Brazil won’t take sides in Russia-Ukraine conflict – president
Bolsonaro vows to remain neutral in the clash between “brother nations”
Brazil has refused to pick sides in the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, pledging to remain neutral as the US, EU, UK, and allies continue to impose sweeping sanctions on Russia, accusing it of “unprovoked” aggression.
In a press conference on Sunday, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said the country would “not take sides” and would “continue being neutral” while helping with “whatever is possible.”
Calling Russia and Ukraine “practically brother nations,” Bolsonaro noted that “a big part of Ukraine’s population speaks Russian.” The president refused to weigh in with a personal opinion on the conflict until a final report is made or the situation is resolved.
Russian military create safe passage for residents to leave Kiev
Moscow urges civilians to evacuate from the Ukrainian capital
The Russian defense ministry has called on Ukrainian civilians to evacuate from Kiev. They can do so by taking a highway towards Vasilkov, a city located some 20km southwest from the Ukrainian capital, it said in a statement on Monday. “This direction is open and safe,” the statement said.
The ministry said that Russia “only attacks military objects” and claimed that the civilian population would not be at risk.
The call came on Monday as Ukrainian and Russian delegations are set to start peace talks in Belarus. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a public address that he had low expectations for the negotiations. His country does not intend to surrender, he said.
Ukraine names key points for talks with Russia
Immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of troops are crucial negotiation matters
The key question of the negotiations for Kiev is to achieve immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory, President Zelensky’s office announced as peace talks begin in Belarus. Kiev’s delegation on Monday arrived at the Ukraine-Belarus border to take part in the negotiations with the Russian delegation.
The Ukrainian delegation came in two helicopters, as reported by the Russian agency Ria Novosti. On Monday morning, the Belarusian Foreign Ministry published a photo of the room for the negotiations, announcing the site was prepared.
Russia-Ukraine talks begin
The negotiations come after Kiev initially refused to meet on Belarusian territory
Talks have commenced, in Belarus, between high level delegations from Russia and Ukraine, aimed at ending hostilities between the two countries. Moscow launched a full scale military attack, last week, and its troops are positioned on the outskirts of the capital, Kiev.
On Monday, footage purported to show two Ukrainian helicopters arriving in the Gomel region, close to the border.
The office of the country's President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Kiev’s delegation includes the Minister of Defense, Alexey Reznikov, the head of the ruling Servant of the People faction, David Arakhamia, and the deputy Foreign Minister Nikolay Tochitskiy, as well as others.
Pozsar Warns Of Another "Lehman Weekend" As Russia Sanctions May Trigger Central Bank Liquidity Flood
In a remarkable show of force and unity, western powers cast aside all their previous concerns about Russian energy export dominance, and uniliaterally announced the nuclear option of imposing sanctions on the Russian central bank coupled with targeted exclusions from SWIFT of key Russian banks.
The move has sparked a bank run in Russia, as locals scramble to pull out whatever hard currency they can get their hands on before it runs out, and is certain to trigger chaotic moves in FX and commodities when markets reopen on Monday. Already some Russian banks are offering to exchange rubles for dollars at a rate of 171 rubles per dollar on Sunday, compared to the official closing price of 83 on Friday before the European/US announcement about targeting the Russian central bank.
URGENT Health Ranger mega thread on Russia, nuclear war, cyber attacks and impending financial collapse
Original thread from the Health Ranger:
1/23 We are all in urgent danger due to the planned escalation of the conflict involving Russia. As I’ve warned dozens of times in my Situation Update podcasts on, the persistent plan from Biden / Obama has been to maneuver Russia into a position where Putin would decide to nuke the United States, or where a false flag nuke could be blamed on Russia. This would bring about Obama’s long-desired destruction of America, and any survivors would be subjected to a dictatorial war-time authoritarian regime which would nullify the Bill of Rights (and 2A) under “emergency” powers.
2/23 Covered in this mega-thread: 1) Rapid escalation pathway from financial war to cyber war to NUCLEAR war. 2) Possibility of Obama / Biden running FALSE FLAGS against USA to blame Russia while achieving decimation of America. 3) Financial implications, bank runs and financial collapse. 4) Global food supply implications getting serious, with expected starvation, famine, FOOD RIOTS on a global scale as scarcity worsens.
FEMA: In Case Of Nuclear Explosion, Maintain Social Distancing And Wear A Mask
The US government has a long history of fun and interesting advice when it comes to imminent death...
Now, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has issued updated guidance to its "Nuclear Explosion" readiness public awareness website, which includes tips to avoid Covid!
"A nuclear explosion may occur with or without a few minutes warning," reads the page, which was updated on Friday. "Fallout is most dangerous in the first few hours after the detonation when it is giving off the highest levels of radiation. It takes time for fallout to arrive back to ground level, often more than 15 minutes for areas outside of the immediate blast damage zones.

Goldman Warns Of Stagflationary Commodity Supply Shock On Ukraine, Raises Near-Term Brent Forecast To $115
One look at the surge in oil, gas and various other commodities like wheat, confirms what everyone by now knows: unleashing hell against Russia in the form of the nuclear SWIFT option coupled with central bank sanctions may crush the Russian economy but it will also will lead to a harrowing price shock for ordinary citizens across the globe coupled with the worst stagflationary episode in years.
As Goldman writes in a late Sunday note, Western sanctions on Russia are set to tighten significantly after the announcement on February 26 to bar selected Russian banks from accessing the SWIFT international payment system as well as to target its Central Bank's reserves.
Robbed again? West "freezes" Russia's gold reserves
Every once in a while on Wall Street there's a "washout": a cataclysmic shift in the market that swaths of the investment community do not survive.

The Great Reset: National Vaccine Passport Rolled Out in 21 States and More Are Joining Including Red States
Back in January 2021 The Gateway Pundit reported on the digital COVID vaccination passport system being worked on by Big Tech and Big Pharma. These groups were working on a “vaccine passport” that identifies if you have been properly vaccinated before you travel. Clearly, individual rights were not their concern. reported at the time.
A coalition of tech and health organizations including Oracle, Microsoft, and the Mayo Clinic, is reportedly working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that would allow businesses, airlines, and governments to check if individuals have received the vaccine.
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The Hill reports that a coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a new digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that could be checked by businesses, airlines, and countries to confirm if an individual has received the vaccine. The coalition includes tech giants such as Microsoft and Oracle, along with the Mayo Clinic.
Then in March of 2021 the Biden Administration announced they were working on “vaccine passports” so Americans can prove they’ve been inoculated.
WHO making moves on international vaccine 'passport'
BUILDING A ‘TRUST FRAMEWORK’ — The World Health Organization will convene member states and leaders of Covid-19 immunization credential technology groups to recognize different vaccine certificates across nations and regions, a top Vaccination Credential Initiative official told POLITICO’s Ben Leonard.
The WHO is bringing together the groups to develop a “trust framework” that would allow countries to verify whether vaccine credentials are legitimate, said Brian Anderson, chief digital health physician at MITRE and a co-founder of the VCI.
NEGATIVE EFFICACY, catastrophic UK report week 8: COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week, 24 February 2022; the devastating vaccine data continues for 2022 and 2021
Russia, which produces two-thirds of the world’s ammonium nitrate (fertilizer), will not be exporting it at least for another month
(Natural News) Russia will not be exporting any ammonium nitrate fertilizer at least for another month.
First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov announced that until April 2, his country will need the fertilizer for itself, which could spell disaster for the rest of the world that relies on these exports.
It turns out that Russia produces around two-thirds of all the world’s fertilizer. This cut-off right before the Northern Hemisphere’s planting season will more than likely be devastating
Canada Freezing Bank Accounts is Child’s Play Compared to the Coming “Central Bank Digital Currency”
It is not a conspiracy theory. Earlier this month, Canada’s Prime Minister began freezing the bank accounts of protesters who stood against tyrannical mandates and arresting them. Not only did they go after the protesters, but the government went after the bank accounts of those who provided monetary support in the form of donations as well.
For practicing their free speech, Canadians were persecuted and driven into financial ruin by the government who claims to protect them. This was all carried out with zero due process and without any democratic input at all.
Confiscation: The War On Cash Enters Bold New Phase
Always look beyond the obvious headlines to see what is going on in the shadows. In this case, the tools of outright wealth confiscation are being fine tuned: negative interest rates, limits on cash withdrawals, transfers and freezing assets. To keep cash alive, one must use it daily. ⁃ TN Editor
With so much news about Ukraine, inflation, massive government spending and exploding deficits, it’s easy to overlook the ongoing war on cash. That’s a mistake because it has serious implications not only for your money, but for your privacy and personal freedom, as you’ll see today.
The war on cash is a global effort being waged on many fronts. My view is that the war on cash is dangerous in terms of lost privacy and the risk of government confiscation of wealth.
Aussie aged care residents to receive fourth COVID jab, Flu jab combo
A second booster (fourth Covid vaccine shot) is being proposed for Aged Care residents in Australia, set to be rolled out before the onset of Winter.
The federal government is already working with various Aged Care providers to prepare the logistics with a priority placed on vulnerable residents.
The difficulty comes with the two week wait period that was recommended between the regular flu shot and the fourth Covid shot. Experts have said that residents should maintain a fourteen-day between the two in order to give the body’s immune system (particularly in fragile patients) a chance to react.
How to treat VAIDS and cure Diabetes
Spike proteins are a pathogen which attacks and penetrates everything in your body it touches. The lethal agent in Covid-19 is not the 88.5% of the virus proteins which cause the flu. It is the 12.5% of the proteins in the spike which facilitates the infection. People do not in general die from the coronavirus flu which the body defeats within 7 days.
They die from day 8 onwards at which point the flu has mainly gone and the body is left defending itself against spike protein allergy and spike protein mediated vascular endotheliitis. This begs the question: Why did all the pharma companies make a vaccine out of the only lethal component to the virus?
50 calls made to poison control centres over exposure to COVID-19 rapid test kit ingredients
At least 50 calls have been made to poison control centres in Canada over accidental exposure to certain ingredients in COVID-19 rapid test kits, which can be poisonous if swallowed or absorbed through the skin, warns Health Canada.
In an advisory released on Thursday, the federal department stressed the kits are safe and effective when used as intended. However, many test kits include liquid solutions with chemical preservatives, such as sodium azide and ProClin preservatives that can pose a danger if ingested — particularly for children and pets.
Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate (Video)
This is one of the most suppressed stories of all time. It is the story of seemingly miraculous cures of many life-threatening illnesses by a remedy that you can do yourself, has no unwanted side effects, and costs about the same as a haircut. Would you be surprised to learn that the pharmaceutical industry is not anxious for this remedy to be widely known – especially not known for treating symptoms of Covid-19? Would you be shocked to hear medical authorities tell you it is merely laundry bleach that might kill you if you use it?
Is Ukraine in any position to make demands other than a *request* for ceasefire and leave civilian assets alone?