Vile, sick, demonic evil targeting little tiny babies - there are no words for this staggering monstrosity

I want the Dr's who jabbed these babies mothers charged with murder, what a horrific betrayal & destruction of motherhood

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When I worked in the hospital , I went to other obstetricians, nobody would say a word . I then went to the staff pediatrician and he said we see no signals. I then went to the staff cardiologist and he told me Dr. McCullough was a crazy conspiracy theorist. The operating crew knew , “hmmmm so many vacuum D/C s lately“… The doctors will continue to follow the CDC guidelines, hopefully the patients read and listen and watch what has happened to others and say NO and find new doctors . We need to get rid of these alphabet agencies. We the people, need to say NO.

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How hard is it for patients to Not go to Doctors that will kill or hurt them and their babies?

These people know how to research. They have a computer in their hand where they research the latest cute baby clothes and hip restaurants with reviews.

Make an attempt people, it is not hard to select one and then Interview them before you need them. You will know then if they think like you do!!

Pretend you are hiring a nanny !

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Poor wee bairns.

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We are in a Spiritual War. The Evil is astounding. This was and is a genocide.This was done on purpose to destroy Gods Creation. This is a worldwide depopulation Agenda.. People have been tricked by their governments all over the world. The women who believed their doctors ineptitude is astounding. Such a heartbreaking and tragic outcome for mothers and their babies.

I can not get over the brainwashing and gaslighting of these public health officials. They are completely corrupt. This is murder. The government and these institutions are soulless and corrupt. Nuremberg needs to happen. May God have Mercy on us all.

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Well written!!!! Thank you for speaking Up! It is a spiritual war and I am praying for a Revival!

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Support https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/call-for-your-support-nuremberg-court

They are getting a full hearing happening here in Costa Rica.

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No surprises here! A full account of the Truth would cause massive civil unrest .. when l see “they are coming for your children” l absolutely KNOW it to be true! These lives of babies were taken from them in a manner one can only describe as MURDER! All those complicit and there are hundreds of thousands across Britain need to be OUTED and dealt with in a manner that fits the crimes they have committed! The AGENDA is going well for the Globalists whilst they people stand by and complain! EVIL seeps into every crack in Britain! Protect yourselves dear friends where you can!

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Believe nothing question everything,

In September of 2021 a meeting was called in London.

There was two Conservative mps who were invited.

Only one turned up.

John O looney was present and 17 scientific people with evidence that the experimental poisons were injuring and killing people.

Evidence was presented in documents.

The mp who attended was Sir Graham Brady, none other.

After hearing all the evidence his answer was “ Quoting was he allegedly said There is nothing I can do it’s above my pay grade.

He basically said they the government knew what these poisons would do stood back and allowed it to happen.

That in m eyes is premeditated murder no other words can describe what has gone on.

I do not care if people do not wish to believe this but it’s the truth.

Not just here all over the world many medical and official evil people knew and played their part in killing and injuring people deliberately because they are part of the global agenda and sadly they believe they have a seat on the ark to freedom and paid handsomely.

The world needs to wake up to reality and what will it take before the masses realise what’s taken place here and globally.

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The Scottish !

It is an experience when you really have to deal with one.

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Interesting answer!

So you’ve judged the whole of the Scottish nation from one person.

What a uneducated person you are.

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Shall we say the authorities figures and people in the power positions have been paid very handsomely to do nothing.

I’ll keep writing this, it’s all part of their agenda.

Why more are not seeing this as it’s clear as day.

We have only to go down the right rabbit hole.

Since the day this rona circus started I’ve been saying this for over 3 years it’s all been planned.

It was never about a so called gain of functioned ?

That was the narrative to inject toxic poison into people,

Sadly many have perished and are seriously ill and had their lives destroyed.

Whilst the orchestrators turn a blind eye to their evil agenda whilst being paid to do nothing.

But are at a crossroads for those in power as any admitting and knowing and guilt it’s then accountability.

I’ll keep writing these words because it’s the truth.

They knew,

They were paid.

It would be interesting knowledge as to how many of our officials actually had anything put inside them that would have harmed them in any way.

I Bet very few.

It was knowing where to look and who to get your truth from and not from Bill Gates funded people who’ve been paid to be part of the genocidal agenda.

So much data and proof out now that contradicts and shows they all lied and it was part of a plan.

I’m writing these words because it’s the truth that counts.

On many levels this is a wake call for humanity and it’s a war on all fronts by all means.

From the rona narrative.

To orchestrated wars, fake presidents, poisoning our air, food and water.

All the rona did was bring to the surface the true horrors of all governments being corrupt.

83% of the WHO funding is paid for by our people friendly genocidal maniac Bill Gates.

All the governments are and have members that attended Klaus Swaub’s business schools.

United Nations compromised.

All the corporate businesses are globalists with their own agendas.

On one level also this has always been the naive humans through wealth, bloodline and family name believe they have more right to life than most of us on this plane have which clearly is so far out there by their way of thinking.

The way I see it is no matter who you are, how much wealth you have what culture you are from to your family name.excuse me for writing this.

Every human on this planet sits down for a s%@t.

Through my eyes and world that makes us all the same.

It’s only humans that have decided humans and programmed us to fight each other on their behalf.

When people wake up more on a larger scale maybe then and maybe humanity shall get through this bullshit facade of what’s been created by the globalist elites who are clearly on their last days of evil rule and power.

People have to stay positive and push back as hard as they see fit and become knowledgable to seeing a clear light at the end of humanities tunnel.

There are no coincidences and all good and bad happens for a reason.

Otherwise these things would never be allowed to happen in the way they do.

Sadly there will always be casualties.

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And if there are also less babies being born (ie. a lower birth rate) then excess deaths are even more of a problem as the population shrinks exponentially.

We are living through very evil times.

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Hi Renee,

Yes we are but there are no coincidences even though this is an evil plan that’s being carried out on humanity.

Do we except it most certainly not.

Can we do something about it yes we can.

We can affirm through the power of words and spreading the truth,

Humanity as a mass number thinking and affirming in large numbers can change this evil.

This is a wake up call for humanity to find their true powers we’ve always had but have been dumbed down throughout time.

Covid and the circus did not just happen it’s been planned for many years.

I’ve never excepted this evil.

I’ve always asked the question why are we here apart from choosing to be here.

Think about those words.

We’ve chosen to be here at this time to help raise the vibration of this plane

Planet and humanity.

It’s also a spiritual war between dark and light and Good verses bad.

Those who’ve control humanity for generations are in their last days.

Think from the start of the rona circus.

Covid clearly did not work!

Start a couple of wars !

Divide humanity !

Force control !

All has been speeded up for their agenda it’s already won from the light side but it’s not a done deal.

More of humanity has to wake up!

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Please read my story about the experiments being done on people in The Hospital here on Substack. There is more being done than the so called vaccine. https://aztec8888.substack.com/p/covid-19-program-e0aae11be212

I feel like I am in the middle of a bad sci-fi movie.

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Hi again Renee,

I read your experience and yes it seems quite a trauma which I can only imagine the experience you lived through.

I’m hoping your ok now and are healthy again.

I’ll begin,

Is their such a thing as covid ?

Very questionable from my research.

Was there a gain of function pathogen that had been manipulated and made that it’s deadly to humans.

This was never about the rona as I call it.

It was a created narrative to fool the world into believing that something dislike the word virus because is it a virus and people since it began called it a disease which in fact it is not.

I can only ask what is your take on the whole rona circus situation ?

For me it’s the biggest facade ever created and put on humanity and it was believed in the beginning by high numbers of the worlds population.

But now so much evidence has come to light that it was planned no other words can tell this story but as I have just written.

I never believed the hype because wha was being shown and how it supposedly spread around the globe at an alarming rate was just so far fetched or me to believe.


Copy and paste this if you’ve not already seen it or come across the people who are in.

You see I researched people as in the documentary that are on par with the paid lying evil doctors who where chosen to lie to us all as government appointed offices playing and starring in the agenda we now know.

I got my info from.

Dr David Martin.

Judy Mikovitz.

Dr Rashid Buttar.

This was my introduction into the rona circus plus my intuition told me it was bullshit and orchestrated from day one.

But planned long before.


The above link also watch this.

I could show you a multitude of info that would blow your mind.

It would turn what you believe upside down.

All I can say is all governments have never ever been on our side.

They are controlled puppets appointed to carry out an agenda by higher powers.

It’s not hear say or bullshit or conspiracy theorist in nature it’s actual truth but not the lies the world has been told.

Sadly it’s taken nearly 4 years now for the world to seriously wake up"

But many stood in line to have poison pumped into them and many are now paying heavy prices with their lives and health.

Many have died due to the fact what they were given as we now know was a orchestrated lie.

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Hello Olympio,

I have twins, a boy and a girl. My daughter is vaccine injured and in investigating what happened I researched vaccines and watched Vaxxed. I read all the research. That was during 2018. Then, there were terrible wildfires in California, so I researched the best masks for protection from particulates. I sent my son and daughter boxes of N95 masks. I was living in Costa Rica, retired, with nothing to do but research. I had studied for my doctorate so I know how to read scientific papers. Then in the fall and winter of 2019, my son and daughter who were living in two different locations came down with an extremely bad illness. Lots of coughing and mucus. By December of 2019, I had guests visiting me from Italy and I felt like I got hit by a train - the day they left I got an extreme headache and was sick in bed for two weeks. Coughing for weeks after the fevers went down. Everyone who lived near me was complaining of the same strange illness. I was an elementary school teacher and did not get flu shots, and did not ever get sick. This was all very strange. I thought I had COVID-19 then - in Dec 2019 (it is called 19 after all). But I think that was just a precursor to what came around in 2020 - except it was the vaccine that they wanted to inject you with - that was the actual weapon. You are correct.

One would have to be living under a rock to not see what is going on - one must see the whole picture. I knew the masks were fake because of my research, I knew that vaccines had all sorts of problems and you cannot just go around injecting everyone. I knew anything out of Trump's mouth was most likely problematic, I also knew that the pharmaceutical companies could not be trusted. I knew that something spread through the air would not be contained by everyone in lockdown. Every proclamation and mandate was absolutely based on lies and propaganda.

There was in the United States a great deal of hatred for a guy named Trump.


By December 2019, the movement against fossil fuels was reaching a very large group of people. If anyone has a memory of the time there were large demonstrations by Extinction Rebellion, there was the Green Party movement, there was going to be a huge rally in April on Earth Day.








Climate strikes: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/20/world/global-climate-strike-september-intl/index.html

Germany was declaring they were soon going to be using mostly renewable energy to power their country. https://www.trade.gov/energy-resource-guide-germany-renewable-energy

There was an acknowledgment that the alteration of the climate was a real thing. I wrote a blog about it and was not getting the usual blowback. (I call it climate alteration, much less passive and I got sick of people saying that the climate always changes lol).

Biden was behind some shady dealings in the Ukraine where bio-labs were being used to make dangerous pathogens.


China´s Silk Road project was making great gains in the world.


https://www.unian.info/economics/1552901-from-china-to-ukraine-the-new-silk-road.html oops! Does it mention Ukraine?

What does this paragraph have to do with the ¨plandemic¨. https://plandemicseries.com/

Read Agenda 2030. Read about the WEF. The WHO




(I must divert here to the ¨No Child Left Behind debacle in education¨, beware of anyone talking about no one left behind. - and does not mean what it states) No ONE will be left behind - all will be.


2030 is right around the corner, an unpopular president that the established order hates must be removed, China is taking over as an economic force in the world, countries are moving away from U.S. hegemony that is built on fossil fuel but hose industries are under attack by environmentalists and homesteaders who want to raise chickens and grown their own food.

Welcome to the WEF, you will eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy in 15-minute cities all under the guise of safety and security - I read through the documents and I felt like they were describing Disneyland.

There was not a virus - they have been spraying the population in earnest since 2001 - well probably before that, but I noticed the first line in the clear blue sky of Sacramento in 2001,

Our immune systems have been attacked - leaving us weak and needing medications. It was put in the air so that it would get into the food and water and no one could peg anyone to be accountable. you will never be able to trace this thing - it is the perfect crime.

See https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

I propose something outlandish - The established order does not care how many they kill, they do not care if they destroy the land, the climate is deliberately being altered because there is not going to be a colony of the New World Order on another planet - just turn your globe upside down. There is the perfect continent that will always stay cool - it is surrounded by a large ocean on all sides - We cannot get off this planet, the Space Program was a distraction.

The population is being systematically destroyed and the elite will live in a utopia in Antarctica from where they can go and take needed natural resources from a depopulated planet in the north. Notice that there is a lot of secret stuff going on down there. I know - sounds like Alex Jones...

It is all in black and white. There is a movement to literally take over the world.

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Hi Renee,

Where shall I start there is so much to tell but I would have to write a book.

Firstly sad to see you’ve had a personal experience of a vaccine injury within your own family especially a child and your own child.

I’m sending much Love and healing for your pain and for the health of your injured child.

What’s disturbing is when people have put their trust in a system that’s meant to be informing us that something is safe and we find it is not safe.

It’s still going on.

Everything we are seeing is a movie and part of an agenda.

Everything has been speeded up because the dark side knows their days are truly numbered.

I’ve also watched vaxxed and nothing has surprised me from the start of this.

I had much knowledge in the beginning of the circus to know enough that there was and still is an agenda.

Call it what it is.

Genocidal eugenics and depopulation the likes humanity has never seen or experienced before in any human lifetime through out all of time.

The last link I sent.

And this one below.


Another must watch if you’ve not already seen it.

If I was to say “ How did the global government’s get the emergency authorisations to administer the poison’s.

Prove through falsified action there were no treatments all ready that could have been used to administer to people that were sick.

This is what was done.

Get peer reviewed scientists to come out publicly and say there are no treatments available that can treat patients.

A clear lie, we have hydroxachloriquin that was already proven.

Kary Mullis a noble loriate who won the noble peace prize for inventing the PCR test.

His words quoting “ if the tests are run at high enough cycles we can pretty much detect anything in anyone.

So from the start the system was orchestrally flawed.

And using a faulty test to diagnose something that’s not 100% accurate.

One thing I found strange in the uk we can buy a lateral flow test for covid so it’s named.

But in the medical industry one can buy a flu A and B test yet not allowed to sell to the general public which I found very strange.

But I bet if one took a flu test when supposedly have rona symptoms one would test positive.

China is the model what the WEF are trying to do to the rest of the world.

15 minute cities.

Full Digital passports that contain all info for a single person including their vaccine history to date.

It’s all about control as you’ve stated and the world is slowly finding out.

In Europe in principal the members states have already agreed in principle to except a full digital passport of eu citizens.


There is much one can do to keep our immune systems intact and healthy.

Start taking Vit D preferable with Vit k and magnesium is a must.

As it’s fat soluble we need to consume fats with it to absorb fully into our system .

Hydrate with clean water.

Not tap water or bottled.

You can purchase a water distiller.

Vitamins c in the of an absorbate not absorbic.

Buy good quality products.

Example below.


Also water electraliser, example to test water quality.


One thing also first thing as you rise.

Hydrate with clean water.

Squeeze one lemon, orange add a little warm water and organic honey not supermarket honey.

One can buy organic honey,

Unseated, unpasteurised on line.

Add one teaspoon to your liquid and drink.

This brings our bodies into an alkaline state.

The more frequent we are in an alkaline state the healthier we stay.

Buy everything an all organic from meat to your fruit and veggables.

Grow your own veg if you can.

With the water electrolizer through current one can separate the toxins from the water which we cannot see with our eyes as its at parts per million ppm.

Note what colours are formed and look up the colours from a table that specify the toxins in the water.

Distilled water is the best clean water to drink and if you do your own you know exactly how clean it is.

This should become a way of life if you’re not already taking precautions with all your living habits.

Do you have Wi-Fi at home ?

And is your cell phone 5g as this can be turned off.

Look into orgone to shield against emf and rf frequencies in your home.

Do you have a smart meters that your electricity runs from ?


The above link is the latest from a English care taker called John O Looney.

I’ve watched all his stuff since day one and listen to what he has to say.

His word is the truth and he’s been saying this for over 31/2 years.

I’ve been saying since day one,

By all means necessary the global elites will do all they can by all methods to reduce the human family numbers.

Do you remember the 1918 so called written in history flu that recorded killed millions.

A lie.

Back then new vaccines were being tested and they used the us military as guinea pigs before they went to Europe to fight and they were mandated with masking like what’s gone on these last few years.

Through the toxic vaccines a new form of pneumonia was discovered and back then they called it flu which factually is incorrect yet our history has been recorded saying it was the Spanish flu again a lie.


About Wi-Fi.


fDA emergency protocol for authorisation.

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I knew in 2017 they were planning this through trusted sources. What “this” exactly was going to be remained something of a mystery - but hospitals were making major changes to their wards - including REMOVING vital oxygen supplies at each bed ON CERTAIN wards which the public were told were “closed or full” The doors were 6” toughened glass and could be remotely operated only. Full length curtains could be drawn over these therefore not allowing the patients inside to see, be seen or be heard! Trapped in a prison with no facilities - no bathrooms were provided! They also re-wrote all the software to give the “readings” required .. Hell on earth could not describe what it must have been like on those wards slowly dying amongst the slowly dying in agony! 5G+ was also fired 24/7 at these patients giving them massive inflammation which had the required effect of reducing their capacity to breathe still further. The nursing staff who visited the wards wore protective head ware with a cooling device fitted. Yes, l have photographs which l will publish one day - even to look at them now the deaths, lies and deceit continue is more than l can bear!

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Hi Skye,

It was planned way before 2017.

They chose to start their agenda then.

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Olympio, Thank you for your kind words and information.

My son and daughter were born in 1991 - right when certain vaccines were added to the schedule. They were lucky in a way because they were preemie and did not have to get their first shots till after they were 4 months old. However, my daughter was septic and was given antibiotics when only a few days old. I did not know anything about this at the time. Then after they got their first shots at 4 months, my daughter went totally limp, could not be fed for the whole day. I had my husband rush her to emergency. The doctors told him that there was nothing wrong! My son says he still remembers the pain in his thigh when he had been vaccinated. They both said they remember they could not feel their legs. At the time - this was before computers and Smart phones, I did not realize something serious was happening. My daughter went on to have many medical problems. She was the less developed twin at birth.

The whole thing makes me furious.

In Sacramento I was having problems with my knees - the doctor said I needed to use a walker and would need knee surgery. I was feeling very tired with no energy. Was it the new Smart meter that was installed on all houses? I had that thing they called brain fog. I do not know to this day how I was able to sell my stuff, my house, my SUV, and organize a move to another country. I really felt I was in my last days. They were spraying the sky every day, my students would get nosebleeds. I felt I was getting poisoned. The doctors just wanted to give me pain meds - which I threw in the trash.

In 2017, I moved to Costa Rica to a mountainside with a small clear mountain river, eat fresh food, fresh eggs, great meat. I filter my water. There is no fluoride in the water here. There are only three 5G towers in the whole country. As soon as I got here I felt better. The walker is stored in the closet.

I was feeling 90% by 2019, but then Covid-19 happened and the pool I swam in closed. I am again furious, because I did not ask to be poisoned. I have been very healthy my whole life. I worked hard and planned a fun adventure filled retirement. Instead I am living in a science fiction.

This is not a natural disaster. This is a planned attack on humanity. This was done with stealth. I am further upset for people who had love ones die, weddings put off, parties cancelled, life put on hold. People have lost friends, relatives, loved ones, careers, businesses, dreams. I see Christmas coming and there is no joy in it. How can there be, surrounded by so much destruction of trust?

My family members still in the U.S. are all in denial. I have a cousin who works for the CDC, he said if I did not get the vaccine that I would die within six months - this was right after I got out of the hospital! He is a biomedical expert! I have an uncle and aunt who pretend nothing is wrong. I have another relative who had her husband and daughter get the vaccine to protect her because she has allergies and medical problems. Lot of good that does her because of the shedding issue. She was wondering why she was having a recurrence of shingles last time I spoke to her.

Now, I need to restrict my exposure to all of the people who had the vaccine - whenever I get around them I feel extremely tired. So after I go into town or visit people once a month, I make sure to take my supplements and I take a long nap. And everyone around here is sick. Everyone. They all had the vaccine.

The absolute best thing I did for myself was move out of the country, away from the spraying.

Now I feel like moving further into the rain forest.

Yes, I am writing a book.

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