Revolution! One Million People Marching To Ottawa To Demand PM Trudeau’s Resignation
Over a million Canadians, including a massive convoy of truckers, are on their way to the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over his COVID tyranny, according to reports and video.
Former Calgary Flames hockey player Theo Fleury joined Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle” on Tuesday to announce that millions of Canadians are marching to Canada’s capital to demand that Trudeau either resign or lift all the tyrannical COVID mandates.
Right now in Canada we have one of the biggest revolutions happening, and you probably haven’t heard about it because no one’s talking about it,” Fleury told host Laura Ingraham, referring to the mainstream media.
“But right now there’s 50,000 truckers and about 1.4 million people headed to the parliament in Ottawa, and they’re going to stay there until Trudeau resigns or they give us back all our freedoms and rights.”

BREAKING: After near-total silence, O'Toole finally supports trucker convoy
After weeks of near-total silence, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole is finally throwing his support behind truckers and other Canadians fighting for their rights and freedoms. Better late than never.
"After two years, Canadians are tired," O'Toole said during a press conference. "They're tired because they followed the rules. We've worked from home; our kids have not been in school; we've shifted our life.
"Most Canadians got the jab. We've all been trying to follow the rules, and this year started out just like last year: with lockdowns, with curfews, with division; and that's only getting worse."
Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots (Video)
In this worldwide exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets with board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who reveals, for the first time ever, arteries and veins filled with unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials that are completely filling the vascular system.
Many of the victims reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. Mr. Hirschman reports that he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%.
Horowitz: Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open
Data, transparency, and surveillance. That is what has been missing from the greatest experiment on humans of all time throughout this pandemic. Now, military medical whistleblowers have come forward with what they claim is perhaps the most accurate and revealing data set on vaccine safety one could possibly find.
The pro-pharma politicians and media claim the CDC’s pharmacosurveillance tool “VAERS” is not good enough to trigger investigations into the shots because anyone can supposedly submit a vaccine adverse event entry. Thus, all the concerning safety signals from VAERS are being ignored, even though that system was put in place as a consolation to the public for absolving vaccine manufacturers of liability. Well, now some military whistleblowers are coming forward to present data that, if verified, would signal extremely disturbing safety concerns about the vaccine that make the VAERS data look like child’s play.
Brazil: Child Vaccination Suspended After 10-Year-Old Girl Suffers Cardiac Arrest Hours After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine
A 10-year-old girl from São Paolo, Brazil has suffered a cardiac arrest and was in critical condition 12 hours after taking a dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the Covid World reported.
Luisa Petenuci took the Pfizer shot on Tuesday, January 18th in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo. After 12 hours, she suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on her father’s lap.
Quebec Canada Bans Unvaxxed From Buying Groceries at Major Retailers Unless They Are Accompanied by a “Health Warden” Who Will Ensure They Only Buy Food and Medicine
Canada has gone full-tilt authoritarian over the common-cold-like Omicron.
The Canadian Province of Quebec has officially banned unvaccinated individuals over 12 years old from shopping at big box stores, including Walmart and Costco, unless they are accompanied by a “health warden” that will supervise their every move and only allow them to purchase extremely limited goods such as food or medicine.
The dystopian segregation policy went into effect yesterday and applies to any retail stores that are over 1500 square meters.
Here We Go: New Omicron Variant BA.2 Detected in at Least Four US States
A new sub-type of Omicron variant is reportedly spreading in more than 40 countries worldwide including Denmark,UK, India, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, South Africa, and the USA.
Scientists had reported cases of this new variant, “omicron BA.2,” in at least four states in the United States – California, New Mexico, Texas and Washington. Scientists have not labeled the new variant a variant of concern yet.
Does Your Family Believe You are “Out of Your Mind”? You’re in Good Company Because Jesus Faced the Same Thing with His Family
Does your family think you are “out of your mind” because you disagree with them on things like COVID-19 measures such as the wearing of masks, and taking COVID-19 vaccines?
If you are being accused of being “out of your mind,” please take comfort from the fact that people said the same thing about Jesus Christ when he walked this earth, including his own family who wanted to seize him, and stop him from his “insanity.”
Big Pharma Wants to Come into Your Home and Take Over Your Toilet Seat to “Monitor” Your Health
Casana lands $30M to take its heart-scanning smart toilet seat to the FDA
n one of the more apt examples of bringing medtech into the home and meeting patients on their terms, the developer of a smart toilet seat has raised $30 million to pursue an FDA clearance.
Casana aims to provide people with a regular heart health scan without intruding on their daily routine, with electronic sensors for logging heart rate and blood pressure built directly into the cushion.
“The Heart Seat is different from virtually every other vitals monitoring product, in that it takes no time out of your day and works best when you forget it’s even there,” Casana CEO Austin McChord said in a statement.
The startup’s series B round brings its lifetime fundraising total up to $46 million. It was founded in 2018 by a postdoc at the Rochester Institute of Technology, initially under the name Heart Health Intelligence. The financing was led by Morningside, with additional backing from Matrix Partners and the company’s series A investors General Catalyst and Outsiders Fund.
Casana is also exploring studies to examine how the routine collection of heart data can help health systems and insurers catch early changes in cardiovascular health and act preventively to address issues such as high blood pressure.
Russia comments on risk of war with West
Lavrov’s comments come amid a growing diplomatic stand-off with NATO
With tensions running high between Russia and the US, Moscow’s top diplomat has insisted that his country does not want a full-blown conflict to break out, but also warned it will not stand aside and watch well-flagged security concerns be ignored.
Speaking to news outlets as part of a broadcast interview on Friday morning, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was asked whether fighting could break out after talks over guarantees that NATO will not expand ended in deadlock.
“If it is up to the Russian Federation, there will be no war,” he declared.“We do not want wars,” he went on, stressing, however, that officials “will not allow our interests to be brutally attacked or to be ignored either.”
Poland ready to make deal with Russia
Warsaw is willing to let Russia inspect US air defense facilities if Polish inspectors are allowed to enter Kaliningrad
With Moscow looking to come to an agreement with NATO over security guarantees in Europe, bloc member Poland has expressed willingness to allow Russian inspectors into its country to check US air defense facilities, it was reported on Wednesday.
According to the Wall Street Journal, which cited unnamed Polish officials, Warsaw would be willing to come to a reciprocal deal with Moscow. In return, Poland wants its inspectors to be allowed to check missile locations in Kaliningrad.
The idea to let Russians into American sites in Poland was initially proposed by Moscow, according to US officials. The Kremlin has repeatedly opposed the placement of foreign missiles on European territory and has suggested that air defense facilities could be used to fire ballistics at Russian territory.
Digital IDs could easily turn into a dystopian social credit system
The idea of a digital identity and wallet for citizens residing within the European Union may date back to 2020, but pandemic-era restrictions have shown the extent to which governments can shut off access to everyday life, should they so choose – and with ever-changing criteria that can be difficult to appeal when something goes wrong. That’s a frightening prospect when considering how much of one’s life the supranational European government wants to connect to a new systemthat it’s set to roll out.
As the Covid-19 pandemic shot around the world, the first public utterances of a Europe-wide digital identity system started emerging from EU think tanks and officials. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a speech in September 2020 that “the Commission will soon propose a secure European e-identity. One that we trust and that any citizen can use anywhere in Europe to do anything from paying your taxes to renting a bicycle. A technology where we can control ourselves what data and how data is used.”
Tonga hit by strong M6.2 earthquake just weeks after huge volcanic eruption and devastating tsunami
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has been recorded off the coast of Tonga almost two weeks after the Pacific kingdom was devastated by a volcanic eruption and tsunami.
The epicentre was located 219km (136 miles) northwest of Pangai, a town on the remote island of Lifuka, at a depth of 14.5km (9 miles), according to United States Geological Survey (USGS) data.
January 27 has been designated by the United Nations as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date was chosen because, on January 27, 1945, the infamous Nazi German slave labor and death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, was liberated by the Soviet army.
f you look at the Nazi Holocaust from the end of it going backwards, it is too minding numbing to comprehend, even all these years later when I look at films from that time and see the destruction, I cannot rightly wrap my head around it. But in doing so, we must be careful not to overlook how the Holocaust, a type of the coming time of Jacob’s trouble from the Bible, began with such inauspicious simplicity. The horror of the gas chambers and the ovens was the end point for what started with Nazi soldiers writing threatening words on the windows of Jewish shopkeepers using a ten cent bar of soap. Think about that.
Relations between the UAE and the Vatican have witnessed continuous growth, especially at the humanitarian level as the country hosted, in 2019, the Human Fraternity Meeting between Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, and Ahmad Al Tayyib, Grand Imam of Al Azhar, during which the "Human Fraternity Document" was signed to promote human relations, build bridges of communication, harmony and love between peoples and tackle extremism.
The Vatican has stressed that the UAE is a leading model of global human solidarity, and its humanitarian initiatives go beyond the limits of geography and encourage pioneering examples that promote peaceful coexistence, tolerance and peace in the whole world.
REPORT: Mask Mandates Causing Over 350% Surge In Childhood Speech Delays.
Mask mandates implemented by the government amidst the COVID-19 appear to be causing speech delays in young children.
The regulations, which are still in effect in Democrat-led cities including Washington D.C. and New York City, have had adverse effects on the development of speaking abilities in children and babies.
“This has been a very challenging year,” emphasized Jaclyn Theek, a clinic director and speech-language pathologist at the Speech and Learning Institute in North Palm Beach, Florida.
The clinic experienced a 364 percent increase in patients who were babies and toddlers amidst the pandemic. Prior to the onset of COVID-19, only 5 percent of the clinic’s patients were in the age group, while today it stands at 20 percent.
Finland Puts the Bible On Trial - All Christians Should Be Watching
Yesterday, Europe's biggest religious freedom case went to trial. A Finnish member of parliament, Päivi Räsänen, has been charged by the Finnish prosecutor general with three counts of "ethnic agitation," a hate speech provision in Finland's criminal code. Each count relates to Räsänen's respectful expression of widely held Christian beliefs.
The first charge concerns a 2019 tweet in which Räsänen questioned the decision of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (her own denomination) to partner with Helsinki's gay pride parade; this tweet also featured an image of Romans 1:24-27. Räsänen had moved on and forgotten about this tweet -- until she learned that the police were investigating her over it.
Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camps
“All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwald, the Auschwitzes—all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.”— Rod Serling, Deaths-Head Revisited
In the politically charged, polarizing tug-of-war that is the debate over COVID-19, we find ourselves buffeted by fear over a viral pandemic that continues to wreak havoc with lives and the economy, threats of vaccine mandates and financial penalties for noncompliance, and discord over how to legislate the public good without sacrificing individual liberty.
The discord is getting more discordant by the day.
Just recently, for instance, the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and deploy the National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”
In other words, lock up the unvaccinated and use the military to determine who gets to be “free.”
That Cuban-Chanadian puppet!
Chilling Lioness, as always just chilling...I am afraid.