Moscow announces new evacuation attempt at Azovstal plant
The Russian military will halt its activities at the besieged plant for three days straight to enable the evacuation of civilians
The Russian military has announced a new unilateral pause in its operation at the Azovstal steelworks plant in Mariupol, promising to open humanitarian corridors for civilians said to be holed up at the facility for three days straight. The steel plant remains the last stronghold under the control of Ukrainian servicemen and members of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment in the city.
“In accordance with the decision of Russia’s leadership, based on the humane principles of the Russian Armed Forces … we will open a humanitarian corridor from the territory of the Azovstal steel plant to evacuate civilians (workers, women and children), whose presence in the underground facilities of the plant has once again been claimed by Kiev,” the military said in a statement late on Wednesday.
US Reportedly Providing Ukraine With Intel Aimed at Killing Russian Generals Involved in Ukraine Ops
During the course of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the US has not only supported Kiev with unprecedented financial and military assistance, including heavy equipment, but also provided the Ukrainian army with data from its own intelligence and satellite system.
The US has provided intelligence that aims at assisting Ukrainians in targeting and killing several of the Russian generals in action in the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing US officials' claims.
When The Government Plays God: The Slippery Slope From Abortions To Executions
“Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the ‘right’ of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the ‘property rights’ of slave masters in their slaves.”
- Ron Paul
The government wants to play god.
White House Pressures Israel To Expand Military Aid To Ukraine
Axios has revealed in a Wednesday report that the Biden administration last week urged Israel to begin giving Ukraine direct military aid. Israel has sought thus far during the Russian invasion to portray itself as neutral, up to this point refusing requests from Ukrainian leadership for Israeli weapons.
However, it was only last month that Israel agreed to send what were perhaps merely symbolic shipments of helmets and bulletproof vests, which were described as for use by first responders, and not Ukraine's armed forces.
Did China just signal it's going to war?
'This should be a warning to the United States'
China held an emergency meeting to examine how it could protect itself from potential future sanctions, the Financial Times reported on Monday.
“I’m surprised that it took them so long to figure out they needed to develop anti-sanction strategies,” Ambassador John Bolton told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday.
“Beijing is planning to go to war,” Gordon G. Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” told the DCNF.
China is exploring how to avoid economic sanctions in preparation for war, several experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday.
Food shortage conspiracy plot unfolds
FDA Admits COVID-19 Should be Treated Like Influenza
Top officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wrote Monday that, going forward, Americans will have to accept COVID-19 as another respiratory virus like influenza.
It took them long enough.

12,548 Children have suffered a Serious Adverse Event due to the COVID Vaccines in the USA; and 106 Kids have sadly died
Official data published by the U.S Centers for Disease Control has revealed that 106 children have now sadly died following Covid-19 vaccination. The deaths have been reported among 12,548 serious adverse events among children ranging from hospitalisation to permanent disability.
A search of the CDC Wonder Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) returns the following results on adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines among children (under 18’s) up to 22nd April 2022
CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose
The American people have seen right through President Biden’s propaganda and lies on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections because according to CDC data, 70% of the entire population of the USA have not had either a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
President Joe Biden has lied to the American people and is still lying to the American people. In July 2021, Biden falsely stated that “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” and “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.”
FDA Dismisses Paxlovid Concerns, Gaslights Recurrence Sufferers
Viral Rebounds are Extremely Rare, Says the FDA
Nova Scotia FOI: More Deaths As Vaccination Numbers Climb
There were zero (0) so-called “Covid deaths” in the period from November 1, 2020, until February 28, 2021.
On What Basis Did Pfizer Claim 95%?
Buried within the FDA’s briefing document for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting on December 10, 2020, for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine- there is alarming data and a concerning issue which should be addressed.
Firstly, it’s worth pointing out that Pfizer used a ‘central laboratory’ (see page 13 of the document) of its choice, to confirm COVID-19 cases using a PCR test. ‘If, at any time, a participant develops acute respiratory illness, an illness visit occurs. Assessments for illness visits include a nasal (mid-turbinate) swab, which is tested at a central laboratory using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.’
Leading Australian cardiologist SLAMS push for mRNA vaccines
Eminent Sydney cardiologist Dr Ross Walker says in a bombshell interview that it was the wrong call to preference mRNA vaccines, citing a rise in heart-related complications and side effects in his practice
A leading Australian cardiologist has criticised the government's decision to push 'experimental' mRNA vaccines as the conversation about side effects gathers mainstream momentum.
Speaking with Tony Jones on 3AW yesterday, eminent Sydney cardiologist Dr Ross Walker said that he has seen in his own practice 'a lot of people who are getting the RNA vaccines, getting problems'.
Brain-Computer Company Synchron Surges Past Neuralink To Enter Human Trials With Implantable Device Allowing Hands-Free Mobile Device Operation
Synchron’s device, once implanted, travels to the brain through blood vessels. (Neuralink’s is implanted directly into the skull.) After it reaches the brain, the Stentrode translates brain activity into signals designed to allow texting, emailing, online shopping or other activities using an external device, Synchron said.
Synchron Inc., which develops a so-called brain-computer interface and competes with Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corp., enrolled the first patient in its U.S. clinical trial, putting the company’s implant on a path toward possible regulatory approval for wider use in people with paralysis.
Pedophile Hunters Catch NBC News Anchor ‘Trying To Meet Underage Boy For Sex’
Over the last few years, as awareness continues to grow, child sex rings are finally being exposed after years of official cover-ups and citizen groups are now tackling the problem of pedophiles head on.
There are hundreds of these groups operating in the United States and Europe. They pose as underage youngsters on sites where kids gather and bait the trap. Should they get a potential pedophile taking interest they play along until the pedophile sets up a meet, then they confront him with a video camera and hand the evidence to police.
Nasa to launch naked pictures of humans to space in hope of ‘attracting aliens’
NASA scientists plan to launch pictures of naked humans into space in the hope of luring aliens to us. According to The Sun, The depictions will also include an invitation to respond should an intelligent alien race find the space nudes.
Fortunately, the hypothetical aliens shouldn’t be too shocked by the unsolicited nudes. The pictures aren’t graphic photographs of naked humans but a drawing of a naked man and a woman next to a depiction of DNA. The man and woman are waving in an attempt to look more inviting.
Algorithms are Being Used to Help Determine if Kids Should be Taken From Their Parents
The limitations of algorithms today in terms of accuracy regarding context and nuance is evident even to a casual observer, most notably in the often blundering automated censorship on social networks.
Notwithstanding that state of affairs as far as limitations of the technology itself, without even taking into account intent of those behind it, social workers in the US have started relying on predictive algorithms in deciding when to investigate parents suspected of child neglecting.
The stakes are higher here than having a Facebook post deleted – these parents can eventually end up having their children removed, and the algorithm that is now in use in several US states, and spreading, is described by the AP as “opaque” – all the while providing social workers with statistical calculations that they can base their actions on.
Chemtrail Conspirators May Remove Foil Hats Now
Ex-Canadian general arrested by Russian forces, allegedly overseeing biolab
According to reports from The National Pulse, a news agency in Washington D.C., Kadier was allegedly involved in the running of a biolaboratory in Ukraine, with 18 staff under his command.
Russian armed forces have arrested ex-Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol overnight Monday and have him detained in Moscow awaiting trial.
The Canadian Armed Forces ex-general, currently under investigation for sexual harassment, retired from the forces on April 5 and is said to have gone to Ukraine to help fight the Russian invasion, according to multiple sources cited by the Ottawa Citizen.
This isn’t fiction. It isn’t part of a spy movie. This is shockingly real. Look into Agenda 2030 if you’re interested to know more.

Battle for Azovstal - 2-4th of May, Update! Mariupol
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"Ex-Canadian general arrested by Russian forces, allegedly overseeing biolab" - don't miss this one folks. Thanks for sharing this.
the "fda admits COVID should be treated like flu" Twitter post had no reference.
I located it and posted it for them.
no need to go dig into Twitter comments for it, I'll share it here too.
here is the <holds back vomit> JAMA propaganda fluff piece that is being referenced.