Yep, ineffective, and even harmful (which was the point).

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Absolutely no change over the last 60 years. All vaccines are useless and destroy your natural body.

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I noticed at my place of work that the people who ate junk food were the ones that had a fixation on getting yearly flu shots and other vaccines. They were the ones that called in sick with the flu and were off work the most. It's been a scam from the beginning to prey on the ignorant.

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I aquired pneumonia after a 25mi road biking trip. Thought it could've been allergy induced. B/c how could I get sick from being insanely in shape? Looking back now, I probably had a mandatory flu vaccine right around that time. Assholes.

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Yes, it's another way to keep you sick but denial is a powerful tool. I had a small pox vaccine when I was five years old and within a few days I had a dreadful sore throat with fever and missed a couple weeks of school because it was determined that I had tonsillitis and needed a tonsillectomy. Thousands of kids my age had tonsillitis from that vax and had to undergo that surgery and then have a compromised immune system the rest of our lives. They are Assholes.

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Shit... I had tonsillitis and strep throat so many times as a kid. Was on antibiotics endlessly. I have no idea what shots I had then but my mom was a nurse and followed everything the docs told her. 🤬 this was late '70's early '80's.

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At a time in the future the non MRNA people will be able to go in or on a Health POD to cellular generate the biome, dna. As no toxicity has touched you ever. People can live healthy till 150 till 200 years of age. Animals can live 2 x’s as long.

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Shocking 😲.....!!! Surprise Surprise Surprise....... not really... can you hear my loud sarcasm?

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I think vaccines are the biggest scam of any "health protocol" we have ever had!!!!

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Amen sister 💪

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I think it’s very effective since it was designed to kill and injure people and is doing exactly that!

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It'd be hard to convince me that all illnesses are NOT caused by allopathic medical interventions. They've had us fooled for too long.

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No comments show up so I can’t really respond.

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Comments don’t come through but thanks anyway..

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Thank for looking back to help people understand factuals. Then we need All animal shots diagnosed to show they also are fraudulent. Society has been coerced to kill and maim animals in the name of health.

Next we need to investigate the black market of selling body parts to liquids in the body/individual to animals all sizes of animal.

Keep learning.

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ALL vaccines are toxic - end of story ...

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But but but...my parents used to get their flu shot every year, and every year they got the flu and were very sick. One year my mother nearly died. I used to point out the discrepancy to them, but got the same insane reply I get from those who are "fully protected" with the jab and still got COVID: "luckily I had the vaccine, otherwise I might have died..."

The reason and logic is mind-blowing 🤣

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Link to entire video, pretty please... Thanks!

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