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Biden: "At the time, Amy Barre—er... was uh, Barra, uh, Chairman Barra of General Motors was suing the State of California."

South Korea scrambles fighter jets
Seoul’s armed forces said nearly 200 North Korean military flights were detected on Friday
South Korea scrambled dozens of fighter jets after spotting a significant number of North Korean warplanes on radar, the country’s military said. The incident occurred during air exercises by Seoul and Washington, which have prompted several shows of force by Pyongyang in recent days.
The South Korean military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said 80 jets were mobilized on Friday in response to more than 180 North Korean military flights, noting that Pyongyang’s planes did not come close to the inter-Korean border.
A large part of the roof and exterior walls at a building in North Korea where ICBM can be launched from has been dismantled. It will likely lead to additional missile launches - Yonhap

Beijing Urges Countries Around South China Sea To 'Jointly Resist' The US
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on other claimants to the South China Sea to “jointly resist” US pressure in the region, The South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.
China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, and Malaysia all have overlapping claims to the South China Sea. The US has inserted itself into the maritime dispute and formally rejected most of Beijing’s claims in 2020, which has been reaffirmed by the Biden administration.
New US military aid for Ukraine revealed
The $400 million package includes tanks, drones, and anti-air missiles
The Pentagon on Friday announced a new tranche of military aid to Ukraine. The $400 million weapons package includes Soviet-era tanks, outdated anti-air missiles, and miniature kamikaze drones.
Drawn from the Pentagon’s $3 billion Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, the package “represents the beginning of a contracting process to provide additional priority capabilities to Ukraine,” Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. Under the USI, the Pentagon purchases arms and equipment for Ukraine directly from weapons companies and suppliers.
UK spies building secret ‘terror army’ in Ukraine – Grayzone
The revelation comes after Russia warned London about its level of involvement in the country
UK military-intelligence operatives are reportedly working to create and train a covert terrorist force in Ukraine assigned to attack Russian targets in Crimea on behalf of the Kiev government.
Working through a private British intelligence services firm called Prevail Partners, the operatives signed an agreement with the Odessa branch of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) to build the so-called “partisan” terror army, The Grayzone reported on Thursday, citing leaked documents detailing the plans. The work is conducted in close coordination with the SSU and is possibly funded at least partly by Ukrainian oligarch Andrey Sadovoy, who is the mayor of Lviv and heads the country’s TRK Lux media company.
The Russian Army is using loudspeakers to tell people in the city of Kherson that the Ukrainian Army is approaching

Dollar dominance scheduled for TERMINATION as Saudi Arabia declares CHINA its “reliable partner”
(Natural News) The petrodollar is now on its last legs as Saudi Arabia has declared China to be its “reliable partner” for energy and trade. The USA, under the catastrophic leadership of fake president Joe Biden — who was planted in the Oval Office via a rigged election — has lost all credibility in the eyes of world leaders.
First, the US military couldn’t even hold its ground in Afghanistan and was beaten by local militiamen who gained possession of tens of billions of dollars in US military equipment during the rushed US evacuation panic.
U.S. sells last batch of emergency reserve oil from historic release
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Energy on Thursday said it sold 15 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to six companies, completing the last batch of the largest-ever release from the stockpile announced by President Joe Biden in March.
The contracts were awarded to Phillips 66, Marathon Petroleum Supply and Trading LLC, Shell Trading (US), Valero Marketing and Supply, Macquarie Commodities Trading US, and Equinor Marketing and Trading, the Energy Department said in a statement. Deliveries will take place from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31.
Something Has Snapped: Unexplained 2.3 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report
A simplistic, superficial take of today's jobs report would conclude that the red hot jump in nonfarm payrolls indicates a "strong hiring market" (just ignore the jump in the unemployment rate). Nothing could be further from the truth.
Recall that back in August and September, we showed that a stark divergence had opened between the Household and Establishment surveys that comprise the monthly jobs report, and since March the former has been stagnant while the latter has been rising every single month. In addition to that, full-time jobs were plunging while part-time jobs were soaring.
Biological war imminent? Russia identifies unmanned aerial vehicles over Ukrainian port city of Kherson equipped with containers capable of spraying BIOAGENTS
(Natural News) Evidence has emerged to suggest that U.S.-NATO-led bioweapons operations are, in fact, taking place in and around Ukraine, and that Russia’s efforts there aim to dismantle this biological threat to the world.
Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia revealed disturbing information in a recent speech about what he described as “unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with 30-liter containers and equipment which can be used to spray bioagents.”
BOMBSHELLS: Bioweaponized aerial drone patent uncovered; toxic venom peptides scientifically CONFIRMED in the blood and feces of covid victims
(Natural News) Story summary:
– Dozens of venom peptides have been identified and confirmed in the bodies of covid victims. Analysis was conducted via HPLC with mass spec molecular mass and ion fragmentation confirmation, published in a science journal and indexed by PubMed.
– A patent has been identified that describes a bioweapons aerial drone delivery system designed to kill “100% of enemy troops.”
– This drone bioweapons delivery system can be outfitted with aerosolized venom peptides to air drop toxins onto any population, in any city, at any time, faking a pandemic outbreak (no virus necessary).
TSA has extended the rule that the unvaccinated cannot enter the U.S. until at least January 8 next year for all travelers.

The CDC FALSIFIED Its Surveillance Model Showing Unvaccinated Dying at Higher Rate Than Vaccinated
"Persons dying of other causes were assigned a Covid cause of death, IF and only IF - they were unvaccinated."
Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fraudulent
Finland has become one of the first countries to uncover evidence that state agencies around the world committed fraud in their Covid deaths reporting during the pandemic.
The blockbuster report sheds light on how public health agencies around the world overhyped ‘Covid-related deaths’ in order to drive mass hysteria.
WATCH This World Economic Forum ‘Spiritual Leader’ Explain Exactly Why Society Should ‘Consciously’ Choose To Depopulate: ‘What Is This Compulsion About Having A Child?’
WEF’s Young Global Leaders, like Sadhguru, have long openly advocated for depopulation and are galvanizing public support for reducing the world’s population.

Germany’s Foreign Office Ordered Removal of 482-Year-Old Cross in Münster Before Godless G7 Meetings
482-year-old Münster Cross was removed for G7 meetings.
The Foreign Ministry of Germany removed the ancient cross in Münster Hall for the recent G7 meetings. The Peace of Westphalia was signed in Munster in 1648.
The Western elites no longer wish to be reminded of their Christian faith or history.
The cross was removed by Annalena Baerbock, a radical member of the Greens.
On Sunday November 13th, Get Ready For The Chrislam ‘Climate Repentance Ceremony’ On Mount Sinai In Egypt As The United Nations Holds COP27
We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest bring to together leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action with ‘Climate Justice: Ten Universal Commandments.’ Behold, Chrislam!
Chrislam has positioned itself to be the driving religious force of our day, combined leaders from all the world’s religions under the banner of the Vatican, and it is everywhere you look. Chrislam is the basis on which the Abraham Accords were created, brought to life by the same person who sold Pope Francis’ Declaration of Human Fraternity to the Muslim world back in 2019. Now at the UN COP27 climate conference in Sinai, Egypt later this month, Chrislam will again take center stage as interfaith leaders unveil their ‘Climate Justice: Ten Universal Commandments’ and repent of their climate sins to Mother Earth.
LGBTQ+++© Police State: 'Trans Buddies' Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia
Respecting The Science©, as we are trained to do, obviously requires that we place LGBTQ+++© Gestapo in every doctor’s office in America. Their job is to make sure bigoted doctors don’t slip up and practice medicine based on biological reality, because biology is transphobic, as is reality.Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic practices The Science© by providing “evidence-based, personalized gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents” — a fancy, rambling way to say “transing children.” And now it’s upped its game by inserting “Trans Buddies” into the doctor’s office.
Mysterious ribbon of blue light appears over Sweden
A mysterious ribbon of blue light appeared over Abisko, Sweden during a G1 – Minor geomagnetic storm on November 3, 2022.
The phenomenon, which seems to defy orthodox aurora physics, might be a previously unrecognized form of Northern Lights, Dr. Tony Phillips of the SpaceWeather reports.1
However, Chad Blakley, the director of Lights over Lapland, who obviously witnessed a lot of auroras in his life, said it didn’t look like any auroras he has ever seen before.
I hope Sadhguru didn’t procreate. And Greta. Encouraging those who think people are bad, to not procreate, is probably a good thing. Some people just don’t belong here, and if they don’t reproduce, it’s a proper outcome. Problem solved. Thanks, mr guru.
Maurice Strong The Godfather Of “Climate Change”
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”