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Oct 20, 2023Edited
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Dr. Makis' substack is very difficult to read...I don't have a paid subscription to read the entire article, but even with what he puts out, it's heartbreaking.

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Oct 20, 2023
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I tried to warn people and they treated me like a nutter.

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Me too Kathleen. I guess the nutters were/are correct!

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Nutters of the World, Unite!! Proud to be a thinking Nutter.

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He puts some on globalresearch.ca which can be read in full.

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Thank you.

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I've not watched the parliamentary debate yet but a commenter on Peter Halligan's stack said they reckoned about 17 MPs out of 350ish were there, very low numbers. And they chose Friday afternoon to debate this topic when they no fine well MPs travel back to their constituencies. Not making excuses for them at all as I believe they should be compelled to attend. Practically 100% attendance when voting on MP salary increase!

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Oct 20, 2023
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I just looked it up - 650! More than either of thought. Will join you on YT.

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It’s so startling and alarming …. That they ( ACOG) still recommend the deadly jab juice to pregnant women . 👿🤑🤬☠️👿🤯😤🐀🤑🤬

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VA still pushing the covid shots for veterans.

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🤬🤮🤑🤬 KJ

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Quelle surprise. . . . .Not to those on here. And frustratingly this still wont come out to the masses.

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If the vaxx was NOT related to these sudden deaths, then 25% of the deaths would be UNvaxxed.

But 99.9% WERE vaxxed. A clear correlation between the vaxx and sudden death.

And the criminal "health" departments are STILL promoting the Covid death jabs, AND the flu shots. Dr. Makis says that may be to obfuscate which company's vaxx is responsible.

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VA telling veterans they can get the covid shot and the flu shot at the same time.

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and RSV

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When will these people wake up to this horror?

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I see people lined up to get jabbed at Walgreens with masks on...STILL! You can see who watches television and who doesn’t. I threw my “programming” away 20 years ago. I trust NO doctors. My trust has been violated after 60 years. Good job medical cartel!

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To my knowledge there has not been wholesale confirmation of vax status when someone "dies suddenly". We can go back and look at social media posts, etc, on some of these people, but to categorically state that of 10,000 who died suddenly, only .1% were unvaxxed seems odd ....unless hard, provable data was used to arrive at this number.

I did link over to Kirsch's post linked above and looked at the linked "statistics" (Makis, Dowd, Miller) but again, these are assertions.

Under the bold heading of: "The died suddenly stats", I find:

The Makis link goes to this post: "mRNA Injury Series - CNS (Central Nervous System) Vasculitis - blood vessel inflammation in the brain caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - confirmed by a new Sep.2023 Japanese paper by Ariyoshi et al"

The Dowd link goes to this: "RFK Jr. spent years stoking fear and mistrust of vaccines. These people were hurt by his work"

and the Miller link goes to: "In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, October 3-October 9, 2023"

I would love to see hard facts wrt the vax status of those who died suddenly but for many, that information is simply not available.

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the even wiped the vax status off the hospital records

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Such an important comment. It is imperative that we resist creating our own slant as we fight the lies and omissions corporate media.

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Satan has arrived and enjoying himself. The truth is unacceptable to people, they do not want to think, just worry about F-ckwood. When it hits the fan there will be weeping and knashing of teeth and it will be to late, unfortunately the truth seekers will have to suffer because of utter selfish idiots. The piper is always paid for the tune.

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This a worldwide problem. This gentleman deserves a medal as he has done incredible work on his own dime and his own time. We owe these warriors our lives.


Read and weep for the world and give praise to God for these heroes

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And my guess would that the unfortunate 0.1% SADS of the un-poisoned where 'shed' on by the bioweapon inoculated.

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I tried to warn people.

Dr. Francis Boyle called the jabs Frankenshots.

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me too

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It is not uncommon for anyone to die suddenly. What is becoming very uncommon are the reasons. And its mostly related to big pharma and the putrid drugs, vaccines and mRNA substances they are trying to push on every person still alive. Pig pharma wants to make every person in the world a lifelong patient subject to endless drug interventions until you are finally overtaken by these toxins and die. It is the death mandates from government, greed and the hate for humanity, not health, that is driving this death march.

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much more common in certain ages though. check out Ed Dowds book ‘Cause Unknown’.

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It's a new diagnosis post Covid shots...

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It used to be called "Unbelievable."

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What do you mean, "despite only 75% of Americans receiving covid shots"? That's a significant number in my eyes.

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it means the percentage of died suddenly then should also be only 75% jabbed, but its not, its 99.99% jabbed

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How many other vaccines did that .1% get. The influenza vaccine, for example. And are SIDS deaths included in that figure?

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Prior years for decades 8-9 deaths annually. 2022- 36. 2023 until today- 40. I’d guess we will see at least 45. So many awful trends and weird things. Hepatobiliary cancers skyrocketed and breast and prostate 6x usual rate. So so many pacemakers, dysrhythmias, and/or heart failure. Ppl being lied to by hospital telling them admitted for bronchitis but having NSTEMI and myocarditis! Epidemic of HTN and autoimmune in young and old. The largest ‘baker cyst’ ever! 16cm one leg and 9 cm the other. I think its really rubbery things no one will touch. Some thank me profusely for telling truth and trying to help them heal. Others hide from me, can’t bring themselves to face it or talk of it. They are living out Animal Farm, as well as many bible verses which speak of fools, blind, evil, and magic spells/sorcery.

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