Canadians will require a COVID booster every nine months, says health minister: ‘We will never be fully vaccinated against COVID-19’
Minister Duclos also replied to whether COVID mandates will be reinstated in the coming months by saying that ‘we must continue to fight against COVID’ and that ‘we can look forward to continuing the fight in the fall.’
Canadians will be required to get a COVID booster shot every nine months to remain “up to date,” says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. The term “fully vaccinated” now makes no sense, Duclos told reporters.
“Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up to date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now,” said Duclos. “‘Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up to date.’ So am I up to date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?”

Tracking The Unvaccinated: Canada's Branch Of WHO is Hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance.
Worlds puppet governments are gearing up for the next phase of the End Game
Judge orders Pfizer to provide "extensive detail" on the biochemical composition and evidence of efficacy and safety of its COVID vaccine within 48 hours in Uruguay.

German banks prepare for energy-related defaults – Bloomberg
The country’s lenders are reportedly hoarding cash to support businesses if Russia halts gas supplies
Banks in Germany are expected to put aside extra funds to be able to tackle a potential spike in defaults if Russia cuts off natural gas supplies, several high-ranking banking officials said, as quoted by Bloomberg.
In case of a complete suspension of Russian gas supplies, Europe’s largest economy is projected to fall into recession and the lenders will be required to bolster corporate loans with more capital, according to BNP Paribas Germany head Lutz Diederichs, as quoted by the media. He echoed comments made by Commerzbank Chief Financial Officer Bettina Orlopp published over the weekend in an interview with the weekly Focus Money.
Germany's second-largest city is preparing to ration hot water as the Russia energy crisis escalates
Hamburg, the largest non-capital city in the European Union, has warned that it could ration be forced to hot water as the Russian energy crisis causes chaos.
Jens Kerstan, environment senator for Germany's second biggest city, told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag on Saturday that Hamburg could restrict availability of hot water to certain times of days "in an acute gas shortage."
Multiple people shot at July 4th parade in Highland Park, IL.
Dutch Protesters Pour Manure On Government Offices Over Industry-Killing Regulations
Dutch farmers who have been protesting for weeks over the government's radical plan to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% - 95% by 2030 have taken things to the next level - pouring manure on government offices in response to the plan which would cause widespread chaos - including the death of 1/3 of Dutch farms.
Dutch farmers protesting outside the home of the Minister for Nitrogen & Nature Policy against the govts plan to target the livestock sector with nitrogen emission cuts.
The plan could see up to 30% reduction in livestock farming & farms out of business
Twitter 'Silenced' Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges
Three physicians are suing Twitter, alleging the company violated its own terms of service and community standards when it suspended their accounts for posting “truthful statements regarding COVID-19 policy, diagnosis and/or treatment.”
Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough and Bryan Tyson on Monday filed the lawsuit in Superior Court in California, San Francisco County.
Manufacturing Plants Aren’t Just Mysteriously Getting Burned Down In The United States, It’s Happening Around The World…
As Americans tackle accelerating inflation, skyrocketing gas prices and food and baby formula shortages following the manufactured COVID pandemic, manufacturing plants are mysteriously being burned down on a regular basis.
In 2021, Resilinc, a leading global supply chain monitoring and risk management firm that has been tracking disruptions at manufacturing plants for over a decade, was prompted to create a WarRoom to track the sudden uptick of supply chain disruptions.
Vaccine Mandates Were Predicated on “Hope” Rather Than Science, Admits Deborah Birx.
The audacity of vaccine mandates.
Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx revealed that the federal government was relying on “hope” that COVID-19 vaccines would prevent infection when officials publicly stated that Americans who received the jab would become immune to the virus.
The admission came during a line of questioning by Rep. Jim Jordan, who inquired to the former Trump administration official: “When the government told us that the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it, was that a lie or is it a guess?”
“I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way,” she replied.
More COVID Shots: US To Procure “Adapted” COVID-19 “Vaccines”
The ruling class of the United States is not giving up on injecting as many humans as possible with the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines.” Now, those who rule want to procure shots that are “adapted” to Omicron subvariants, as a way to coerce more to get injected.
The US government is scheduled to purchase more than $3 billion in additional coronavirus vaccines from pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which said the sale could include a new drug designed to protect against the Omicron variant, currently under review by federal regulators, according to a report by RT. And the mainstream media has already jumped on this, using propaganda to tell the public that continual injection with mysterious substances is a great thing for organic lifeforms.
Pfizer Has Another Vaccine Out That Targets Omicron
Remember, mere hours after Omicron was announced by the mainstream media, Pfizer decided to create a “vaccine” that they want injected into everyone. Now, the deal with the tyrannical United States government is official.
New documents expose secret US wars – The Intercept
Washington has conducted at least 23 proxy wars around the world under the guise of counterterrorism
The US has reportedly used a secretive authority called ‘127e’ to launch at least two dozen proxy wars since 2017, according to an article published on Friday by The Intercept. The outlet claims to have obtained never-before-seen documents and spoken to top officials with intimate knowledge of these programs.
The Intercept received the documents through the Freedom of Information Act, claiming these papers are the first ever official confirmation that at least 14 so-called ‘127e programs’ were active in the greater Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions as recently as 2020. In total, the Pentagon reportedly launched 23 separate 127e programs across the globe between 2017 and 2020, which cost US taxpayers $310 million.
US power companies brace for supply crisis – Reuters
Consumer energy demand is expected to hit all-time highs this summer, and utilities are warning they may lack the equipment to maintain the grid
American power providers are facing supply shortages that stem from increased pressure on the grid due to record-high temperatures, as people boost the use of air conditioning, Reuters reported on Wednesday.
According to Refinitiv data, the weather in the US has already been some 21% warmer than the 30-year average.
“Federal agencies responsible for power reliability, like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), have warned that grids in the western half of the country could face reliability issues this summer as consumers crank up air conditioners to escape the heat,” the report states.
Senate Democrats introduce bill that completely infringe on American’s 2A rights, limits gun purchases to one every 5 years
WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic Senators Corey Booker (NJ), Bob Menendez (NJ), and Richard Blumenthal (CT), recently introduced a gun control bill that would amend Chapter 44 of Title 18, US Code.
It is as big an example of firearms overreach as any seen in recent memory.
“In our nation, gun violence has become eerily routine, and we’ve done little to stop the horrific mass shootings that devastate the lives of victims and their loved ones,” said Sen. Booker.
“Accepting this shameful status quo will continue to lead to deadly consequences. We need to adopt proven, common-sense measures that will address the scourge of gun violence and make our communities safer.
70,000 truck owner-operators in California may be forced to stop driving in one week due to new state law
(Natural News) A Supreme Court decision may force over 70,000 truck owner-operators in California to stop driving, creating another choke point in the already stressed West Coast logistics networks.
The AB5 law restricts the use of independent contractors and will soon be enforced against the trucking industry after the court declined to hear their appeal.
The California Trucking Association said in a statement that gasoline has been poured on the fire that is the ongoing supply chain crisis, and the decision by the Supreme Court could deny a judicial review of a lower court ruling.
Canadian Government to Teach School Children That ‘Free Speech Is Racist’
Justin Trudeau’s regime has announced plans to teach school children that ‘free speech’ is an inherently ‘racist’ idea which should be phased out.
A new government-funded booklet made for Canadian school children describes President Trump’s border wall with Mexico and free speech as two examples of “hate speech.”
Pro-abortion protestors in Ottawa chant "F*ck the church and the legislature, people are not incubators."

“Independence Day” a Reality? 1 in 3 People Believe They’ve Seen a Real UFO
Independence Day has forever tied aliens to the Fourth of July. Now, a new survey has found that many people think they’ve seen an actual UFO flying over their city!
In fact, 37 percent claim they’ve witnessed something “out of the ordinary” taking place in the sky. While 35 percent convinced themselves it was just an optical illusion, nearly half the poll (45%) say they’ve believed in aliens and UFOs for as far back as they can remember. One in four people call themselves “true believers” in extraterrestrial life.
The survey of 2,000 adults in the United Kingdom, commissioned by Beavertown Brewery to celebrate World UFO Day (July 2nd), also found that a third want to believe aliens are out there, despite not having any facts to back it up.
The first CRISPR gene-editing drug is coming—possibly as soon as next year
Until recently, CRISPR—the gene-editing technology that won scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry—sounded more like science fiction than medicine; lab-created molecular scissors are used to snip out problematic DNA sections in a patient’s cells to cure them of disease. But soon we could see regulators approve the very first treatment using this gene-editing technology in an effort to combat rare inherited blood disorders that affect millions across the globe.
According to Fast Company, In a $900 million collaboration, rare disease specialist Vertex and CRISPR Therapeutics developed the therapy, dubbed exa-cel (short for exagamglogene autotemcel). It has already amassed promising evidence that it can help patients with beta thalassemia and sickle cell disease (SCD), both of which are genetic blood diseases that are relatively rare in the U.S. but somewhat more common inherited conditions globally.
China is on track for a ‘contagious crash’ within weeks, Threatens deflation for the entire globe
Author and J Capital Research co-founder Anne Stevenson-Yang has warned the world to brace for deflation, as China’s economy is about to crash. As Xi Jinping’s communist regime is still pushing for a zero-Covid policy and inflation gallops around the world, China has seen its exports crumble, driving goods prices down.
After two years of rapid economic growth in 2020 and 2021, China’s export market is experiencing a dangerous decline. Speaking to ABC News, Ms. Stevenson-Yang said: “So, my base case for China, I think that the Chinese economy is really going to through a crash. I think that China is going to spew deflation into the world pretty soon, like along about the third quarter of this year.”
It’s us or them time.
Not sure what to do
But submitting isn’t part of it
"Canadians will require a COVID booster every nine months, says health minister: ‘We will never be fully vaccinated against COVID-19’"
"Tracking The Unvaccinated: Canada's Branch Of WHO is Hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance."
I expect this to happen in the States with the next fake (lie) outbreak of Covid. We are racing to the "Mark of the Beast" at full speed!