US Engaged In "Offensive" Cyber Ops Against Russia In Ukraine: NSA Director
The US military has issued a stunning but perhaps not entirely unexpected admission that it has been conducting offensive cyber operations in support of Ukraine. It marks the first ever such acknowledgement, and suggests - as many observers have long suspected - a deeper Pentagon and US intelligence role in Ukraine against the Russian military than previously thought.
National Security Agency (NSA) and US Cyber Command Director Gen. Paul Nakasone told the UK's Sky News on Wednesday, "We’ve conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum: offensive, defensive, [and] information operations." This includes "offensive hacking operations" he said.
Weapons sent to Ukraine could get into wrong hands – Interpol
Arms the West delivers to Ukraine could end up in the hands of criminals, the head of Interpol has warned
Weaponry that Washington and its allies in Europe and beyond send to Kiev are likely to end up in the global black market, Interpol Secretary General Juergen Stock said on Wednesday. Various criminal groups already have their eye on these weapons, the official told the Anglo-American Press Association in Paris.
Stock has urged the Interpol member states to actively cooperate in tracing the arms delivered to Ukraine, adding that those who supply the weapons should play a major role in this effort. The Interpol chief has also said he expects a “wave” of not just small arms but heavy weapons to flood the international black market as soon as the conflict between Moscow and Kiev ends.
More than HALF of Republicans say U.S. 'seems headed' towards another civil war in the near future, new poll shows
new poll shows 44 percent of Americans believe the nation is headed toward another civil war – with a majority of Republicans believing it will happen.
The data comes in a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which also found support for the 'Great Replacement Theory' referenced by the shooter who opened fire in a Buffalo supermarket last month.
A total of 44 percent agree with the statement that the nation 'seems headed toward a civil war in the near future,' according to the poll. That includes 53 per cent of Republicans and 39 per cent of Democrats.
Universal Basic Income? IMF Calls For Governments To Subsidize Food And Energy
Inflationary and stagflationary crisis events open up a lot of doors and create a lot of convenient opportunities for globalists obsessed with the ideology of total centralization. A key aspect of the “Shared Economy” agenda put forward by the WEF is the concept of UBI (Universal Basic Income). If the government becomes the primary pillar of the economy and the primary source of necessities for a large portion of the population, then this makes public defiance of government mandates much less likely.
When the government becomes our nursemaid, how many people will be willing to bite the hand that feeds them?
Five GOP Senators Seek Info From NIH Acting Director On Royalty Payments To Feds
Five Republican senators have asked National Institutes of Health (NIH) Acting Director Lawrence Tabak for a comprehensive accounting of every royalty payment by an outside source to an employee of the federal agency since 2009.
“We believe that the American taxpayer deserves to know 1) the degree to which government doctors and researchers have a financial interest in drugs and products they support, and 2) whether any relationship exists between federal grants awarded by NIH and royalty payments received by NIH personnel,” the senators told Tabak in a letter that was made public on June 1.
India’s Protectionist Moves Spark Concern Rice May Be Next
Any restrictions on rice may exacerbate global hunger crisis
India is world’s top rice shipper, accounting for 40% of trade
Rice may be India’s next food protectionism target after it restricted wheat and sugar exports, analysts say, a move that could have a devastating impact on global food security as it’s an important staple.
India’s curbs on wheat and sugar exports sent shock waves through global markets as it marked an escalation in food protectionism that’s seen countries choke off flows of locally-grown supplies to the world. A similar move on rice by the No. 1 exporter at a time when crops like wheat and corn are soaring would threaten to plunge millions more into hunger and boost inflation risks.
Another Nuclear Plant Closes: Get Ready For Electricity Shortages
America’s electric grid is being mismanaged and consumers will pay a heavy price for that mismanagement...
More evidence of that came with the recent closure of the Palisades Power Plant in Michigan. The 811-megawatt nuclear plant was shut down on the same day that the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued a report saying the U.S. electric grid doesn’t have enough generation capacity and that blackouts are almost certain to occur across the country this summer.
Video: Fauci Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving “Authority”
Appearing on Fox News Wednesday, Anthony Fauci appeared to admit that the Biden administration’s efforts to reinstate mask mandates on planes and trains is about preserving “authority” over public health decisions, not about keeping people safe.
Earlier in the week, the Justice Department asked an appeals court to overturn a federal judge’s order that mask mandates were unlawful.
As we noted in April, Joe Biden’s CDC extended mask mandates for Americans on planes and public transport, while the administration sought to simultaneously end all COVID restrictions for migrants crossing illegally into the United States.
With The WEF Declaring 'People' Are 'The Single Gravest Threat To Our Planet', Joining The Depopulation And 'Climate Change Crazies', Americans Must Never Allow Our 2nd Amendment To Be Taken Away
Pharmaceutical companies were once owed a great deal of gratitude for transforming our lives by making us able to survive diseases that once could kill huge swaths of people. That plus improved means of food production and distribution have further transformed life on our planet. It is therefore ironic that, medically, vaccines and other agents and, agriculturally, pesticides that at one time were developed to improve life now seem to be being used if not deliberately to foreshorten life, then with the full knowledge that they can do great harm.
Even more unconscionable, these same companies once concerned with saving lives appear to be playing along with, maybe even in league with, depopulationists and the climate change crazies who now view people as the single gravest threat to our planet. So having gained control over tuberculosis, polio, and serious infections such as tetanus, diphtheria, and smallpox, they want to turn the tables and declare people the single greatest pathogen that needs to be eradicated from the earth.
Tracking The Unvaccinated: Canada's Branch Of WHO is Hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance.
Worlds puppet governments are gearing up for the next phase of the End Game
Expert Predicts Fake AI ‘Tamagotchi Children’ Will ‘Solve Population Problem’ Within 50 Years
Biological offspring will increasingly become obsolete within the next five decades as would-be parents opt for fake AI children to quell concerns surrounding “overpopulation,” one of the UK’s leading authorities in artificial intelligence claims.
A population crisis will compel society to embrace digital children which require “minimal resources and cost nothing to raise, artificial intelligence expert Catriona Campbell predicts in a newly published book AI by Design: A Plan For Living With Artificial Intelligence.
Great Reset: British School Trial Has Children Eating Mealworms and Crickets (Video)
The Elites want to dictate every aspect of your life, from what you eat, to where you go, down to how many times a week you are allowed to shower and wash your underwear.
In a chilling school trial, primary school children in Wales, UK, are now being given mealworms and crickets on their lunch plates. Among other things, “spaghetti with beetle Bolognese” is offered, a particularly “delicious” mixture of insects and plant proteins. Globalists intend to motivate students and parents to get away from meat to protect the climate. In addition, they hope to brainwash five to eleven-year-old students with their environmental lies to control their food choices.
Major Victory: Court Rules Airline Can Not Ask Vaccination Status of New Pilots
“Stories of medical problems pilots describe are chilling, particularly after a number of recent near-catastrophes with incapacitated pilots.”
The Amsterdam Court of Appeal has determined KLM airline is no longer allowed to ask new pilots about their Covid “vaccine” status. According to the judge, among other things, there was no operational necessity for such a decision. Nevertheless, the association of Dutch Airline Pilots (VNV) is pleased with the Court’s decision and is celebrating its victory.
Depopulation: Klaus Schwab’s Advisor Asks ‘What To Do With All These Useless People?’
The most important question the global elite must answer in the coming decade is “What to do with all these useless people?” according to the lead advisor to World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab.
The admission by Yuval Noah Harari further confirms the fact that the global elite view ordinary people as useless eaters and harbor a desire to cull, or depopulate, humanity.
Harari, who serves as Schwab’s lead advisor, has been praised by the likes of Barack Obama, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg and fellow depopulation-fanatic Bill Gates, who reviewed Harari’s recent book on the cover of the New York Times Book Review. Harari’s book went on to be a Times bestseller.
World Economic Forum’s Top 10 Most Insanely Evil Plans For Humanity
In the past, if you dared to suggest the world was controlled by evil psychopathic “elites” hell-bent on enslaving the human race, then you would be regarded as a tin-foil hat wearing “conspiracy theorist” and probably told you need to get out more. How times change. Fast forward to 2022 and the evil psychopathic elites aren’t even trying to pretend they aren’t hell-bent on destroying our lives.
Through its annual Davos summits, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) attempts to legitimize and normalize its influence on the world by having a panel of world leaders attending and speaking at the event.
The Late Congressman Larry McDonald on Crossfire in 1983 Discusses the NWO
European Union: 'The Future of Europe is Queer'
he European Union (EU) took to Twitter to announce Europe’s future will be “Queer.” They urge Europeans to follow the EU’s #TheFutureisQueer hashtag on social media and be “proud” of their LGBTQ future.
Below are several of the EU’s social media channels and their anti-heterosexual propaganda.
The United States Embassy To The Holy See At The Vatican Flying LGBTQIA+ Pride Flag In Stunning Depiction Of What The ‘Days Of Lot’ Actually Are
The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See began flying the LGBT rainbow flag Wednesday and tweeted in celebration of Pride Month, an innovation of the Biden administration, welcome to the Days of Lot Jesus warned us about.
… The Days of Lot are mentioned to show us that this time period will be a time similar to how life was for Lot while he lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. In 2022, we have the most powerful nation on earth, America, flying the LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Flag over the US Embassy to the Holy See at the Vatican. You, my friend, are absolutely living in the last days spoken of by Jesus.
The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.
Spain was the first Western government to officially include ‘chemtrail’ in its Official Gazette. The Spanish Ministry of Health authorized the NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and also the UME to use biocides from the air. A month after the state of alarm was imposed, the Executive justified in the BOE that this technique is one of the “most effective” against the coronavirus since with “nebulization, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques, all surfaces are reached with speed”.
The Executive also justified that the aforementioned units “have the personal means, materials, procedures and sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they are operations that they carry out regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products they do so with other decontaminating chemicals.
68th Bilderberg meeting, with participants from 21 countries, began today in Washington, D.C.

Canadian doctor pressured to change patient's death certificate to covid

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No worries,
The NSA is only expert at attacking and hacking innocent citizens.
Resist everything they say and treat it as a lie.