Iran's Supreme Leader demands that individuals who spread "rumors" or "false claims" on the Internet be prosecuted.

Turkey reaches NATO deal with Finland and Sweden
Scandinavian countries will become observers at the upcoming summit
Turkey will support inviting Finland and Sweden into NATO at the bloc’s upcoming summit in Spain, Finnish President Sauli Niinisto announced on Tuesday after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. The three countries signed a memorandum of understanding at the meeting, organized with the support of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
More weapons to Ukraine, more missions on the ground, Russia warns West
“Pumping up” Ukraine with weapons will make Russian forces “perform more missions on the ground,” Moscow has said
Pumping up” Ukraine with Western weapons will only lead Russia “to perform more missions on the ground,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.
Speaking at a press conference, the foreign minister stated that the position of the West regarding Ukraine is “absolutely counterproductive and harmful.”
“The more weapons are pumped into Ukraine, the longer this conflict will last, the longer the agony of the Nazi regime, which is supported by Western capitals, will last,” he said, commenting on the accusations of Ukrainian and Western politicians related to a shopping mall in Kremenchug, Ukraine, which was allegedly hit by Russian forces on Monday.
UK Army Chief Calls for ‘Mobilisation’ of Military, Compares Russian Invasion to World War II Lead-Up
The United Kingdom and its allies are facing a “1937 moment” in light of Russia’s most recent invasion of Ukraine, and therefore must “mobilise” its armed forces to “meet today’s threat and thereby prevent war in Europe,” the head of the British Army said on Tuesday.
Speaking before an annual army conference in London, General Sir Patrick Sanders, who became the head of the Chief of the General Staff earlier this month, warned that while the UK is not officially at war with Russia it must “act rapidly so that we aren’t drawn into one through a failure to contain territorial expansion.”
Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison
Update : Judge Nathan has sentenced Ghislaine Maxwell to 20 years in prison. "A sentence of 240 months is sufficient and no graver than necessary."
The sentence is less than the 30-50 years prosecutors asked for, but more than the 6 year sentence the defense thought was appropriate.
While preparing to deliver the sentence, Nathan said that "Ms Maxwell directly and repeatedly and over the course of many years participated in a horrific scheme" to traffic and abuse girls, and that "Ms Maxwell worked with Epstein to select young victims who were vulnerable."
Fmr. Senate Sgt-At-Arms Michael Stenger Dies Ahead Of Last-Minute J6 Hearing
Michael Stenger, the former US Senate sergeant-at-arms in charge of security during the January 6, 2021 US Capitol breach, died on Monday at the age of 71. The cause and circumstances of his death were not immediately clear.
A resident of Falls Church, VA, Stenger resigned the day after the J6 riot at the request of then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had originally hired Stenger for the post in 2018.
Nowhere To Hide From The Collapse Of The Everything Bubble
We’re told not to put all our eggs in one basket. The idea is that each basket performs differently at different times. During a crash, at least some of your portfolio is supposed to hold up.
But what do you do when all the baskets get hit by the same earthquake?
Usually, when stocks are crashing, bonds surge. But this time, bonds have performed even worse than stocks by some measures!
The 7 Step Process That Will Usher In the Great Reset
America is at a very dangerous time in her history. The enemy (e.g. George Soros, on behalf of the Deep State, and his puppetiers) are already inside the gates wreaking havoc.
The Arab Spring Comes to America
The Deep State is following a script that he all too familiar with. Soros and his Deep State cronies are implementing the Arab Spring strategies in very similar fashion to what he did over seven years ago in the Middle East.
Politician Demands Bilderberg Conference Transparency: CIA Plot? New World Order? Shadow Government? (Video)
One of the conference’s co-founders is nazi-linked Prince Bernhard, a member of Hitler’s “Reiter-SS,” a mounted unit of the SS.
The highly secretive Bilderberg Group met in person for the first time since the pandemic, taking over the entire Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington D.C., 2 June – 5 June 2022. Despite a “heavy media presence” at the controversial conference, “not a word about the meeting was heard or read in the press,” said MP Gideon van Meijeren (FVD) while addressing the Netherland’s House of Representatives. For example, attendees included “directors of media conglomerates that own almost all media, like Warner, which own CNN were present.” Yet, “not a word.”
Dutch Political Party Warns: 'Transhumanism is as Dangerous as Nazism or Communism' (Video)
“Davos and Yuval Harari aim to create a physically and intellectually superior being that elites can control for the so-called greater good – for instance, to save the planet or prevent people from voting for Trump.”
For several months, the Dutch party Forum for Democracy (FvD) has made English-language videos about the most critical topics threatening our world. In the conservative party’s latest video, politician Simone Kerseboom warns us of the return of totalitarianism imposed by the globalist elite through transhumanism. The leader takes on the subversive World Economic Forum (WEF), its founder Klaus Schwab and his advisor Yuval Harari who plan to end Free Will and transform humans into robots.
A 3.7% rate of myocarditis in our latest survey of vaccinated Americans
This is a health disaster. This rate is over 500 times higher than what the CDC claims. Doctors will remain silent on this as they are not permitted to challenge the "safe and effective" narrative.
Beijing Communist Chief Announces Five More Years of Lockdowns
Cai Qi, the Chinese Communist Party secretary of Beijing, told state media Monday that the city would adhere to its “zero-Covid” policy of lockdowns and quarantines for the next five years.
State media rapidly deleted his comment — and Chinese censors relentlessly scrubbed it from websites — after a burst of shock and outrage on social media.
'Pandemic babies' with no immunity are ending up in intensive care across Australia with respiratory illnesses
A concerning number of 'pandemic babies' with no immunity to respiratory viruses are ending up seriously ill in ICU.
Doctors have revealed children born during the Covid-19 pandemic are requiring intensive care 'from encountering viruses they haven't come across before', such as influenza, RSV and Covid.
The children had been born and raised when there were virtually no other viruses circulating in Australia, other than Covid-19.
Top NY Doctor warns that new “COVID wave” has begun with the ‘Worst Version’ of Omicron
A new COVID wave appears to be starting in New York City, fueled by the strongest subvariant of the omicron strain of coronavirus to date, one of the city’s top epidemiologists said Tuesday.
According to 4 New York, The BA.5 subvariant, first seen in South Africa and then Portugal, is considered by some experts to be the “worst version” of omicron seen yet, given its apparent capacity to escape prior immunity and transmit more readily.
The Irish Cabinet will sign off on new legislation which will allow the Government to make mask wearing mandatory in certain settings.

WHO Recommends Gates Funded Polio Vaccine To Address UK Outbreak Of Vaccine Derived Polio
In Novemeber 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) granted Emergency Use Listing to a novel oral polio vaccine, developed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The vaccine was designed to treat type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus, which is the same type of polio that has reently been identified in the UK’s first polio outbreak in more than four decades.
Dozens of sailors say their warships were swarmed by “at least 100” otherworldly UFOs
Sailors on board a fleet of Navy warships sailing off the Southern California coast in July 2019 witnessed several of the ships being swarmed by a host of unidentified flying objects. The incident went on for hours, and then happened again and again throughout the month, with craft hovering and zipping around near the fleet with flashing multicolored lights.
According to Daily Mail, Navy chiefs have tried to explain away the incident, with the Deputy Director for Naval Intelligence saying he was ‘reasonably confident’ the objects were drones. But documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, in an exclusive interview with, says that crew from the ships have told him the swarms of ‘at least 100’ UFOs possessed unexplainable capabilities far beyond traditional drones.
Debate Ensues After Mysterious Lights Appear Over San Diego
Residents across San Diego on Monday night reported mysterious lights in the night sky. The unidentifiable lights were spotted south of downtown San Diego.
A flood of Twitter users posted pictures and videos of "weird lights" above San Diego. The bizarre footage showed three to six glowing balls of fire hovering in the night sky.
A school district in Canada arranged a pride parade today for kindergartners.
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry and hungry farmers block the nation everywhere.

they may control their legacy of worldwide destruction & chaos but they have failed to control my free will as i continue to help, encourage those in my daily circle and create beauty to share in my garden...
That video about predictive program was insightful. I had always wondered and suspected what was going on with that, and the explanation makes perfect sense. This is the place for the unfiltered truth on the internet, thank you again for your work.