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Nord Stream gas supply to EU stopped indefinitely – Gazprom
The flow will not be restored on schedule due to a turbine failure, Gazprom says
Russian energy giant Gazprom announced on Friday the suspension of natural gas supplies to the EU via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, for an indefinite period, due to technical malfunctions. The pipeline was supposed to restart on September 3 following repairs to its sole operating turbine.
According to the company, it received a warning from Russia’s industrial regulator Rostekhnadzor about the turbine failure. The problems were reportedly detected during maintenance work, and the pipeline will not be able to operate without proper repairs, according to Gazprom.
Watch: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden's Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech
President Biden's Thursday night speech raised more than a few eyebrows - between the White House essentially declaring civil war with half the country, and the ominously authoritarian aesthetic - it became clear that Team Biden is embracing the 'Dark Brandon' meme created by Chinese propagandists.
The optics were so bad that CNN shifted the color from blood-red to a 'less Hitlery' pink in the middle of Biden's speech, which wasn't the case on the official feed, or any other network's coverage.
Biden backtracks on ‘threat’ to America
One day after condemning Trump supporters as an extremist threat to America, the president has walked back his attack
US President Joe Biden has apparently made a 180-degree turn on the alleged dangers posed by Donald Trump supporters, saying he doesn’t consider his predecessor’s backers to be a threat to America.
“I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden told reporters on Friday at the White House. “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it’s used, refuses to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rule you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”
Biden taps former Clinton aide John Podesta to serve as Senior White House Advisor for clean energy

Ukraine nuclear plant targeted again – official
Local Russian authorities report renewed shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP after the IAEA visit
Ukrainian artillery have again targeted the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the city of Energodar, local military-civilian administration member Vladimir Rogov said on Friday night.
The attack comes after Ukraine’s military admitted to bombing the area for the first time, and follows a failed attempt by Kiev’s commandos to seize the plant while UN inspectors were visiting.
Hunger-stricken Africans encouraged to eat bugs
UK aid projects in the DRC and Zimbabwe are urging rural inhabitants to farm more insects
UK-financed aid projects in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are encouraging the hunger-stricken population of these African countries to introduce more nutrient-rich bugs into their diet.
As reported by The Guardian on Friday, the agencies are currently spending as much as $57,000 in the DRC and $346,000 in Zimbabwe on trialing insect diets with a view to introducing them to the local population.
Iran and Russia Have Plans to Abandon the Dollar in Several Mutual Settlements
According to a report by TAAS, Iran and Russia are planning to abandon the dollar in mutual settlements in certain facets of their trade relations.
Ali Saleh Abadi, the governor of Iran’s Central Bank, went public about this development on August 29, 2022.
“Iran and Russia have already switched to national currencies in some types of settlements they mutually agreed upon,” Abadi said to an Iranian newspaper.
Black Hole: as billions in American arms and aid enter Ukraine, US officials receive hand written receipts
Americans taking out loans through buy now, pay later apps to purchase groceries
While the service remains most popular for big purchases, with the price of goods continuing to go up, many Americans are now opting to use it to purchase essentials.
According to the Daily Mail, one of the major players in the buy now, pay later (BNPL) game, Zip, reported a 95 percent rise in the purchase of groceries using their service in the US, with restaurant bills up 64 percent.
Among the retailers that support Zip are Costco, Doordash, Safeway, and Starbucks.
Bank of Canada expected to raise interest rate for fifth time at pivotal moment for economy
Inflation appears to have peaked but it’s still running hot and a supersized rate hike from the Bank of Canada next week is widely expected.
Some economists think Wednesday’s hike could be the last for a while.
“We think that by the time October comes around, we might be in a good enough position for the bank to take a pause and look at how the economy is reacting,” said Karyne Charbonneau, CIBC’s executive director of economics.
The September rate call comes at a crucial time for Canada’s economy.
WHO warns of more ‘dangerous COVID variants’ in coming days
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was speaking during the weekly media briefing regarding COVID on Wednesday. (Reuters)
The risk of even more transmissible and more dangerous COVID variants remains, WHO chief said
Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Tam, says COVID-19 infections are expected to pick up this winter

Vaccines may be needed every 90 days, federal advisory committee claims
A federal advisory committee yesterday said Canadians may consider getting a COVID shot every 90 days. The Department of Health only weeks ago said a booster every nine months was sufficient.
“I understand that people can feel overwhelmed,” said Dr. Supriya Sharma, chief medical advisor to the health department. “There’s a lot of information and the messaging has changed a little bit from the pandemic.”
Shocking Report From German Scientists Shows and Describes Objects Found in Covid-19 “Vaccines” As Well as Those Injected
The COVID-19 vaccination programmes must be stopped immediately!
CBC 2017; CNBC 2018 the prelude to 2020
UK Govt Denies ‘Safe Use’ Recommendation for Pfizer Vaccine In Pregnant Women, Says Those Breastfeeding Should NOT Be Vaccinated
Further studies are being conducted to ascertain more details about the impact of the vaccines.
The British government has recommended against pregnant and breastfeeding women receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, admitting that “sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine” for the demographic “cannot be provided at the present time.”
The findings were revealed in a comprehensive report from the country’s Department of Health and Social Care, “Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech,” last updated on August 16th. The report was published through the government’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
THE NEXT VAX: Big Pharma pushing to release ANOTHER mRNA “vaccine,” this one for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
(Natural News) After seeing the success, aka dollar signs, of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” rollout, the pharmaceutical industry – and specifically Moderna – is now setting its sights on a new mRNA (messenger RNA) injection for respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV.
Javara, a clinical trial company, is reportedly teaming up with Privia Health Group on behalf of Moderna to recruit clinical trial participants for the new mRNA jab. Participants from Georgia, Maryland and Texas will be asked to roll up their sleeves for the shot, which, like the mRNA shots for covid, is experimental. (Related: Big Pharma is also pushing an all-new mRNA nasal spray for the Chinese Virus.)
The WHO is attempting to negotiate away the sovereignty of the 194 member nations along two separate, but parallel tracks. Everyone on earth needs to pay attention RIGHT NOW, before it is too late.
Canadian bank reportedly bans customer for questioning presence of rainbow flag on app
'Your comments are not appreciated nor will they will be tolerated which is why we have chosen to terminate our relationship with you,' Scotiabank told the man who complained about the pro-LGBT rainbow imagery on their banking app.
(LifeSiteNews) — In what appears to be another step toward compelled acceptance of the LGBT agenda, a recent Rebel News report features a man who was reportedly banned from Scotiabank for asking if there was a way he could remove the pro-LGBT “rainbow” symbol from his phone’s banking app.
In a Sunday interview with Rebel News host David Menzies, Alberta resident Gary Duke relayed to the journalist that Scotiabank did indeed sever ties with him after he emailed his local branch to complain about the presence of the pro-LGBT “rainbow” imagery on the bank’s mobile app during homosexual “pride” month in June.
Cloud wars in the Middle East: Governments are working to drain the heavens dry with geoengineering
Iranian officials have worried for years that other nations have been depriving them of one of their vital water sources. But it was not an upstream dam that they were worrying about, or an aquifer being bled dry.
In 2018, amid a searing drought and rising temperatures, some senior officials concluded that someone was stealing their water from the clouds.
“Both Israel and another country are working to make Iranian clouds not rain,” Brig. Gen. Gholam Reza Jalali, a senior official in the country’s powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps, said in a 2018 speech.
The geoengineering KILL SWITCH has been activated for the entire planet – Feat. Dane Wigington
(Natural News) The entire planet is being deliberately plunged into a global famine nightmare, achieved via geoengineering programs carried out by world governments trying to achieve global depopulation.
That’s the warning from Dane Wigington of, a site dedicated to the scientific investigation of the global “kill switch” portfolio of technologies being used to control weather and cause the collapse of the world’s life-sustaining biosphere.
California Schools Now Teaching Children There Are EIGHT Genders
Schools in California are now officially teaching children that there are eight or nine genders, according to a report.
Fox News reports that a textbook titled “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School,” which also makes reference to ten sexual preferences, was ordered by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.
The dizzying array of different ‘genders’ that the book lists include agender, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, gender non-conforming and gender questioning.
First Christian Church of Katy, Texas, to host “Drag Bingo” event for ALL ages
On Saturday, Sept. 24, at 5 p.m., the First Christian Church of Katy, Texas, will host a “Drag Bingo” event for all ages. This church is a member of the Disciples of Christ denomination, which promotes gender and sexuality affirmation, LGBTQ “marriages” and hosts a “Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance” within their congregations.
The “Drag Bingo” event, while claiming to be a drag event, is hosting several men who have had transgender surgeries. To say this is an affront to the Lord, in the guise of openness, inclusion, and love, does not convey the righteous anger and hurt this brings to God’s heart for His creation. He loves each and every individual that is wrongly promoting this event and yearns for their repentance and spiritual transformation in Him.
God’s grace, love and mercy know no bounds, but there comes a point when He pulls them back, and His punishment and wrath are released. The Bible affirms this throughout the Old and New Testaments. When His people continuously grieve His Spirit, and are unrepentant of their sins, there are biblical consequences for those actions. Satan knows how much this event will grieve the Lord, because it is aimed at children and taking place in a building with Jesus’ name on it.
* Joe opened the borders and allowed 4.9 million illegals to flood the country in less than 2 years.
** Joe Biden has locked up hundreds of Trump supporters for walking inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6
** Joe Biden has created the highest inflation rate in 40 years.
** Joe Biden’s policies caused record gas prices, the highest in US history.
** Joe Biden sent the FBI to storm the home of his opposition candidate.
** Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and gave them $80 billion in US arms.
** Joe Biden abandoned THOUSANDS of Americans when he fled Afghanistan.
** Joe Biden has sunk the country into recession and is destroying the US dollar.
Joe Biden and the Democrats represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
Thank you, Lioness.