Bill Gates warns about next pandemic
‘Virus that we already know about’ may spawn next major epidemic, billionaire claims
Billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned the next pandemic may arise from a “virus that we already know about,” in an interview with El Diario on Sunday. He added that there is a 50% chance the next plague could appear within 20 years. In addition to a known virus, the next pandemic could be a human-made bioterror agent, or “something that makes the leap from the natural world” due to climate change, he said. Gates’ philanthropic efforts focus primarily on vaccination and climate change.
To ward off the next pandemic, countries must spend billions of dollars on researching potential pathogens, Gates suggested, calling for the creation of a 3,000-strong team of specialists with just such an assignment in his book published earlier this month. The task force, titled with the clever acronym GERM (Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization), would be funded via the World Health Organization, which would require an extra $1 billion per year – a 25% budgetary increase – so that it can be constantly on the lookout for potential outbreaks.
Foreign fighters in Ukraine ‘underequipped and outgunned’ – Washington Post
Many fighters fresh from the battlefield recounted to the Washington Post “glaring disparities” between expectations and reality
Americans and other foreign fighters who had travelled to Ukraine in order to fight Russia, and have now returned home, have spoken of their disappointment to the Washington Post.
The newspaper's reporting marks a small change in tone in US/UK mainstream coverage of the conflict. In the article, those interviewed lamented, among other things, a lack of equipment and weapons and poor lines of communication.
One of the fighters who agreed to speak to the paper, asked to be named only by his first name, Dakota, over concerns for his own safety and that of his family. A US Marine Corps veteran, he arrived in Ukraine just days after Russia launched its military operation, back in February.
Zelensky Signals Donbas Could Soon Fall: "Indescribably Difficult" Russian Onslaught
In a Saturday night speech Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave his most dire assessment to date of the status of Ukraine forces in the eastern Donbas region, where for over at least the last two months Russia has concentrated its forces, following the Feb.24 invasion of the country. Saturday marked the 95th day of the conflict.
He described conditions there as "indescribably difficult" in what marks a notably pessimistic shift and negative tone for the Ukrainian leader, strongly suggesting the fall of Donbas - or at least whole regions such as Luhansk - could be imminent. He identified several intense ongoing battles in places with a large Russian force presence, including Severodo
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the United Nations’ Ukraine refugee resettlement program.
The Microsoft co-founder’s charitable foundation pledged $1,000,003 to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), known as the UN Refugee Agency, to “support refugees fleeing Ukraine to bordering countries.”
The grant was announced in March and is set to be distributed over the course of one year. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has previously distributed grants to the UNHCR roughly ten times, totaling nearly $20 million, and has been partnered with the agency since 2006.
Israel threatens rival over attacks through ‘proxies’
Iran’s era of “immunity” is over, Israeli PM says, vowing to go after the “head of the octopus” for instigating violence
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has called out Iran for attacking his country through terrorist proxies, saying the Persian Gulf nation will no longer go unpunished for using third parties to strike its enemies.
“For decades, the Iranian regime has practiced terrorism against Israel and the region by means of proxies, emissaries, but the head of the octopus, Iran itself, has enjoyed immunity,” Bennett said on Sunday in a broadcast to his ministers. “As we have said before, the era of the Iranian regime’s immunity is over.”
Justin Trudeau caught funding the World Economic Forum with tax money
Justin Trudeau and his government have given the World Economic Forum nearly $3 million in Canadian taxpayer dollars over the course of a year.
As per an article by True North’s Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, the Trudeau government provided the World Economic Forum (WEF) — of which Trudeau is a member — with $2,915,095 between 2020-2021, as well as giving the United Nations a whopping $1.576 billion all in Canadian taxpayer dollars.
“According to the transfer payments section of the 2020-2021 Public Accounts of Canada, the WEF received $2,915,095 from Canadian taxpayers in the form of grants and contributions,” Dzsurdzsa writes.
Historically, deaths from monkey pox have occurred in people with advanced HIV
Monkeypox cases could be linked to COVID vax adverse reactions
Although monkeypox cases are growing worldwide, a new report out of the UK says cases could actually be an immune response to the COVID-19 vaccines.
An article from the UK's The Exposé suggests that, based on official government reports, cases of monkeypox could actually be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine-induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Monkeypox is considered a zoonosis — an infectious disease transmitted between species from animals to humans — and is extremely rare and often misdiagnosed, commonly mistaken for chicken pox or shingles. The incubation period usually last from five to 21 days.
CDC Raises Travel Alert to ‘Level 2’ For Monkeypox
A monkeypox outbreak that has resulted in hundreds of cases in more than 20 countries prompted the CDC to move its travel advisory from ‘Level 1’ to ‘Level 2’
‘Level 2’ alert advises people to practice enhanced precautions, such as avoiding sick people, including those with skin lesions.
Mask Mandates Caused MORE COVID Deaths, Study Alleges.
Mask mandates caused higher COVID-19 death rates, according to the bombshell claims made in a new medical journal report analyzing fatality rates across the state of Kansas.
The observational study – “The Foegen Effect: A Mechanism by Which Facemasks Contribute to the COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate” – was published in Medicine in February 2022, authored by German doctor Zacharias Fögen.
The paper analyzed “whether mandatory mask use influenced the case fatality rate in Kansas” during the time period of August 1st, 2020 to October 15th. Kansas was used for comparison because the state allowed each of its 105 counties to decide whether or not to implement mask mandates, with 81 counties deciding against the measure.
Rand Paul Slams WEF:'Elites Want World Government, It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory'
On Thursday, US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was a guest on Fox News to talk about the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. He said it is not a conspiracy theory that the organization is pursuing a world government. It’s “in their mission statement.”
A government, a world government where you can’t vote for anyone, is everyone’s worst nightmare, said Paul, referring to the WEF’s intrusion into national governments. “That is the real danger and much more dangerous than all their carbon footprint talk.”
Evidence Emerges Buffalo Shooter Was Groomed by the FBI to Commit Mass Murder
Evidence has emerged that the FBI groomed and trained Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron to commit a mass shooting as part of a secret plan to repeal the Second Amendment.
According to a local news report from the Buffalo News, a retired federal agent has been linked to the shooting because he knew about it at least 30 minutes before it occurred.
The former agent from Texas is under investigation for direct communications he had previously had with Gendron.
The Goals of the Present False Flag Mass Shootings
The two recent mass murder events in Buffalo and Uvalde have been exposed as false flag events designed to lead to a confiscation of America's personal guns in advance of the subjugation of this country by international forces. This is an old familiar pattern with an all-to-familiar-script. Why do they want our guns? Who are there targets? What will the subsequent martial law look like? All of these questions will be answered in this article.
Woke School Caught Teaching Kids How to Become Hookers
A woke school in Loudoun County, Virginia is under police investigation after it was caught encouraging young children to become prostitutes.
Police say that a middle school librarian handed out pro-prostitution books to 11- to 13-year-old students
Librarian Stefany Guido claimed the books were in the library because most of the children who attend the school are “sex workers.”
Preschool Caught Using Flash Cards Featuring Pregnant Man To Teach Colors To Kids
A preschool in North Carolina is under fire after using LGBTQ themed flash cards, one of which depicted a pregnant man, to teach the young children about colors.
Republican State Rep. Erin Paré contacted the principal at Ballentine Elementary School, part of the Wake County public school system, after receiving an alarming email about the flash cards by a concerned constituent.
The Gateway Pundit reports: The principal searched the classroom and located the cards, according to a statement from North Carolina Speaker of the House Tim Moore.
CONFIRMED: 70K people dead within 28 Days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England; & 179K dead within 60 Days
In order to justify implementing Draconian restrictions in the name of Covid-19, the UK Government, with the help of the mainstream media, would publicise daily the number of Covid-19 deaths to have allegedly occurred that day. The metric used then, and still being used now, is any death occurring within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 is counted as a Covid-19 death.
This questionable method of counting Covid-19 deaths led to dozens of Freedom of Information requests being made to various Government institutions requesting to know the number of people who had died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination.
New Government data confirms it can take just 5 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Many people will believe the claim Covid-19 injections are in effect causing AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is either incredibly bold or incredibly fictitious. But that’s because many people misunderstand what AIDS actually is.
First of all, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is not contagious. But many people it is because of its association with the alleged HIV virus. But AIDS isn’t HIV, and HIV isn’t AIDS. They are two completely different things, it just so happens that AIDS can allegedly result as a complication of long term HIV infection.
So what is AIDS?
Russia creates genetic smallpox vaccine
Developed in less than 30 days. Safe and effective.
Fauci in 1999 discussing a possible "AIDS" vaccine and referring to side-effects -- "it could take 12 years for all hell to break loose."

South Australia Labor Covid Madness Fines of up to 70k and 2 years jail for any individuals breaking Covid Rules...Welcome to Covid1984

Conspiracy theory.. wake up it's in front of our eyes
War Seed, Little Horn

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Now that gardening season is here, I appreciate your morning update even more as time is scarce. Grow something if even on a small scale, it might make the difference between eating or not one day.
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