Fully Vaccinated Are Super Spreaders Of COVID Virus Shows Ontario Data
Contrary to popular belief, a significant portion of the Ontario hospitalizations are of fully vaccinated individuals. The statistics quite clearly draws the line between fact and fictional construct by lamenting the fully vaccinated individuals as “super-spreaders” of the virus.
Most individuals in hospitals suffering of COVID-19 were “fully vaccinated,” according to publicly accessible statistics from the Ontario government.
Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines
Instead of bringing an end to this pandemic as promised, the widespread rollout of the experimental vaccines has actually caused a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases and deaths across the world, according to a recently published preprint study that looked at data from the 145 of the most vaccinated countries in the world.
The 99-page study titled “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries” found that in the US specifically, the jab has caused a whopping 38% more Covid cases per million – and an even more astonishing 31% increase in deaths per million.
U.S. Tyrants Push Covid Internment Camps – Exclusive Report
As 2022 begins, The Great Reset rollout of pre-determined Covid quarantine camps is digging its claws into the blue dictatorships of the United States.
As Infowars writer Jamie White reports, “The state of Washington may amend a law to allow the forcible detainment of residents into COVID ‘internment camps’ for defying state vaccine mandates.”
The proposed revision to the COVID protocol under the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases Act, called WAC 246-100-040, would grant local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.” Additionally, the measure would allow law enforcement to assist public health officials in detaining residents who refused the COVID injection.
Dr. Robert Malone Warns Of ‘Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever’ Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, made an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room where he warned about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever” super virus coming out of Communist China that he believes could be caused by mutations arising from mass vaccination.
The inventor of modern mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone, went on Steve Bannon’s War Room where he warned of a new disease spreading across Communist China that appears to be an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever” super virus.
Dr. Malone explained that “vaccinating into a pandemic will drive the development of escape mutants that are resistant to vaccination,” adding that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mass vaccination campaign “has mirrored that of the western world, and has resulted in a perfect storm of environment for developing a super virus.”
Very strong mag. 6.6 earthquake - Eastern Mediterranean, 132 km west of Nicosia, Cyprus, on Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022 3:07 am
A moderately shallow magnitude 6.3 earthquake was reported early morning near Nicosia, Cyprus.
According to the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the quake hit on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022, at 3:07 am local time at a moderately shallow depth of 62 km. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
A second report was later issued by the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), which listed it as a magnitude 6.3 earthquake as well. A third agency, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), reported the same quake at magnitude 6.4.
U.S. Army to Begin Formal Training To Fight American Patriots
A “realistic” guerrilla war will be fought across two dozen North Carolina counties this month, with young soldiers battling seasoned “freedom fighters,” according to the U.S. Army. "Freedom Fighters" means American Citizen Patriots. Our Army is now, officially, being trained to kill us!
The two-week “unconventional warfare exercise” will be staged Jan. 22-Feb. 4 on privately owned land. And it will be realistic enough to include the sounds of gunfire (blanks) and flares, the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School said in a news release.
Exact times, locations and exercise specifics are not provided.
“Residents may hear blank gunfire and see occasional flares. Controls are in place to ensure there is no risk to persons or property,” the warfare center said.
Pfizer CEO says two Covid vaccine doses aren’t enough for Omicron
CDC director says over 75% of covid deaths were people with “at least four comorbidities” and were “unwell to begin with”

Interview with James Corbett — Crisis and Community, Cyber Attacks, Survival Currencies
via TruthConduit.com: This is a packed interview where James Corbett discusses what countermeasures and actions people can be taking to prepare for a false flag cyber attack, and what their endgame of doing this would look like. He discusses other forms of “protest picnics”, where the sky is essentially the limit. James also talks about survival currencies and the different dogmas surrounding them. All of these topics boil down to an essential element: Community.
On lighter topics, we discuss medieval markets, the level of tyranny in Japan and its history of mask wearing, how his band is doing, and my experimental Open Source Solutions Trello board.
Goldman Slashes China GDP Forecast As CCP Locks Down 20 Million To Fight Omicron Wave
China's "Zero COVID" strategy is starting to have serious repercussions for economic growth.
After sealing off Tianjin from travel, a city that's roughly 30 minutes from the Chinese capital of Beijing, earlier this week, the CCP is imposing still more lockdowns as it tries to stamp out the latest COVID outbreak that's vexing China's leadership just weeks before the start of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.
Russia warns US of possible military response
Moscow hasn’t ruled out action if America threatens security balance in Europe
Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned his American counterparts on Monday that some form of military response to the US stationing advanced weapons in Europe could be possible in the future.
He insisted that if NATO proceeds toward the deployment of new capabilities in weaponry, “which are being developed very rapidly in the US,” the Russian military may reply in a way that “will inevitably and unavoidably damage the security of the US and its European allies.”
Speaking to the media after a day of crucial US-Russian negotiations on security guarantees in Geneva, Ryabkov also said that there has been no progress so far on Russia’s proposals to curb NATO expansion. He said that the ball is now in NATO's court, which, in his words, has to finally make a “real step” toward finding common ground with Russia.
Undersea internet cable in Norway damaged; antenna station provides unique support to polar-orbiting satellites; Just two days after UK defence chief said Russian submarines are threatening undersea network of internet cables
Operator of what is the world’s northernmost fiberoptic subsea cable, Space Norway, has located the disruption to somewhere between 130 to 230 kilometers from Longyearbyen in the area where the seabed goes from 300 meters down to 2700 meters in the Greenland Sea.
The error happened on Friday morning, January 7.
Svalbard Undersea Cable System is a twin submarine fiberoptic communication cable connecting Longyearbyen with Andøya north of Harstad in northern Norway.
Bennett: We are moving to continued offensive against Iran
'Israel is not a party to the nuclear talks and not committed to the agreement,' PM Bennett warns.
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday morning appeared for the first time before the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministry, emphasizing that Israel is not obligated to keep a nuclear agreement made by other countries with Iran.
"I attribute great importance to the Knesset's parliamentary oversight of the work of the government in all areas, especially the most sacred of all – the national security of Israel," Bennett began. "The national security situation of Israel is good and is getting stronger, but it is not free of challenges that we will detail later."
Austria Makes Skiers Wear Face Masks Outdoors In New COVID Crackdown
Austria is forcing skiers to wear face masks outdoors as it follows other European countries in bolstering draconian COVID restrictions in response to Omicron.
From Saturday onwards, face masks must be worn outdoors when social distancing of 2 meters cannot be maintained.
“This will affect Austrian ski resorts, where social distancing of this sort is difficult,” reports the Telegraph.
“Proof of vaccination will be also required in all shops in Austria from next week.”
The rule changes are in response to a surge in Omicron cases, with 8,269 total COVID-19 cases reported on Thursday.
Meanwhile, Austria will also begin deactivating the validity of COVID passes after 6 months in an effort to force everyone to get the booster shot.
"We want to merge vaccination and identity cards," says the CEO of the Luca app Patrick Hennig.