I assume she was "vaxxed". Why else would she die suddenly.

In the mail today I got a large postcard from my Aetna insurance company, reminding me to be sure to get my "free flu shot". Yeah right.

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As Lioness hinted, that climate change is a devious devil!! 😘

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I got a notice that my pharmacy insurance is going up by twenty dollars. Guess because I used it once in ten years. Protection money to the crime family??

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Your 'Insurance Company', reminding you about 'flu shots'?

This IS more than BIZARRE! 'Insurance' Groups are at the Forefront of 'Mortality' Tracking! = IT IS THEIR PROFIT OR LOSS FORMULA!

Folks such as Mr Ed Dowd, have been tracking CONVID-19 'Protocol Fallout' for a Couple of years. With a 4 point Variation in Statistics, Relevant equalling a 1; 100 Year 'Event', what Does an Observed 20 -30 Point Variation Actually equal - AND, it's NOT just a 'Pro Rata' Frequency 'Outcome'- Meaning that, it is Greater than a 500 - 750 Year Event! Stats are above My Numerical Calc pay Grade, But Super Catastrophic may be Close, ADD to this, if the Zombies 'Pushing' DeCarbonising the Atmosphere from 0.0408 of 1% Current, DOWN to or Close TO 0.0195 of 1% - WE'RE EXTINCT!

Last; 'Productivity' Figures released by U.S. & U.K. Boards of trade, BOTH Show a DROP by 50% Across the Board Since The CONVID Jab 'NOT MANdatory protocol' Rollouts - Said Insurance Groups [ Along with Relative Govt. Agencies 'Co Op Sharing' the Info] 'Observe' This Data, along with Their own Independent Surveys!= How IS IT 'Missable'? Along WITH, MSM's NON reaction? AND, My Favourite - IT HASN'T AFFECTED EXCHANGE RATES! - Actually, The OZtopian dollar, I think, went DOWN - AGAIN! Better add Exchange rates to the Planetary Swindle Sheet!

SOOOoo, Insurance Corporations KNOW THIS - So WHAT'S THEIR 'GAME'? - Providing they've stILL got some 'Cognitive Pratts' working for Them! LOL!


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Following the strands and it seems everything connects and Serco wants you dead basically. (I’m just releasing a wild thought).

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Well, as a CorpoRAT Entity, & Associated with 'Prisons & CONtaimMeant' of Citizens & Criminals OF [ But NOT THE] 'STATE', as 'Part Of' Their INVESTMENT Portfolio, it seems that ALL is not as it seems. I live in a Small Island outpost, South of Papua New Guinea, called OZtopia - The Western province. Serco, has operations here as well - Immigration 'Housing'.

A Short search by anyone, wILL find Serco as a 1 stop shop, and 'Ideal' as a subCONtractor to Govt Policy - Especially 'Programs' such as CONJOB-19. Portfolio coverage; Defence [ Incl advice & engineering to Home & Away 'Teams' - U.K.-U.S. & Other Military [ Serco acquisition - Whitney, Bradley & Brown]/ Justice [LOL] & Immigration [ One Direction] / TranSport/ Health [ LOL] & 'Citizen Services' Company [ THEY, Must be 'English'] = They would have 'Fitted in Well' with Previous Slave Trade - Morphing into 'CurRent Systems'! - PRO-FIT 'driven' of course!! - [ Yes BOTH versions. PRO-FIT/ PROFIT]

Serco, in the U.K. CONVID # Something STATE 'Operation', provided 20% of the 'Staff' for CONVID 'Test Sites' in England- Nth Ireland & 50% of Staff for CONVID 'Test & Trace' calls in England.

Note, most of these Staff, 'Appear' to be Non Brits' [ just an observation], with Serco - NOR the U.K. central Govt 'Requiring' CONVID 'Jabs' as a 'Requirement' for these 'Immigrants' to stay in the U.K. Where 'They' Get FREE Health Checks- Accommodation- Expense Monies [ = Divide - Rule AND M.S. Diversion]!! Note; In 'Keeping' with these 'Immigrants/ Asylum seekers', it is MORE than obvious, THAT, the 'Immigrants' appear to be ALL Male, and of Military age? = COINcidentally 'UNTIMED' ? = I DON'T Think so!

No mention by The Central U.K. Govt, of The 50% Drop across the Board [ U.K. Board of trade figures - Same as U.S., & I'd guarantee ALL 5 Eyes Nations, including OZtopia!] in 'National Productivity', since Mandatory CONVID Jabs, Rocked into Town? = MUST be UNrelated, & RARE!


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Sorry Man! SOLD ourselves Short there [ This IS Normally a Federal Govt 'Process' & PASTIME!] ! - OZtopia Ops, include ALL of Serco's 'Standard Operations', Octopus Arenas - Military/ Accomm/ Prisons/Security/ Health Transport/ Surveillance/ 'Citizen Services' - Not just 'immigration'.


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I am curious what cause they come up the next days, sure a story we heard already.

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There are dozens of these still listed as cause unknown. There will likely be no explanation

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I hope Professor Miller is sent this. And I hope he will continue to catalog the "died suddenly" on his Substack.

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I tried to find his substack, but was unable to… link? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Sep 26, 2023
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Much thanks 🙏🏽… he has an article about the October 4th date coming up… scary stuff… 😳

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we had such day in germany on september 14th, such emergency test with message sent to every smartphone plus all sirens in the country, but not really anything happened besides this.

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Another needless death .. my sincerest condolences to all her family and friends...

Let’s not forget... there was a decision made not long ago that decided even though you are in the middle of a playing field hundreds of feet away from the public... that distance did not prevent you passing on or catching Covid...what an absolutely unscientific notion... the decision to force mandate a untried untested(ten mice don’t count)gene altering toxin... is beyond stupid ... only time will tell just how bad things may get... but please ... stop any further damage by refusing to use anything being pushed by Pfizer or Moderna... they have to reveal what’s in the shots... and have open transparency on the trials... not hide the data for 75 years.

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"beyond stupid"?

Have you noticed how few researchers are using the words "evil" and "crazy"? 🤔

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Lots of words come to mind .. but this is not “find the right label” time anymore... it’s time to stop any mRNA vaccine going into another arm...the world has more than enough proof these jabs are not helping but harming... what the hell is DNA material doing in this stuff... they would never have got approval for this had they told the FDA what they knew.

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I agree 100%. Trouble is Big Pharma owns the FDA... 🙄

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Guys, at the risk of repeating , the FDA had NOTHING to do with these shots.

The ENTIRE THING was a DOD OPERATION. They were classified as "bioweapon countermeasures" (see Sasha Latypova stack) and they were not legally a "clinical trial" (see KAtherine WATTS substack) so FDA NIH CDC ETC were just used to make you BELIEVE they were somehow monitoring this like other vaccines and pharma drugs.

THEY WEREN'T. They had no authority to. They were window dressing for what was

a DOD operation. At the top was ALEX AZAR, HEAD OF DHS. Homeland Security. Nothing else was required - no proof it worked, no standard manufacturing processes followed , NOTHING.

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As you do research into this monumental, indescribable crime, your head begins to revolve.. at first, ever-so-slowly... 🤔💩

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I hope it stops before i vomit like in the excorcist :-)

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I wouldn’t let the FDA,CDC, NIH off the hook, Duchess. They were all accomplices to the crime.

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"yes, they were desipicable. Not letting them off, we have names of some...but be assured this was a carefully constructed legal kill box that HHS had the ultimate power to command the DOD to get the jabs manufactured and into everyone arms with no quality control and no liability.

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Patents patents…royalties earned by NIAID by Fauci, and others that work with him. (Oh that’s besides his almost HALF A MILL salary per year (and now almost half mill pension parachute ),

and remember FDA gets 75% of its DRUG Division budget FROM BioPharma.

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It is perverted stuff in the vax - GREEN MONKEY cells! Dog bits! Grown in HIV and ecoli. Using Fetal cell (aborted baby parts) lines and worse.

Many bio weapons experts are exposing the disgusting soup of stuff they INJECT into trusting citizens .

It’s a mockery of their trust.

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From Br. Alexis Bugnolo in November 2021:

"We are at the Great Separation" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

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Terrible - it is evil.

Only sociopaths can come up with a plan to execute this.

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EVIL - Doesn't 'Exist' in The Mindset of THE ___Paths' of ANYTHING - Socio/Psycho Politico whatever! THEY , could even Say/ Think, that YOU/ WE, are Demon'ted - Er- Um- That'd be Demented, FOR, NOT 'Believing Their TRUTHS'! And Look! THEY have the 'Official Science' - And YOU 'Have'- What? = Heresay! THEY, have the 'Backing of the System'. SOOO, Via, & With Help of MS/ Social Media, YOU, are the UNbalanced ONE, And NEED 'Protection from - Yourself! And THE 'Programmed Mob', will 'Logically Agree'! The LATER the Programming of THE Mob, into the NEO 'Reality', Even MORE will agree! - But LESS with You/ Me/ The United US. 'Tis the way of things, previously, Why change the Formula now?

'Opaths = It's just another Day at the CON-TROLL Office.

Last; EVIL in a Mirror = LIVE.


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There's been so many of these I'm kind of immune, but something about this one landed. A young woman, successful and with her life ahead of her. And her death won't be investigated because practically everyone knows - if they took a truth serum - what's going on. It's so sad.

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As I've said elsewhere: For anyone not to see through this nakedly obvious fraud is inexcusable: Courtesy of a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan China, a variety of cold specific to bats had "jumped ship" to humans but in our case packed a mortality rate of 30%? For crying out loud, give me a break.

And the only effective agent was this experimental "vaccine" based on mRNA technology they'd cooked up in less than 8 months, all safety protocols suspended, and never mind with every experiment the test animals all died?

But fully 95% of humanity swallowed this whopper whole. 🙄💩

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Where do you get the 95% #? From the CDC, NYT, CNN? You’ve swallowed a whopper yourself unless you can prove that number.

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I get that number from the research I've done; from what I've experienced in the last nearly 4 years of orchestrated insanity.

But here: Look at this: https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC

Meanwhile the Canadian Government is no longer tracking this fulminating catastrophe: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-distribution/

According to people like Ed Dowd and Mike Adams, uptake in America is significantly lower, only 85% of the total population. Meanwhile from other sources, worldwide the uptake of The Lethal Injection stands at 6.6 billion out of an estimated 8 billion souls. I'll let you work out the percentage of that.

PS If you'd accept at face value any statistics from the CDC, NYT or CNN, you are as Gandalf put it "beyond mortal aid."

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I don’t think you’ll find any public source that’s not compromised and is anxious to convince us that very high percentages fell for it. Admittedly, the numbers were high in the first go-round, but I live in ultra blue California and I doubt it is much over 2/3 here. The numbers dropped off as the injuries and lack of protection became apparent. I don’t see any lines to the pharms now and nobody raises an eyebrow any more when I tell them it’s poison. Captain, you’re just repeating what your lying rulers are telling you. How do you know that 6.6 B have been jabbed? Because Pfizer told you? ROTFALMAO!

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I got that from Br. Alexis Bugnolo. I know of people who've taken 5 or 6 of The Lethal Injections.. I live in British Columbia, which if it were a state would be Navy Blue.

All that said, I sincerely hope you're right, and I'm full of shit! 🙄

PS Here's his presentations from June and November 2021 respectively; I think he said 6 billion in the second.. or maybe he said it somewhere else, or maybe it was Ed Dowd.. I donno, it all starts to blend after a bit.. 😐:

Br. Alexis Bugnolo

- "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

- "We are at the Great Separation" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

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Captain Roy, I hope too that you are wrong. None of us know the truth. I don’t think the perps even know. They don’t impress me as particularly competent much of the time. BC appears to be California north. So I would expect a high uptake rate there. Maybe lower in Alberta, eh?

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Who knows? What I do know is the ugliness and stupidity I've experienced since March 2020 has been stunning when it hasn't been horrifying. I've been living like a hermit for the past 3+ years.. my job as a security guard (it's what happens when you make clever life decisions like Music Performance Degrees) means I see the guy I relieve, and the guy who relieves me; other than that, I see and talk to no-one and I'm happy to keep it that way.

I can say, with some degree of certainty, I've a pretty good idea what it was to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany before the mass arrests began. If you're at all interested you can check out my writings and inclusions from others on my substack: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/ and on my blog, "Sex Diary of an Oboist": https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/

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I've watched a couple of Stacks, who've related Stats on CONVID- JAB Adverse reactions outcomes [ Independent Number Crunchers], at Current June/ 2023 Global; DEAD 20 MILLION, PLUS 2 BILLION with SERIOUS VAIDS- STILL to 'Play out' - Not sure if 'Stats' include 'Destroyed&/ Or Deleted/ Rebadged By 'Health [ILLness] Authorities'. I'll see if I can Recon the Stack & provide link/s.

I've noted Remarks on 'origins' of COVID-19 - Bats in Wuhan Etc., [Apologies to Bats/ Rats/ Mice from a Earth's Concerned Citizen, for Past Treatments @ OUR hands], Moving on; COVID is U.S. DoD origin's since 1980s [ Ft Dietrich & Chapel Hill.] With 'Inputs' from DARPA [ Battlefield 'Downed Assets Negations' Via 'G'Terminations- Bring in HAARP for Planetary 'Reach'. The DoD/DARPA & SubContract Hydrogel/Toxic Lipids/ 3D 'Self Assembly Infrastructure' is a Collaborative [ DoD has admitted The Tech IS Bio Warfare & a 'Counter Measure'(But passed off by some in Media as fantasy - Seems VERY 'COINsidental, that Movie 'Blood Shot'{Vin Diesel'}, WAS Fully Scripted/ Filmed/ Produced/Edited & Released By March 2020 per 'Tech Relevent'! ]

Back to HAARP & DoD- When they're FREE from Maui/Turkey/Greece/ Libya - Call 'Em for an 'APPointMeant'. 'THEY', IN league with a Host of 'Health / Med Institutes/UniversiTies/ Pharma Corporations AFTER the event'- See Operation Dark Winter & EVENT 201 for The USE-YOU-ALL [ USUAL] 'Participants'. NOT forgetting 'Financial Sponsors', & the Language & Acronyms WILL be familiar to CurRent 'PROGRAM' CULT AGENDA 21/2030/50- We Have, The IMF/World Bank. Project Name; COVID-19 'Strategic Preparedness and Response Program'. SPRP - [Neo Familiar?- Preparedness & Response.] Project I.D; P173789.

Country; World. Financing Instrument; Investment Project financing. Environment & Social Risk classification; Substantial. Expeced project approval date; 02/Apr/2020. Expected Project 'Closing' date; 31/Mar/2025. GEE, A Surprise 'Mythical Beastie'- AND, IT, Brought it's OWN Bankers! i hope the 'Loan' APPlication WASN'T too Traumatic, AND, a virus - Being a NON living 'Entity', MUST have had a 'Representative'. I wonder if the Investigation - IF ANY- Will be called COVID-GATE/s. I'll Just check BAMGF list of Pre 2019 'Loans/ grants'! LOL!


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And the Chiefs tight end is getting jabbed and a million stupid kids will follow his lead

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Sep 27, 2023
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I actually saw the commercial last night as I’m staying in a hotel on business. I literally screamed at the TV. And yeah, my “science teacher” sister is one of those parents. No idea where she stands on boosters since she refuses to discuss it with me. Because she believes in science you see-

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So sad and could have been prevented. Are young people, athletic, who have had an mRNA shots, have any inclination to get a cardiac work up? Are athletes being shielded from the truth? Are they seeing a trend here yet? Young people just don’t drop dead of heart attacks.

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So so so sad!

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gee, wonder why? seriously, do entire teams of athletes have to drop dead all at once before this is acknowledged?

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Nice little Blurb, by Her Associates, football club Etc., including Such Milestones as 100 appearances for the Women's team, AND, She worked as a 'Marketing Executive' at the Women's Championship club - HOW's [Anagram of W.H.O] THE 'Marketing' Experience working for her now? Apart from all of the Devastation & 'Heartbreak'[ Probably an APT description], IS anyone asking WHY this is happening FREQUENTLY in 'Athletic YOUNG people' -

ApolloJesus! Just in; 'Webster & Oxford Dictionary, in League with Google 'SMC' & META 'TRUTH' Fact CHEQUEr CABAL, HAVE RUSHED INTO PRINT NEW DEFINITIONS;

RARE; Def; Single or Plural; Now covers ALL 'Chance' outcomes.

Some; Def; Deleted.

Frequent; Def; Deleted

Catastrophic; Def; Deleted.

Last; In a Collective celebration of Former Team mates Lost to 'Suddenly Dead', THE 'Marketing' Depts of Sporting Groups, have issued Shovels to Staff/ Supporters & Sponsors for Future Trauma protection! A PDF will be issued with said shovel - For Head in Sand operations. [ NB.; In line with the Love affair of Govts & CorpoRATS alike, with The Fantasy of Acronym, PDF stands for Personal Data File to US, But in fact stands for Plausible Deniability Factor, To them.]. For those suffering from Traumatic - Per Sub Terrainian, experiences [ Other Than RARE Jab outcomes], Blinkers - An old favourite, will be supplied, along with Trauma CounSelling, until the next RARE trauma! Always refer to your UP TO DATE dictionary! RARE; Be Alert but NOT Alarmed - SAFE & EFFECTIVE!


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The best portrait of Fauci I have seen.

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Poor young woman, I saw a brief excerpt of her talking about going to get the 'vaccine' to protect her family. I will never stop feeling hopeless and angry that so many young people were pulled into this utter madness on the pretext of protecting others and doing the 'right thing'.

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All Hail The Conquering Satanists! Long list - and it is still only Tuesday. ( I think?)

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