DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Asks Residents to Begin Voluntary Rationing of Food at Grocery Stores
For those of you who have prepared it is wise to remember the advice that always accompanies the final stages of preparation. Once you are prepared, shut up, zip it, run silent and run deep.
The reason is simple comrades, when the “voluntary rationing” phase concludes, those who have prepared are quickly cast as ‘hoarders” and targeted by those who created the desperation. It has always been thus.
DC Mayor and COVID Compliance Minister, Muriel Bowser, asks residents in/around her region to enter a phase of voluntary rationing. What comes after the voluntary phase is the part many have been studiously preparing to avoid.
Calgary Starts to Feel the Pain of U.S-Canada Government Vaccine Mandate on Truckers
Effective today, all U.S. and Canadian cross-border truckers must show their vaccination passport in order to deliver their loads. Approximately 15% of Canadian truckers and approximately 50% of U.S. truckers are not vaccinated. The logistics and distribution of food supplies into and out of Canada are collapsing.
Pay attention to the scale of impact in this example. It will only take a few days for this to go from a problem to a full-blown crisis of epic proportions.
“Absolutely Insane”: New California Bill Will Let Children 12 And Up Get COVID-19 Vaccine Without Parent’s Approval
A new bill was introduced Thursday to the California Senate that would allow children 12 and older to be vaccinated for COVID-19 without a parent’s approval.
Under the new bill (SB 866), introduced by Democrat Senator Scott Wiener, it would also not be a legal requirement for parents to know that their child has received the vaccine.
Many parents strongly object to the new proposal, raising concerns about the risks of side effects such as heart inflammation seen mostly in boys and young men.
Dan McDunn, a Berkeley resident, has kids at Berkeley High and Willard Middle School who will not be vaccinated against COVID-19. He calls Wiener’s bill “absolutely insane” and says it takes away his parental rights over his children’s health.
Physical therapist, 28, working at a senior living facility in Indiana dies two days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine
A physical therapist died at her home in January just two days after she received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Haley Link Brinkmeyer, 28, died January 21 after she received an mRNA shot believed to be either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, according to the COVID Blog.
The blog, which is operated by COVID Legal USA, aims to publish articles that minimize the effectiveness of masks and vaccines amid the pandemic and helps people file litigation against companies enforcing mandatory vaccine policies.
Brinkmeyer's death shocked her family, her mother Shauna O'Neill Link told the blog.
In what appears to be a Facebook comment to another user, Link allegedly spread conspiracy theories that the vaccine was created for 'depopulation.'
'My 28 year old daughter took the vaccine on a Tuesday and she was dead by Thursday,' Link allegedly said in the comment, which was shared by the blog.
Shot Down? U.S. Military Cargo Plane "Disappears" from Flight Tracking After Leaving Ukraine and Violating Russia Air Space -- Russian Fighter "APPEARS" Over Kiev!
An air cargo jet operating under US Transportation Command, took off from Kiev, Ukraine after delivering 200,000 pounds of Ammunition. It then violated the air space of Belarus, violated Russian Air Space and "disappeared" from flight tracking as it entered Kazakhstan. Was it shot down?
The flight, National Airlines Charter Flight NCR574 for STATE/DOD, landed late last night in Kiev, Ukraine to offload two hundred thousand pounds of ammunition; part of the "lethal" aid being given to Ukraine by the United States.
CHINA COLONEL ON TV: Will Sink US Aircraft Carriers, Escalate Immediately to Nuclear War with USA
A senior Colonel with China's People's Liberation Army went on state-owned broadcast CCTV television last night and warned that if the US comes to the aid of Taiwan in any conflict, US Aircraft Carriers would be sunk in the South China Sea and China would go immediately to full scale Nuclear War.
Senior Colonel Fang Bin then openly asked "If the US wants to reformat the earth through nuclear war?"
Pfizer CEO paints ‘ideal’ future of Covid vaccination
Albert Bourla hopes the idea of annual vaccinations will be far easier to sell to the public
The CEO of Pfizer has tried to appease vaccine skeptics with an idea of Covid-19 booster shots only once a year – instead of every few months – all while attacking the most vocal anti-vaxxers as “criminals” who “profit from circulating misinformation.”
In a series of interviews with Israeli TV channels, Albert Bourla said it would “not be a good scenario” if people were to get boosters every four to five months. “What I'm hoping [is] that we will have a vaccine that you will have to do once a year,” he told Channel 12 news on Saturday.
School children told cloth masks no longer good enough
Los Angeles school children will be forced to wear non-cloth masks ‘at all times’
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has implemented even stricter mask rules for school children, now requiring students to wear surgical and other high-grade face coverings instead of more comfortable cloth masks.
The school district announced that, from Monday, “masking will be required at all times, indoors and outdoors,” and children will be required to wear “well-fitting, non-cloth masks with a nose wire.”
Germany Roiled By "Political Earthquake": Navy Chief Resigns After Saying "Putin Deserves Respect", Warning China Is "Not A Nice Country"
Just as the covid narrative is slowly disintegrating even as its MSM propaganda powers "cancel" anyone who dares to speak out against the lies - so the "Russia is about to invade Ukraine" plotline just suffered a major blow after the chief of Germany's navy, vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach , said on Friday that Crimea “will never come back”, and that what Putin “really wants is respect...and it is easy to give him the respect he really demands - and probably deserves."
And sure enough, just one day later, on Saturday evening, he resigned from his post for having the temerity to speak out against conventional wisdom.
Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat
Parents who bought their children the Oculus Quest 2 for Christmascould be in for a surprise as there have been several instances of child grooming within one of the virtual reality headset's most popular chatroom services VRChat.
VRChat is an online virtual world platform where users get their first taste of the metaverse and use full-body avatars to conceal their identity. There have been instances of child abuse, harassment, racism, and pornography on the popular chatroom service.
One clip shared by the YouTuber "VSF Studios" shares several instances of a massive problem in VRChat: child exploitation and sexualization.
Hundreds of deep sea fish wash up dead on Puerto Vallarta Beach in Mexico (videos and pictures) – A consequence of Tonga eruption or a sign of worse to come?
Hundreds of dead fish washed up dead on Palmares Beach in the city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on January 18, 2022.
Fishermen indicated that it is not common to see these species near the beach, since these fish normally live in the deep ocean (40m-600m or 130ft-1930ft).
About 200 largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) have been counted. They are small (40-60cm in length), elongated and have sharp teeth!
After the overdue Cascadia mega earthquake tsunami, Pacific Northwest residents will only have 10 minutes to evacuate; not 12 hours like after Tonga eruption
Last weekend’s undersea volcanic explosion near Tonga devastated the island nation and sent small tsunami waves to Washington’s ocean coast. Those waves took about 12 hours to reach the state and gave residents plenty of time to prepare if they had been bigger.
Those same residents would have only 10 minutes to evacuate for waves up to 100-feet-high that would hit them following a massive earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone. Some might not get that much time. Ground sinking below their feet might flood during a magnitude 9 quake.
America Is Risking 'Cybergeddon' Over War With Russia: Cyber Warfare Is An Existential Threat That Could Explode The World's Powder Keg With Catastrophic Consequences
- 'One Coordinated Cyberattack Could Shut Down 80% Of The U.S. Electrical Grid'
“Be afraid and expect the worst” is Russia’s cyber-warning to Ukraine, flashed to Ukrainian government websites on Thursday, Jan. 13, just hours after U.S. and NATO meetings with Russian officials failed to resolve an escalating international crisis that could become World War III.
Russia is postured to invade Ukraine and could overrun NATO’s frontline states in eastern Europe in 72 hours. Simultaneously, China is postured to annex Taiwan and the South China Sea. On Jan. 9, with China’s approval and support, Russian troops poured into mineral-rich Kazakhstan, like Ukraine, formerly part of the Soviet Union, in an alleged “peacekeeping mission.”
Now and over the past year, both Russia and China have been hurling nuclear threats. Foolishly, the Biden administration has been publicly threatening to retaliate for aggression against Ukraine by Cyber Warfare.
Tel Aviv gives green light for the construction of what some say is a “Modern Day” Tower of Babel
The Tel Aviv local planning and building committee gave the final go-ahead for the construction of the 91-story Spiral Tower being planned by the Azrieli group.
Construction on the 1,150-foot tall structure is expected to take four years at an estimated cost of $800 million The Azrieli Group, an Israeli real estate, and holding company, announced their plan to build Israel’s tallest building as an addition to their already impressive Azrieli Center Complex in Tel Aviv.
The new tower will take its place next to the iconic circle, square, and triangle towers that make up the Azrieli Complex. By building the Spiral Tower, the Azrieli Group will compete with itself as they built the current tallest building in Israel, The Azrieli Sarona Tower which stands 782 feet high with 53 floors, just four years ago.
The procession of freedom loving Canadians dominate downtown Toronto above Queen Street

In the Netherlands, museums and concert halls have temporarily turned into beauty salons and gyms in protest against the coronavirus restrictions of the Dutch government

Thank you for bringing all these articles together every day. I follow many of the links and learn a lot.