Dr. David Martin Calls for the Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO)

“We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/dr-david-martin-calls-for-the-destruction?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=400535&post_id=137033999&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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Silly me thinking all those 5G towers erected when gullible folks were locked down were just to improve my cell phone reception.

If we don’t find a way to awaken the normies this planet is going down.

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Well, the population 'forecasts' by Deagel weren't wrong, not even slightly off.

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I guess that's why there are 5G towers at every school in Canada.

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One of their evil plans all along. I pray they don’t send out the 18 hz frequency, as it will destroy those that have taken the gene therapy vials of mass destruction. Energy is now used as a weapon, we just can’t see it, but we can feel it.

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I really hate to say this as I know it breaks the narrative. Fact checkers can’t be trusted, but Reuters is the one source not owned by globalists, and they confirm here the non-presence of graphene oxide in vaccines:


The 5G tech is ALL BAD but it isn’t about depopulation. It’s about surveillance, manipulation and control. Lastly the delivery of drugs controlled by cellphone is a medical advance, not a “kill shot.”

I hate big pharma, I sure as hell don’t get paid by anyone but I also am not nuts.

Block me, go ahead. Crazy just happens. Doesn’t it?

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This is a critically important article we need to share with as many as we can.

I know taking NAC (a supplement) can mitigate graphene oxides in the body. If you know any additional ways, please post here.

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Further to the subject -Updated: Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, 5G-7G, Religion of Scientism, Bioweapons, What they don’t tell you - see link below http://mcmartinreports.com/2023/07/13/scattered-notes-dystopia-transhumanist-manifesto-from-hell-religion-of-scientism-what-they-dont-tell-you/

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The possibilities of Graphene oxide in its many forms is worth trillion$. It is the key technological component for personal digital identification, currency, smart cities, faster communications, weather modification, bioweapons, global control of citizen and medical diagnosis, monitoring care and treatment and much, much more. One only has to search the patent office for patents related to applications of graphene oxide to understand just how valuable it is.

Unfortunately, it's toxic when injected and inhaled, even when swallowed.

The side effects of Covid vaccines, which do contain graphene per recently uncovered Pfizer documents, are consistent with symptoms of graphene poisoning. As are the symptoms of Covid. The long term side effects of the Covid vaccines and boosters now being seen are consistent with chronic inflammation and extreme oxidative stress damage and chronic, complete deficiencies of protective antioxidants. The symptoms of chronic deficiencies of zinc, selenium, glutathione, vitamin C and vitamin D are evidenced by physical manifestations post vaccination and the fact that repletion of the same treat symptoms of Covid, Long Covid, and Covid vaccine side effects.

The toxicity of Graphene oxide has not been solved. The more useful form, reduced graphene oxide is even more toxic.

So what's the solution to this toxic impediment to great riches, power and control?

One possibility: Immune tolerance by repeated exposure. Regular injection, every 6 months or so, via an unnecessary vaccines? Collateral damage be damned. Those who cannot adapt to the new world order, to transhumanism, will be left in the dust. Literally.

"ITI is an approach to inhibitor eradication whereby the body’s immune system begins to tolerate a therapy after daily doses of factor are administered over time. Individuals who undergo ITI will receive daily doses of factor over a period of weeks, months, or in some cases, years".

Is this why they want people to get boosters on a regular schedule? To build up immune tolerance to graphene? (Which is turning out to be VAIDS) Well, it's not just in the Covid Vaccines: Graphene been found in vials of the 2019-2020 influenza vaccine. Distribution of the flu vaccine began in September of 2019, coinciding with the first cases of Covid. And Covid peaked a few months after flu vaccine shots ended. Graphene has also been found in other injectable drugs, from dental lidocaine to childhood vaccines. Why? And why hasn't it's use and purpose as an ingredient been disclosed? Is it being used as both an adjuvant and as a carrier for drugs at the core of lipid nanoparticles? Did they jump the gun by using it prior to 2020, even though it's a known toxin? Anything is possible when money, power, greed and avarice, omnipotent corporations and the government are involved. Big Pharma, Big Chemical and Big Agriculture have gotten away with poisoning the population for over 100 years. Even when their products turn out to be toxic, like with DDT, asbestos, tobacco, Roundup, paraquat, vaccine adjuvants, and many others, they survive the lawsuits for damages and still make a profit. They've captured the FDA, CDC, and every other agency plus the White House and members of Congress. So why wouldn't they secretly start using graphene regardless of its toxicity, with the plan, or hope, that people would eventually develop immune tolerance? And if the majority of the population did become tolerant, they would certainly never go back and admit liability for the deaths and injuries of the intolerant.

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(Banned)Sep 14, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

well, BRITISH scientists, of RUSSIAN origin, who discovered graphene (Nobel price 2010!!!), knew from day no 1 it is an ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR, and as such, will change everything, while being invisible, no weight, optically transparent, etc.,etc.. Like with every material, the first thing tested, is its EMF absorption, the entire spectrum. What did Putin once said? Russia does not need weapons in order to get rid of USA, Americans have 5G => SUICIDE!!!! This EVIL of neverending WARS, on every level, has to STOP. That evil is SO HUGE, that it is hard to imagine all the consequences of it.

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Well said. I think it has been well sorted out by the time it is evident. This is a concerted effort to kill or cripple and torture our population down to 95 million capable and competent, with a huge sick and invalid persons and people. We have a solution to return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2023


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Who here saw the video of a guy in maybe somewhere in Asia(?) riding his bike (fall of the cabal #27 or 28 I think). There’s a security camera and the fellow enters the frame…the security camera “jerks” and the guy falls over dead. Is this what they’re planning with all the cameras?

QUESTION: what will this 5G weaponry do to those of us who haven’t taken the bioweapon??

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Thank you 🙏❤⚘

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Dang I feel like I'm living in a sci fi movie, and I didn't ask to be here. But hey I suppose we're here at this time for a reason. Unbelievable the heinous abilities these pseudo humans are in possession of and their lack of any hesitation to use them on all of us not in their club. Only the strong survive seems very appropriate for this timeline.

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