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Zelensky calls for ‘pre-emptive’ strike against Russia in speech to Lowy Institute
Ukraine’s leader has sparked a furious response from Russia, which branded him a “monster” over comments made to an Australian crowd on Thursday.
Volodymyr Zelensky’s office has clarified that he was not calling for a “pre-emptive” nuclear strike on Russia, after a speech by the Ukrainian President to an Australian audience on Thursday night sparked a furious response from the Kremlin.
Mr Zelensky was speaking via video link to the Lowy Institute when he made the comments in response to a question from the think tank’s executive director Michael Fullilove.
Kremlin accuses Zelensky of trying to start a world war
Putin's spokesman issues warning to the US and UK over the Ukrainian leader's nuclear demands
The Kremlin has accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky of trying to spark a third world war, after he demanded that NATO carry out preventive strikes on Russia to deter the use of nuclear weapons.
Speaking to the Australian Lowy Institute on Thursday, Zelensky stated that NATO must ensure Moscow does not use nukes against Kiev’s forces. To do this, he called on the US-led military bloc and the international community to carry out preventive strikes against Russia so that it “knows what to expect" if it decides to use them.
Biden warns of nuclear ‘Armageddon’
The commander in chief suggested the war in Ukraine could eventually go nuclear
US President Joe Biden has said the risk of nuclear war is at the highest level since the peak of Cold War brinkmanship in the 1960s, claiming Russia could seek to deploy the bomb against enemy forces in Ukraine.
Speaking at a fundraiser for Democratic candidates in New York on Thursday, Biden invoked a biblical reference to warn of potential nuclear annihilation, stating that soaring hostilities between Russia, Ukraine and the West could escalate to outright “Armageddon.”
Doomsday Clock: Biden Regime is Stockpiling $290 Million Worth of Drugs for Radiation Sickness in Case of Nuclear Emergency
The US is increasing its supply of medications used to treat injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome. This may be an indicator of a looming danger.
The Biden regime announced its plan on Wednesday to spend $290 million on Amgen drug Nplate for “radiological and nuclear emergencies.”
Poland asks for US to SHARE its nuclear weapons and allow the country to host missile sites - in attempt to deter Vladimir Putin from atomic warfare amid escalating tensions over Ukraine war
'The problem, first of all, is that we don't have nuclear weapons,' Polish president Andrzej Duda said in an interview with the Gazeta Polska newspaper.
'There is always a potential opportunity to participate in nuclear sharing.
'We have spoken with American leaders about whether the United States is considering such a possibility. The issue is open.'
Belarus in nuclear danger – president
Presence of US atomic weapons in Poland would directly threaten Minsk, says President Lukashenko
Belarus is facing the possibility of a tactical nuclear attack from Poland, President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday, in response to revelations that Warsaw and Washington have been in “nuclear sharing” talks. Lukashenko said he will discuss the matter with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Polish President Andrzej Duda said yesterday that they’ve already agreed with the Americans to host the arsenal in Poland. What’s that tell us? That we really face an attack with tactical nuclear weapons,” Lukashenko told the TV channel STV.
Israel puts military on alert after rejecting Lebanon deal
With elections looming, the government has rejected Beirut’s amendments to a US-brokered border agreement
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered troops near the border with Lebanon into high readiness on Thursday, amid reports that the country has rejected Beirut’s amendments to a US-proposed border compromise. The maritime border dispute involves natural gas fields both neighbors seek to exploit.
After consultations with the general staff, Gantz ordered the Israel Defense Forces to “prepare for any scenario in which tensions increase in the northern arena – including defense and offense readiness,” according to the Jerusalem Post.
Air Force Scrambles Jets After North Korea Flies 12 Warplanes Near Inter-Korean Border
At least 12 North Korean military planes flew in formation close to the South Korean border on Thursday, prompting U.S. allies to scramble dozens of fighter jets.
A group of eight fighter jets and four bombers operated by North Korea flew in formation near the inter-Korean air boundary at around 2 p.m. local time, officials with the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff told Yonhap. They are believed to have carried out air-to-surface military drills, the officials said.
"OPEC's Action Is Testimony To A Staggering US Geopolitical And Geoeconomic Error"
Yesterday was all about oil, geopolitics, and geostrategic errors; and, in the background, domestic politics, accepting past errors, and trying to make amends for them. Ironically, it all happened on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, which back in 1973 jump-started a Middle East war, and then the energy crisis that led to the collapse of the post-WW2 Western political-economy model, and ushered in global neoliberalism.
OPEC+ lined up with Russia to slash output by 2m barrels a day from November and through 2023, pushing energy prices up, and seeing a slew of calls for oil to again top $100 in the near future. That was as US gasoline inventory data dropped 4.7m barrels to the lowest level since November 2014 despite apparent demand destruction.
Treasuries Liquidity Problem Exposes Fed to ‘Biggest Nightmare’
(Bloomberg) -- The latest bout of global financial volatility has heightened concerns about regulators’ continuing failure to resolve liquidity problems with US Treasuries -- the debt that serves as a benchmark for the world.
It’s getting harder and harder to buy and sell Treasuries in large quantities without those trades moving the market. Market depth, as the measure is known, last Thursday hit the worst level since the throes of the Covid-19 crisis in the spring of 2020, when the Federal Reserve was forced into massive intervention.
Surviving The Coming Crisis: Countering Food Inflation Requires Us Learning What Our Ancestors Knew In Order To Survive What Is On The Horizon
Winter gardening, milling flour and baking from-scratch breads, cakes and pastries, rolls, biscuits and pastas, noodles, all nostalgic remembrances for some, of mothers and grandmothers laboring away in the kitchen.
Finding them outside picking fruits or vegetables, creating the most wonderful smells coming from the oven and stove....... wonderful memories.
Throughout the years, technological advancements have created a generation, or three, that depend more on a grocery store for things our ancestors used to produce right at home, from scratch. No preservatives in the baked goods. No being picked so early that the fruit or vegetable being delivered ripens in boxes while being transported to the grocery stores.
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Severe Global Pandemics CANNOT HAPPEN
They intend to create further illusory global pandemics. They will then seize control
Mainstream “science” beginning to question manufacturer claims about mRNA, as pharma giants REFUSE to share underlying data
(Natural News) The German news outlet Welt says that increasingly more mainstream scientists are questioning the alleged safety and effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
Because jab manufacturers are still refusing to allow any independent verification of the data, it is impossible to say what these injections are truly doing to people, an article from Welt explains. (Related: We do know that mRNA spike proteins are being found inside the brains and hearts of deceased jab recipients.)
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils PATENTS and documents describing the covid vaccine 5G link, biosynthetic AI nanotech, “soft actuators” and NEUROWEAPONS implanted with needles
(Natural News) Few people have conducted as much research into the mRNA injections — dare not call them “vaccines” — as Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst who previously conducted contract work for Pfizer, J&J, Thermo Fisher and other corporations. In a bombshell interview that features key screen shots of patents, science journal articles and corporate documents, Karen Kingston lays out the argument for mRNA covid “vaccine” injections actually being exotic technology implantations that can be used to achieve global enslavement and/or genocide.
Our full one-hour interview is posted below. This interview features video screen shots of several key documents.
CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM
(Natural News) A new study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism.
Though the study’s authors tried their best to minimize the link, they were unable to sidestep a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children aged 24-59 months. Overall, children in the study who received 3 milligrams (mg) or more of vaccine-related aluminum had a 36 percent higher risk than children who took other vaccines to develop persistent asthma.
Shocking Email: Feds Purposefully Made Kids Miserable During Covid Pandemic to Coerce Them Into Getting Vaxxed
The federal government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic may already be one of the most infamous chapters in U.S. history. But new evidence keeps coming to light that reveals the “Experts” were every bit as cynical and dishonest as most citizens had figured out years ago.
An August 2021 email by the U.S. Department of Education’s Anne Hartge, of the Office of Communications and Outreach, following up on a conversation between Eric Hagarty, who is now Pennsylvania’s current Secretary of Education; Tara Piechowicz, Deputy Chief Of Staff for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf; and Jack Groarke, Deputy Chief of Staff for Federal Affairs for Gov. Wolf, sheds an ugly spotlight on the behind-the-scenes decisionmaking that led to the current crisis in education among America’s schoolchildren.
Twenty five percent of the jabbed had to miss school, work or had bad reactions following their jabs while 7.7% needed immediate medical care

Absurd: Climate activists say food production is the cause of global environmental crisis
During the recent biennial gathering of food producers in Turin, Italy, the ironic battle cry of participants was “food is the cause of the environmental crisis.”
The Terra Madre Salone del Gusto festival, which was convened by the Slow Food movement, was attended by farmers from the U.S., Japan, Australia, Uganda and Italy, among others. They talked about how “man-made” disasters such as drought, flood, fire, storms, heatwaves and plagues of pests had destroyed their livelihoods.
It Begins: "Project Icebreaker" Is the One-World Currency Test-Run of CBDCs in Three Western Nations
It's shocking that there are still those who think Central Bank Digital Currencies are part of conspiracy theories. They're real. They're happening right now. And we need to spread the word.
National Grid warns of three-hour blackouts coming this winter to combat gas shortage
Households and businesses across the UK could face planned power cuts this winter, if the country is unable to import electricity supplies from Europe, the National Grid has warned.
The utility company responsible for the distribution of energy unveiled its plans to ration supplies as the UK struggles to secure enough gas imports to fuel its gas-fired power plants. Europe is currently gripped by a major fossil fuel energy crisis, triggered Russia’s tightening of gas flows to the continent as retaliation to sanctions imposed by the West over the invasion of Ukraine.
FBI Chief Was Found Dead After Exposing Sickening Truth About the Elite
The purge has begun. Dr Peter McCullough has been suspended.

Just to let you know Lioness, your substack is always the first I read every morning.
Thank you for your hard work. Much appreciated. 🙏 blessings.
Several years ago, I spent over an hour cooling my heels in the waiting room of a medical practice. "What gives?" I asked the receptionist. "The medical staff got their mandatory flu shots yesterday," she told me. "Half of them called in sick today."
Years before covid blew in, the warning signs were there. If only we had heeded them!