Tragic: Double-vaxxed 13-year-old dies from “unexplained cardiac arrest”
According to social media posts from the family and an obituary web page, a 13-year-old boy from New Jersey suddenly died from a heart attack on January 4, 2022, just seven months after his second Covid shot.
A June 6, 2021, Facebook post from the child’s mother, Jennifer O’Drain, shows him giving a thumbs up from a doctor’s office along with the caption, “Sec shot done.”
Fast-forward less than seven months and Jennifer’s husband Trent wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post, “Dear family and friends. Our son Jack had an unexplained cardiac arrest on New Year’s Eve shortly after the ball dropped while playing with his friends.”

‘You can’t keep making endless antibodies!’ Dr Clive Dix urges end to mass vaccinations
THE former head of the country's vaccine taskforce has urged an end to mass vaccinations after the current booster campaign, telling Sky News that COVID-19 should be treated as a "normal endemic disease" like the flu.
Dr Clive Dix, who led the UK's vaccine taskforce at the height of the pandemic, called for an end to mass vaccinations after the current booster campaign. Speaking to Sky News, the highly respected official, who helped firms develop the Covid vaccine during his tenure, claimed the coronavirus should be treated like an endemic disease, similar to flu. He added that the country should "stop measuring Covid by case numbers, we are not going to stop those numbers".
Pfizer partnered with Chinese vaccine passport platform before COVID
One year before the pandemic, Pfizer began partnering in the implementation of "vaccine passports' in China with an online payment platform affiliated with the Communist Party.
The pharmaceutical giant boasted of its cooperation with Chinese leaders and Alipay in a June 6, 2018, tweet, reported The National Pulse.
“The evidence that things are amiss is so stark that you literally have to avert your eyes not to realise that things are really bad, everywhere” – Dr. Mike Yeadon
During the 86th Session of the Corona Investigative Committee Dr. Mike Yeadon spoke of the lies of the Covid narrative with the ultimate aim being The Great Reset, presented evidence proving premeditation of particular Covid injection batches containing “lethal doses” and more.
This article is the first in a series breaking down Dr. Yeadon’s 2-hour 20 min presentation into more manageable chunks for those who may be short of time and unable to watch the full presentation in one sitting. What follows relates to the lies the public is told by governments, government advisors and corporate media – the “8 Covid Lies” as Dr. Yeadon calls them – what the aim is and the evidence that there is a supranational plan to take over all liberal democracies.
Dr. Mike Yeadon has enjoyed a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry. At the beginning of “the pandemic” he noticed advisors to the UK government were lying, on television, to the nation. At first, he was curiously fascinated but by the summer of 2020 he was alarmed and then later in year he became frightened. Dr. Yeadon does not personally benefit from speaking against the official narrative and, in fact, has lost in terms of income and reputation by doing so.
NEVER 'Comply' With Totalitarian Government! Govt Must Be Put Back In Its Place As Servants To The American People, Not Dictators! This Look Back In History Gives America A Wake Up Call
'It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once' - David Hume
We often think as we embark on a new year that each year will be similar to the year before and we make our plans accordingly. Obviously, the last two years have taught us that this is not always true and yet we say to ourselves after the 2022 and 2024 elections we will get back on track. Will we? Will we get back to normal and will our freedoms not be hindered? We believe that our Constitution and the American traditions of faith and freedom will save us. Maybe it is time to look back in history for a wake up call.
Sir John Glubb was a British author and lecturer and a decorated officer in the British army. His famous and succinct essay, “The Fate of Empires and Search For Survival” looks at the lifespan of empires from their origins to their eventual decline. Glubb estimates that most empires do not last longer than roughly 250 years, with many of them lasting much shorter. periods of time.
Germany to delay Covid vaccine mandate – media
Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s plans to introduce mandatory Covid-19 jabs in March are unfeasible, local media claims
Germany’s plans to impose nationwide compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 likely won’t come to fruition any time soon, not due to lack of will but because of bureaucratic hurdles, media reports suggest.
In November, then-designated chancellor Olaf Scholz told Germany’s ZDF broadcaster that he expected a nationwide vaccination mandate to be introduced by February or March. Now, however, the regulation might not be in force until May or even June, the Tagesspiegel daily reported.
The delay is not a sign that Scholz’s government is any less determined to see Germans vaccinated but is merely due to a series of bureaucratic hurdles, the paper said.
Stigmatizing The Unvaccinated: Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow
Governments are intensifying their vitriol against the unvaccinated. Trudeau (Canada) says they shouldn’t be tolerated. Macron (France) says he’s “really going to piss them off”. Germany says they are “not human.” Biden (US) says they are the pandemic. If not reversed soon, such rhetoric can easily lead to mass bloodshed.
> In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work
> “Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now
> The stigmatization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. “Fully vaxxed” individuals are just as infectious and “dangerous” as the unjabbed
> While high-level officials continue to use the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” suggesting the COVID-jabbed play no role in the epidemiology of COVID-19, there’s ample evidence that the “fully vaccinated” have a relevant role in transmission and outbreaks
> For example, in Massachusetts, 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic. This proves the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally
An utterly MASSIVE movement of troops and heavy armor is underway from eastern Russia Sunday. At least four gigantic trainloads of armor and two trainloads of troops have departed from the Skovorodino, Amur region and the Amurskaya oblast.
Over a thousand pieces of armor, including tanks, fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and some self-propelled artillery, are on the move from Russia's far east.
What prompted this sudden and utterly gigantic movement of heavy armor is not known. Is it the sudden outburst of troubles in Kazakhstan? Is it the ongoing and worsening troubles in Ukraine? Or it is both?
Kazakhstan Denies US-Funded 'Military Biological Lab' Seized By Rioters After Russia Claims Potential Pathogen Leak
Kazakh officials have denied that a US-funded 'military biological laboratory' was seized by rioters in the recent unrest, which has seen at least 160 dead since the violence broke out just one week ago.
It is unclear whether the deaths, reported by the health ministry to state news channel Khabar-24, are primarily civilians or law enforcement according to the Daily Mail - however officials said on Sunday that at least 16 police or national guard members had been killed. Pictures of Kazakh secret service operatives killed during the unrest have also been released.
According to Russian media, the biolab near Almaty - built in 2017 and used to study outbreaks of particularly dangerous infections - was 'compromised,' resulting in a potential leak of dangerous pathogens. Kazakh officials have denied the claim.
By 2030 life as we know it will be carried out in the “Metaverse”
By 2030, “a large proportion of people will be in the metaverse in some way,” predicts Melanie Subin, a director at The Future Today Institute in New York City. Some will simply use it “only to fulfill work or educational obligations,” she said.
Others “will live the majority of their waking hours ‘jacked in.’” Using a “blend of physical and behavioral biometrics, emotion recognition, sentiment analysis, and personal data,” the metaverse will be able to create a customized and enhanced reality for each person, she said.
In the future, “AR wearables may be as pervasive as smartphones are today,” said Patrick Cozzi, who runs the 3D tech company Cesium and is heavily involved in enhancing the metaverse. He and others see a future where headsets like the Oculus -
a popular holiday gift this season that invites you to “defy reality” — replace the cell phone altogether, used 24/7 as a go-to device for people to hang out with friends, shop or travel through the virtual stratosphere. But the current version of the metaverse, for now, is somewhat less grand.
Corona Beer Tests Positive for COVID-19 in Viral TikTok video
An unidentified woman posted a video on TikTok using a COVID-19 rapid test on a bottle of Corona beer. Sure enough, the bottle of Corona tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.
This video suggests that either Corona beer is contaminated with the COVID-19 virus, or these COVID-19 rapid tests are faulty and produce false positives.
Is this possibly why Corona halted production nearing the beginning of the pandemic in 2020?
The carefully planned, step-by-step guide global elites are using to implement the Great Reset
Global elites are following a course of COVID-related actions directed against the various citizens of countries around the world, ignoring freedoms, safety warnings and lessons from history.
The so-called COVID-19-pandemic is part of the masonic plan of the New World Order and is being used as an instrument of the “Great Reset.”[1] Accordingly, the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, has called for the creation of a global government to cope with the coronavirus.[2]
Greyerz – Expect Massive Wealth Destruction: This Epic Global Bubble Might Not Recover Until 2090
The man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals warned King World News that investors should expect to see massive wealth destruction, and this epic global bubble might not fully recover until 2090.
January 9 (King World News) – Egon von Greyerz, Founder of Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland): Cervantes famous classic novel Don Quixote can in simple terms be described as a fight for liberty and freedom against oppression and against the state. This book is from 1605 and considered to be one of the best books ever written.
In a mad world, risk doesn’t exist because lunatics neither see, nor worry about risk. And still, 2022 will be more about risk and survival than anything else. So I will obviously talk more about “The Triumph of Survival” which I discussed in a recent piece.
The year 2022 will most likely be the culmination of risk — an epic risk moment in history that very few investors will see until it is too late as they expect to be saved yet another time by the Fed and other central banks.
Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families – Zoom Meeting on Proposed Agenda on Jan. 21, ’22 …UPDATE: WA Releases Statement
he Washington State Board of Health may soon amend state law to authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid-19 “internment camps” for failing to comply with the state’s experimental vaccine mandate.
WAC 246-100-040, a proposed revision to include Covid protocol under the state’s Communicable and Certain Other Diseases act, outlines “Procedures for isolation or quarantine.” The measure would allow local health officers “at his or her sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”
Anti-mandate protesters on the French island of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon throw pieces of algae and dirt at MP Stéphane Clairvaux while he stands in front of his home