In 2021 Ukrainian Citizens Petitioned Zelenskyy: US Biolabs in Ukraine Are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE Them Immediately. Today: Russia Tells The US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”.
The biolabs scandal looks like a part of the script for the next global Plandemic
ELECTRONIC PETITIONS Official Internet Representation of the President of Ukraine
US Biolaboratories in Ukraine are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE Them Immediately
The petition mentions multiple reports in the foreign media about the US bioweapon program in Ukraine:
On May 28, 2021, “the Pentagon Sanitary Stations” conference was held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan:
In 2016 364 People Had Died From Swine flu in Ukraine
In 2017, a measles epidemic broke out in Ukraine. In 2019, an outbreak of a disease "similar in symptoms to the plague" was recorded. Pentagon’s biological laboratories in Central Asia
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian : “The US government should provide the international community with comprehensive information about the experiments that they are carrying out in the US military biolaboratories in Ukraine and in Fort Detrick…”
Russia Tells The US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons (Video)
In the staged war, a staged biolab scandal can be a perfect justification for the next global Plandemic. Fauci is already worried about tuberculosis, what a coincidence...
War in Ukraine could lead to ‘devastating’ tuberculosis problem, warns Anthony Fauci
In the following video they also pre-emptively blame Russia for spreading “propaganda” about the real purpose of the US-operated bio-labs in Ukraine.

WHO health emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan: "The conditions we see in Ukraine are the worst possible ingredients for the amplification and the spread of infectious disease.”
An outbreak is "one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse,” he added.

JUST IN - WHO advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in "health labs" to prevent "any potential spills" into the population.

Get Ready For The Next One
A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order
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Wow, this is a wealth of information, thanks! Fast forward to the 4:59 minute mark to hear our own U.S. government (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland) admit to these biolabs yesterday in Senate testimony:
So much info here- thank you. A fascinating and horrifying read to be sure. The sand flea paragraph caught me. Remember Fauci's experiment with the beagle puppies? Locking their heads in a box full of 'flesh eating' sand fleas. (And cutting their vocal cords so no one would have to hear the puppies crying?) Another paragraph talked about virus carrying mosquitos. And now they are releasing genetically modified mosquitos in Florida and California- (I wouldn't trust that).