce Dioxins while burning VC does.

FYI dioxins were in Agent Orange that we liberally sprayed over Vietnam during that war.

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Record jump in factory fires will have 'ripple effect' on entire supply chain

The report, by supply chain data collector Resilinc, said 3,609 factory fire alerts were recorded in 2022, up from 1,946 for 2021 – an 85% year-on-year increase. Fires were the most common cause of supply chain for disruption for the fourth year in a row.


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Great article! Thanks Mike! People don’t believe me. Can you imagine if this was on mainstream media???? Of course, mainstream media is about three years (at least) BEHIND!

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You are, in my opinion, totally right!

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Wish we had a smart transportation guy? Hahah

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Just more Wizard of Oz 'pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" for most of the fasco-Marxist wokesters. Y'know the same ones who answered Jay Leno's "Who won the civil war" with answers like "Germany?" or "Ceasar?"

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Another train derailment coincidence, what are the odds?

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Well, I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

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No way .. too many and too many fires 🔥

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I suppose if they really want to take us out, keep poisoning us every possible way: inject us, poison our food, air, & water and call it all “accidental” - sounds about right....

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But who is going to keep the hamster wheel going???? TPTB need a few hamsters.

But the ones left are real pain in the asses...they love liberty and freedom.

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Almost forgot 5G, unnecessary chemicals in every toiletry known to man, etc.

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You are right there - l have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, MCS, Allergies to most foods - EHS and EMR,RF and DE issues .. its a challenging life for sure!!TOO MANY folks are now developing autoimmune conditions - no coincidence here! Endless fires, spillages, spraying, unexplained accidents, hundreds of people just “vanishing” 5. G also taking many out with its massive inflammatory capabilities .. l am seeing the death toll in Britain rising daily .. seeing neighbours, friends dying - all 💉 so far .. but there is the “issue” of whether the spike protein infects the unvaccinated too - wow what a perfect weapon for mass destruction. We are in the end times l believe as l see flowers, trees, wildlife and trees, birds, hedgehogs, plants and crops FAIL! May God Help Us my friends for “the elites know not what they have done”🙏🏻

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Oh, yes they do know what they have done.

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My understanding is God created man and placed him in a garden. The environment was harmonious and beneficial for man's needs. Fast forward........now we have world leaders, ivy league experts, politicians, and heavily bank-rolled researchers and scientists weaponizing our environment with a man vs nature approach to problems. We need to demolish these monstrous agencies and rebuild with NO Neil Fergusons on the payroll for modeling.

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Where’s the foxhole????🤬

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