Russia makes new allegations about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine
Kiev had plans to use pathogens developed in Pentagon-funded biolabs to attack the Donbass and Russia, Moscow says
Documents and other evidence from US-funded laboratories in Ukraine suggest that Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass, as well as Russia itself, Moscow claimed on Wednesday.
The Defense Ministry also alleged that it has identified specific US officials involved in the development of bioweapons in the East European country. No direct evidence was provided to back up the assertion.
Interesting meeting going on right now in Tunxi (next to Huangshan mountains in central China).

Mariupol City Center: Hell On Earth (Special Report)
Russia-backed Donetsk Republic will consider joining Russia
Kremlin: Russia to only use nukes in case of existential threat * Russia claims it will reduce military operations in Kyiv and Chernigov
The Russian-backed self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic in eastern Ukraine may consider joining Russia once it controls all of Ukraine's Donetsk region, its news outlet cited separatist leader Denis Pushilin as saying on Tuesday.
"The main task is to reach the constitutional borders of the republic. Then we will determine that," Pushilin was quoted by the Donetsk News Agency as saying.
A federal probe into Pres. Biden’s son Hunter is underway.

Shanghai Authorities Extend COVID Lockdown As Cases Continue To Surge
As Shanghaiers struggle with shortages of food and medicine, while workers (both blue-collar factory workers and highly remunerated bankers and traders) are forced to bed down at work for what could be a lengthy stay, local authorities have provided the first hint that the staggered Shanghai lockdown could last longer than the 9 days it was originally slated for.
Reuters reports that local authorities have begun locking down some western parts of Shanghai two days ahead of schedule as the number of new cases detected in China's most populous city increased by one-third despite stringent measures already in place to try to stop the virus spreading. The city's lockdown is only in its third day.
Bruce Willis gives up acting due to brain disorder aphasia
Bruce Willis will step away from his acting career after being diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that impedes a person's ability to speak and write.
The actor's family, including his wife Emma Heming-Willis and ex-wife Demi Moore, announced his condition on Instagram on Wednesday.
Aphasia is "impacting his cognitive abilities", the statement said.
Willis, 67, is best known for playing John McClane in the Die Hard films, which made him a star.
Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
Objectives: Though rare, neurological side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations are increasingly reported. Even if the first dosage goes uncomplicated, the second dose may be complicated by severe adverse reactions as in the following case.
Case report: A 52yo male developed sudden-onset reading difficulty and aphasia 7d after the second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. He had a previous history of myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and nephrolithiasis. Blood pressure was slightly elevated on admission. Blood tests revealed mildly elevated D-dimer, pre-diabetes and hyperuricemia. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intracerebral bleeding (ICB) in the left temporal lobe. Aphasia resolved almost completely within a few days. Blood pressure values were normal throughout hospitalisation. Whether there was a causal relation between the ICB and the vaccination remains speculative but cannot be definitively excluded.
After FDA green lights a second COVID booster, official says another could come in the fall
A few hours after the FDA authorized a fourth dose of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines, one of its top experts hinted that a fifth dose may be on its way in the fall.
“I don’t want to shock anyone, but there may be a need for people to get an additional booster in the fall,” Peter Marks, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologic Evaluation and Research, said in a virtual session with reporters on Tuesday afternoon.
Marks said that an FDA advisory committee will discuss the matter next week. If another booster is authorized in the fall, it could be one that is tweaked to defend against a particular coronavirus variant or a mixture of variants, he added.
First Squawk: “Vatican Bank Transferred 10 Million Euros to Buy Rubles From the Central Bank of Russia to Pay for Gas”

SUDDEN DEATH: We all have to somehow come to grips with people dying all around us as globalists wage TOTAL WAR against humanity
(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update podcast is entitled, “Sudden Death.” It’s both a description of what I just experienced with the loss of a beloved ranch animal late last night, as well as an observation about the globalists waging total war on humanity and thereby achieving the mass extermination of billions of human beings.
Strange, isn’t it? How we can talk about “billions” of human beings being outright murdered by vaccines and engineered famine, yet when an animal close to us dies — or a loved one, relative, spouse, etc. — it hurts far more than the thought of “billions.” That’s because every human being who is murdered by the globalists was loved by someone. Every death counts because every life matters. Yet we live in such an insane, fascism, woketard society that merely uttering, “All lives matter” gets you de-platformed and branded a racist.
In memory of those who have "died suddenly" worldwide, March 22-28
"Sudden deaths" all over Europe, India and Australia, among other places, with some especially macabre "adverse events" throughout the UK and in Pakistan
Tucker Carlson Calls for Biden's Removal from Office: 'Invoke the 25th Amendment'
Fox’s Tucker Carlson has called for Joe Biden's removal from office following his outlandish comments about international affairs last week.
"It’s not personal. It’s not political. But it’s obvious Joe Biden is not well and the 25th Amendment needs to be invoked," Tucker said.
"That amendment, of course, allows for the temporary or permanent removal of the president if he is incapable of fulfilling his duties."
White House and other administration officials quickly followed Biden’s statements with modifiers and denials.
US Top Commander In Europe Forced To Rebut Latest Biden Remarks
In yet another awkward contradiction out of this US administration concerning Ukraine, which at this point seems to come almost daily, the head of US European Command was forced to issue a contrary explanation after Biden on Monday said multiple times that US forces are "helping train" Ukrainian troops in Poland.
This triggered a rebuttal of the US Commander-in-Chief from Gen. Tod Wolters, who also serves as NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe. On Tuesday Gen. Wolters denied that the US is currently training Ukraine forces in Poland.
Israel terror threat level raised to highest amid spree of attacks
Bennett orders bolstering IDF troop deployment along West Bank by four additional battalions; security cabinet to convene on Wednesday to mull additional steps to increase security after 5 people killed in Bnei Brak terror attack, third in a week
Five people were killed when 26-year old Diaa Hamarsheh, resident of the village of Ya'bad near Jenin in the West Bank, opened fire from an automatic rifle in two separate locations in the predominately ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak. The gunman was shot and killed on the scene.
US, Israeli navies begin “Intrinsic Defender” exercise
Israeli navy, US Fifth Fleet centering on maritime scenarios faced by both navies.
The “Intrinsic Defender” naval exercise began this week (Sunday). This is the largest exercise to-date between the Israeli Navy and the U.S. Fifth Fleet. The exercise, which will last 10 days, is simultaneously taking place in the Mediterranean and the Red seas.
Participating in the exercise from the Israeli Navy will be approximately 300 regular servicemembers and commanders, two missile ships, a team from the Underwater Mission Unit, a team from the Snapir Unit (VBSS), and a medical team. Participating from the U.S. Fifth Fleet will be approximately 300 soldiers and commanders.
'Israel is facing an armed revolt from the Arab sector'
'200,000 Israeli Arabs have guns - they're building a military force - and a state,' warns former minister Brig. Gen. (Res) Effi Eitam.
IDF Brigadier General (Res.) and former minister Effi Eitam warned Tuesday that the recent spate of terror attacks perpetrated by Israeli Arabs marks the beginning of a violent uprising by Israel’s Arab sector.
Speaking with Galei Tzahal Tuesday morning, the former chief of the National Religious Party – the forerunner of the Jewish Home party – said that the spike in violent terror attacks carried out by Arabs with Israeli citizenship is a symptom of a larger problem in the Arab sector.
“We need to tell ourselves the truth: We are in the midst of an Arab revolt, an Islamic-nationalist revolt against the idea of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. They hold [Israeli] citizenship and have equal rights in everything, but they are separatists.”
Greater Iranian threat brings Abraham Accords countries closer - analysis
The US rejoining the Iran nuclear deal could induce Saudi Arabia to sign on to the Abraham Accords.
With the specter of a revived Iran nuclear deal approaching, Israel hosted a summit on Monday that took place in Sde Boker in the Negev desert, which included the foreign ministers of the Abraham Accords countries and Egypt, together with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
The summit is part of a recent tendency by the signatories to the Abraham Accords – Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Israel and the United States – to improve their ties through a series of cultural events, diplomatic visits and summits.
Sunday’s “Negev Summit” gathering of the foreign ministers of four Arab countries in Israel may have been the first such high-profile visit by multiple Middle Eastern dignitaries and served as an inaugural meeting of what is expected to become a regular occasion, but there was a certain unmistakable gravity present as well.
The meeting was called to discuss one central issue: the Iranian threat. Had U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken not been present, it is likely that the conference would have focused solely on Iran, America’s withdrawal from the Middle East and furthering the success of the 2020 Abraham Accords.
The 10 Regions of the New World Order
The Bible Predicts that in the last days, the world would be divided into 10 regions headed up by the Antichrist. The Club of Rome in 1973 proposed that the new global order include dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks. Today, the European Commission includes a world map on their web site that shows 10 groups of nations, which would be designed to consolidate regional control.
The first map of a 10-region division was done by the Club of Rome in their 1973 report “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System, and the EC map alters these divisions only slightly based upon changes over several decades of economic growth. Today we are moving towards a new world order that will consist of 10 regions making up all the countries of the world. It appears that the prophecies of the books of Daniel and Revelation are coming true in our time. The revealing of the Antichrist as the world leader cannot be far off!
I'm not a fan of predictions of any sort. They're usually self serving attempts to define their own hopes. So it seems likely club of Rome is aware of Revelations and invoked it as a marketing ploy to support their planning.
10 kingdoms ruled by 10 kings loyal to king of kings (anti christ) WW2 was fought for the grand design. Gomberg map of 10 nation states 1942.